Japanese Dog Merchandise



  • Yes, he's had two complete thyroid panels; I'm not a big fan of Dr Dodds and am not convinced she's right about low normal not being good enough. I've had about 25 Akitas living with me over 22 years and more boarding as rescues; I always did complete thyroid panels. All were low normal except one who was mildly hypothyroid and was put on meds--didn't notice a bit of difference. And my 50/50 was below normal, took part in thyroid research involving ultrasound of the thyroid gland and many blood tests and hands-on exam; also complete panel at MSU--she was considered normal by the endocrinologists and was basically healthy until she had a tumor that grew when she was 12 or so and prevented her eating, euthanized at 13-1/2. One of the best-natured Akitas I've had. Oh, and one poor old dude who bit a couple people, not aggressive in general, unfortunate incidents when he was very sick. I kept him away from people as I do Bubba, from most people.

    Bubba didn't have micro as there was no organized eye tissue or globe--this is called anophthalmia and might be a developmental accident, e.g. the dam was exposed to some environmental toxin on the day the eyes were to develop in the fetus. By the way, he was examined by four vet ophthalmologists at UC Davis and my vet ophthalmologist--none had seen anything like this. The cysts were big lumpy things behind the skin around his eye socket, must have been painful from pressure. We don't know his background except he was turned in to a vet in farming country when he was about 3 months old. Japanese gear is a funny discussion to post this in--sorry.
  • Well, I'll continue the hijack for a bit longer :) I know not everyone agrees with Dr. Dodds--my vets didn't at first, but they've seen so much improvement in treating dogs at low normal that they've become very reluctant converts (they're pretty old school in general). But it's obviously not that in this case. I just always think about that first with aggression, given how the link is well documented even by people beyond Dodds.

    anyway, good luck with him!
  • Not that in this case, but I always got a full thyroid panel right away on every Akita I took in. Really, almost all were low normal and the ones who had people aggression, Bubba and the old sick guy, didn't have really low normals. I'd have to look, but Bubba's may be normal-normal. I objected to Dr Dodds because I never heard her talk about sick euthyroid syndrome, when dogs have temporarily lowered thyroid levels to help them deal with a health problem. Although their levels are low, it would be the wrong thing to give them thyroid meds when their levels are lowered for a purpose. Those dogs will have their levels return to normal once the concurrent health problems resolves. And perhaps those dogs are grumpy because of their other illness, not because of their low thyroid levels. I also prefer my vet because she knows my dogs well and that means more to me than someone reading numbers off a paper. I also know of Akitas who were harmed by being put on thyroid meds when they didn't really need them. I'd just go case by case about supplementing, and I don't think Bubba needs it. He just got his board-certified radiologist report back and he has beginning HD; I'm sure that's some of his pain and the reason he no longer wants to do certain things, like getting into the car.
  • edited March 2012
    Are you still giving Synovi?
    He's beautiful and I love the latest picture.
    Do you have a ramp?
  • Me? I never gave Synovi. I don't have a ramp, not room to use one in most places, including my driveway; but I've been thinking about getting some sort of sturdy box or stool he could use as an intermediate step, hopefully something that could fit between the front and back seats or fold up. I have a fold-up stool but it's not sturdy enough.
  • edited November 2012
    @poeticdragon hey! For the show collars, does male and female have different colors or are they just made differently? Also, can I just buy the black version and use that as a show collar? Or is that like, not cool. (it's cheaper, thats why i ask)
  • I am going to want all of those Kishu things.

    ...and everything else with a cute dog on it, please.
  • same color for male and female. just different size for collar and thickness for leash. they have male collar, female collar, male leash, unisex leash,female leash.

    you can use black,purple,silver for brindle.

  • Hmmmm - they don't ship outside Japan.... @WrylyBrindle - I'm seeing a great opportunity for you here in the U.S...... with all your wonderful artwork skills - throw them on some mugs and some key chains........ maybe some sweatshirts....
  • Haha that's great idea. :)

    You can do kai ken, shiba, kishu, shikoku, Hokkaido, American and Japanese Akita products.. I wouldn't mind having a shirt or coffee mug with shiba or kai ken on it.
  • I work in fashion industry and I have person who travels to Japan atleast 3 times a year.(mainly Tokyo)

    and I have distributor there so i can have them order and pick it up.

