Ugh Akuma Gross!



  • Akuma does this thing where he sticks his nose right by my face looks at me for a while then exhales his breath out his nose and gets his wet nose on my face. Then after he eats he comes and finds my wife and I and burps in our face. " see guys I do eat my food "
  • @cdenney LOL ahhhh the joys of dog ownership
  • edited December 2012
    Ahahaha, this thread is amazing... Akuma for sure knows how to prank :P
  • @Tajo he definitely does but we love him!
  • Farts Mcgee strikes again! Now with homemade chemical weapon Farts'o'fear.

    But seriously though I was napping and she was chilling in my room, pizza guy rings the doorbell. Landlords dog barks his vocal cords out three strange voices outside of my room and the most terrible stink arises. Woke the dead, asleep, in a hurry and the people in the hall move deeper in the house. My room now has a subtle gagging smell.
  • Best of all the "chemical alarms" is a little squeaking noise or wet rasberry at the end when it is too late to escape.
  • @cdenney haha that is so gross. Akuma farted when I was laying on our couch thing twice. The smell wafted up the covers and he just looked at me like can you smell that? I have had him in his crate for a few hours with the door shut and when I open the door it's like a wall of farts. Maybe Akuma's chemical weapon will be called wall 'o' farts lol.
  • @rafatturi i feel you on the contained smell, my room three hours later still has a serious after smell, now mixed with Apple cider as I lit an infuser to try and cover the smell. It is oddly worse now. I fear that wintry day where it is too cold to roll down the windows and she let's one rip. It haunts my dreams.
  • @rafatturi
    In my opinion this funny things give a lot of strength to the connection with your dog :)
  • @cdenney yeah no kidding makes me shiver!

    @tajo I agree, even though Akuma's farts make the paint peel off the walls I still love him a ton!
  • I think if I ever go camping I will get Akuma a separate tent. UGH he just dropped a bomb....WOW!
  • Hahahaha, this thread is hilarious.

    My Lapphund doesn't fart much... but she definitely does the burp-in-your-face thing. Always has. When she does happen to fart, she usually looks at her butt with the "...The heck was that?" look.
  • @Trzcina Akuma had some bad poop the other day which I thought was funny because it was so loud! Akuma would do the same thing and look back with the "um what was that" look haha oh Akuma.
  • Does anyone have any tips besides sweep potatoes for soft poop? Usually Akuma has one good poop then a really soft follow up poop.
  • edited February 2013
    What's he eat? Maybe his food isn't quite agreeing with him.
    I usually add prebiotics and probiotics if Conker has a digestive problem. The prebiotic I use is ground roasted chicory root that I get at my local herb/hippie shop, it acts as fuel for the probiotics which I just get at the grocery store for humans (acidophilus). Those two combined work really well, but for certain types of digestive problems I can use just one or the other. I've gotten good at being able to tell them apart...

    Conker has deathfarts. They are HORRID, and I have yet to find a food that doesn't cause them, but chicken seems to be the worst offender. He also burps after he eats, and due to some other digestive issues I've noticed, I am beginning to think that he's got a slight acid reflux problem as well.
  • FARTS. Wow, you all reek with maturity :\"> my grandma had a shnoodle names snuggles, and she would get upset if we acknowledged her farts. she must have done the same with snugbug because if you farted around him(or HE farted!) he'd run out of the room. kinda mean, when he barked too much we blew raspberries to make him stop.
  • Metamucil!
  • Sachi propped herself up on my leg for a good back scratch and let a little whistle out of her butt. One of the goldens came to investigate as it continued he folded his ears back and actually backed off at her fart. Yeah, that's my dog, so toxic not even other dogs want to smell that butt.
  • Grayson has THE worse farts... always silent killers lol watching TV and poof, you choke on it lol! When I switched him to the fish flavored kibble, it multiplied in frequency and strength lollll
    I usually wave something, and he just gives me an innocent peek from the corner of his eyes...
  • Hana sometimes farts as she jumps up onto the couch and stuff. Too much ab squeeze. hahaha
  • Hahaha, it's so funny everyone has some good fart stories about their dog/s
  • I have to revive I am typing, Grayson is at least 10 feet away and I got a huge whiff of a fart. Terrible, breath-taking silent ones. lol

    Does anyone have food suggestions to help this? He's currently eating Orijen 6 fish, which has exponentially increased/worsened the farting. I tried a bit of plain yogurt in the morning which helped at first but now doesn't seem to do much...
  • Pumpkin seemed to helped Akuma a little with farting, he gets a spoonful of plain yogurt in the morning too. I cut fish oil down to every other day but he still shoots those silent deadly ones sometimes or the best, the loud ones where he looks back at his butt like what was that. It doesn't seem to be as frequent anymore though.
    A good story of another gross thing is one morning Akuma jumped on the bed, which he doesn't do too often (I think he gets overheated with us and the blankets so he likes his bed on the floor) put his face close to mine and sneezeburpbarfed and blew chunks of kibble in my chunk on my mouth. If it was a wake up call, it worked well. ;) He had nothing else weird or wrong before or after it happened. I think he just thought it would be a good way to get me out of bed.
  • Miko goes to the Kitchen and farts and comes back. Shes sort of a prude about farts and is rather polite. So far...
  • @MikoChan Lucky lucky! She's a thoughtful one, usually Akuma will make sure he's next to us and rip one then he'll leave the room and leave us with the stench...
  • Meitou farted in the potty area at puppy class. It was smelly, but not his worst. The entire time I was mentally chanting "Please don't let anyone notice. Please don't let anyone notice. Please don't let anyone notice."

    No one said anything, so...I guess it worked?
  • I feel like this is an odd thing to share, but... Meitou's farts smell exactly like hotdogs. It makes me glad I don't like hotdogs, lol.
  • Hahahahaha @WhoBitMe....I think that was the best comment to revive this thread with.
  • @rafatturi Why, thank you. :) Since I experience it every day I felt others should know my pain, lol.
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