So names, I am taking suggestions for a little girl...



  • Sayuri is a cute name :) I agree~
  • I see you've narrowed it down but I thought I'd throw a few in the mix =)

    Ume: "plum".
    Sakura: "cherry blossom"
    Etsu: "delight"
    Kohana: "a little flower"
  • Maybe she is from Awaji island? I used to live right across from there in Akashi. A short trip on the famous Tako (octopus) ferry!
  • edited November 2012
    Woot! I'm glad Sayuri is high on your list! :)
  • I would love to own Bengal someday. My parents had Ocicat but I like more the Bengals. Their coat looks much cooler.
  • @MirkaM if you don't like talkative cats a bengal is definitely not for you. I underestimated "talkative," thankfully she mainly makes other noises, not meows so much but still plenty of those. We have "conversations" together. I adjusted but she drove me batty for a while. If you don't mind being meowed at a lot they are very social sweet cats. And SUPER SOFT, like rabbit fur. Kinda doggy for a cat though, follows you from room to room and she growls when someone knocks on the door, then runs to it or tries to look out the window. Still a cat at heart, she visits all the company but sits 2 inches out of petting range unless you are one of her preferred house guests, then she sits laying against you but 99.99999% never in your lap.
  • And yes Sayuri is high i like it, a lot of people like it. And Arashi is a little hard to say with the R/L thing
  • edited November 2012
    My vote is Sayuri! It's an elegant name and just "fits" for a cat. Mitsune is almost the Japanese version of "John" or "Mike", everyone knows a John or Mike. I've seen quite a few Japan fans with pets named Mitsune or Kitsune, I like unique names.

    @jellyfart Abita eh, are you a Purple Haze drinker? lol
  • @lizzysilvertongue Oh, I'm falling in love to this breed more and more! They sound to be lot like Ocicats.
  • @cezieg ha! I'm glad someone got the reference. My boyfriend actually suggested this, and he is the andygator drinker. Me? I drink stouts. All those other beers are watery and taste like bread.
  • Lizzy does Shadi play with dogs? One of my friends has a bengal and my sister has a half-bengal (orange tabby x bengal), both will play harder than their dogs do!

    @jellyfart I stand by Guinness on tap being one of the best things in existence lol. Dark and malty is the way to go! Pumpkin stouts and chocolate stouts are one of the best parts of winter :) Try Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout and Dogfish Head Bitches Brew (limited production yearly Miles Davis namesake) if you ever get the chance, you'll be glad you did!
  • Shadi LOVES my roommates chihuahua. Boh (chihuahua) gets tired of playing before the cat does. She absolutely hates other cats now tho :/ don't know why she was real friendly with them last Christmas but around spring break just growls at other cats (couple of failed kitty play dates)

    However dogs that bulldozer her over she doesn't care for, she sits out of reach and watches.

    Hoping she will bond with the shikoku puppy, and be playmates and snuggle buddies.
  • I really like Zumi and I would use that for a future dog. It's cute, especially for a pup that gets the zoomies.
  • @cezieg ooo that sounds exquisite. I actually have never had a pumpkin stout, any recommendations? (not meaning to hijack this thread, of course, lol)
  • @lizzysilvertongue haha that's awesome. I foresee her getting along very well with the puppy, it's moreso the puppy you should be worried about! Sometimes cats forget how sharp they are haha.

    @jellyfart Four Peaks Pumpkin Porter is the only one I know of, I'll have to invite some buddies to World of Beer and see if we can find some more!
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