    I can help if anyone really need to buy stuff from adachiya.
  • edited November 2012
    @jellyfart Aww crap why did you have to bump this! I never saw this thread before... I'm going to go broke now :[

    I really like the orange color, it'd complement Ren's kuro-tora nicely. Are the collars with three gold rings show collars? One main ring attached to the collar, and then two gold rings attached to the first ring
  • edited November 2012
    Yes, the rolled leather collars with "three rings" are the show collars. In Akitas, supposedly gold is for red dogs and silver is for brindle or white dogs, but I'm sure nobody will care. (I bought a gold male and gold female collar with matching leash; no silver.)
  • Awesome sauce! I might definitly hit you up @timkim! I want to get either silver or black, cant decide
  • edited November 2012
    It's amazing but there is really nothing like them outside of Japan. Besides Tony's lead here almost everything I find on the web is flat leather or just to much bling. I'm kinda expected to find a harness with spinners on them.

    I did find this and I might get it.



  • yeah. Let me know.

  • I actually really, really like this collar @mapletwinkie found. I like flat collars because I find them masculine, and I like loud designs and shiny metal because they photograph well, but the problem with those two things is people usually make collars that fall into the stereotype of "ghetto collars for my pitbull who will maul you on my command". (nothing against pitts, and obviously i'm not be politically correct, haha).


    Apparently this is a Tosa collar and the flower is a crysthamimum (terribly misspelled, too lazy to do the research). Supposed to have a historical reference. I'd like to do some more research, but like I said, too lazy at the moment, teehee
  • oh oh oh!!! AND THIS

  • Love that leash!
  • edited November 2012
    @jellyfart : There are a few others on that site that I like too, but the one above is my FAVE and i'm totally gonna get that made for my JA :)

    I love the loud, big, flat collars too. The ones from OLI collars are tasteful in a " I'm a crazy ancient SHOGUN Warrior" kind of way. ( Although there are others that do scream ghetto bulldog, lol ). I think he definately captured the feel of the Old World JA collars.

    (My JA will be named after a Samurai who comes from my family's village, Saigo Takamori - so an old style collar will be fitting :D )
  • http://members2.jcom.home.ne.jp/adachiya/tosa.html
    very simular one but this is way tooooo expensive!!!!!!

    o and My co worker will go to japan on Dec 1st. i need to inform them to buy it atleast 1-2 weeks before because he is only staying there for 1-2 days.

    They usually order by phone and have them ship to their office and my co worker pick it up when he go there.

    Let me know if you guys need anything.

  • Build a bear shiba! Too bad it's Japan only..

  • I sewed a stuffed animal or two in my day...someday im making brindle dogs. Ears Up, Ears down, that does it!
  • edited November 2012
    @*JackBurton* Wow thats a pretty sweet leash, interesting pattern to it and technique. Similar to weaving lanyards from back in grade school.

    @Saya @WrylyBrindle Mannn they have the coolest stuff in Japan, we get the same old-same old here lol. It'd be cool to see how your's would turn out Wryly
  • lol, man don't show my hubby the superman collar - Kunai would immediately be sporting that one!!! lol That's pretty cool!
  • @jellyfart... where did you find the superman collar, my bf saw it and thinks he might want to get it for my dog.

    @ carabooA ...lol i failed where you succeeded
  • edited November 2012
    The maker is in the photo... http://www.olicollars.com/ http://www.etsy.com/shop/olicollars

    I personally like this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/79241645/akita-collar

    I'm thinking of asking my hubby for this for x-mas. I really like the old style look. I also like that, as with traditional Japanese collars, the leash attachment point is opposite from the buckle not next to it -- it creates a more balanced look. I wonder how the double collar will affect Ghidora's "ruff" for photos? (Cause only Ghidora could wear this... I'd feel silly putting it on one of the girls!)

    In general I find it difficult to get collars that the attachment point is not next to the buckle. So all of the oli collars are nice for that reason.
  • oh ok.... i couldnt see the words. might need dad to check my eyes sooner...
  • edited November 2012
    @poeticdragon , I read somewhere that the double collar is made especially for the long hairs on the akita's neck. Is Ghidora extra fluffy? I think he'd look gorgeous in the black & silver. :) It's definately a boys' collar!
  • There are some companies that will buy from japanese stores for you and then ship to the US. I forget the name of the one I used in the past, but anther one is call "white rabbit express". You can google "japanese buying service" to see others.
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