Keiko - Keshisuki's Kanzakura's 1st Birthday! updated with new pics!!

edited March 2014 in Akita (秋田犬)
We picked up our JA pup, Keiko (sister of @venus Eris) this morning :)

The 2hr journey went well and she didn't have any accidents or cry at all. Obviously she has been a little distressed but she seems to be settling in well. She's not eating much at the moment but that's normal for a newly homed pup.

Training has started from the second she got home. So far no potty accidents (fingers crossed) She's a real fuss pot and loves a good tummy rub!! She is sleeping well but will sleep anywhere apart from her new (expensive) bed lol!



  • congratss!!!
  • Gah! She's so cute I can't handle it.
  • Congratulations! She's adorable :)
  • Congratulations on your new puppy!
  • awesome congrats on the new addition
  • Beautiful little girl ! Congrats !
  • Congratulations! She's so cute :) All of these awesome JA that are popping up are making my Shikoku vs JA choice that much more difficult lol
  • Thought I'd update with some more pics and info! She is settling in nicely and the more she becomes accustomed to us the more mischievous she gets lol! She is not sleeping right through the night at the moment but we are only having to get up with her once a night in between she sleeps for 3-5 hours at a time so not too bad. Like @maru 's Miyuki she is fine being left on her own until we close the pet gate/crate door and she can't move freely around the house. Hopefully she will adjust soon! Her appetite is up and we already have got her sitting for treats, toys and to go outside although she does have selective hearing sometimes and just walks off !

    So far she is a pleasure (we'll see how long that lasts lol!), she seems to be unfazed by noises and people and sleeps like a log. I don't think she will make a guard dog anytime soon though as when someone knocked the door and she was just sitting down she looked up briefly and then just lay down and went to sleep! :)

    If any of you have any tips on how to get her settled when in a enclosed space away from us and to eventually get her to sleep through the night your advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)

  • edited May 2013
    So cute! :D We already had a couple of dogs when we got our TRD pup. He was kenneled in the living room where their beds are. Not a peep came from him that I ever heard. I know pups usually dislike being alone and will let you know about it! Some people recommend providing a hot water bottle and clock (both) covered by a blanket, but I've never tried this. I would suggest keeping her with people until she gets a little older. Chews toys and treats should help keep her busy when you're out.
  • Adorable puppy! Congrats!

    (...and I also can't just let it go by without lauding that someone spelled 'unfazed' correctly :) )

    Brindle is better! Banzai!
  • she is looking very settled, her sister as been no trouble either. we haven't had one sleepless night with her. but we do have the advantage of been a multiple dog household and they are all crated in the dog room together. I think that helps a lot.
  • Ehrmagerd, another brindle! Congrats, she looks very nice and fluffy <3
  • Congratulations! She's a cutie! :)
  • Thank You! Thought I'd do another little update with some more pics! She is 10 weeks old now and really settled with us! She is sleeping though the night now and she just plays in her pen until we get up if she wakes up before us! She is addicted to eating anything and everything in the garden so has to be watched closely so she doesn't eat stones and dirt. She barked for the first time a couple of days ago and hasn't done it since so I'm guessing she isn't a fan of it (hopefully that's how it will stay) even when the neighbors dog is barking she just stays chilling in the garden lol! She is very bitey at the moment and no low hanging cardigans or feet are safe but we are using redirection, stopping play and trying to teach bite inhibition with a little success so far but hopefully with perseverance she will catch on sometimes it really depends on how excited she is.

    She is a little sweet heart who is a sucker for a belly rub and loves meeting new people! Although she has her mischievous moments and has taken to picking up one of her toys taking it over to something she knows she isn't allowed to chew and chew the toy right next to it and then suddenly move on to the forbidden item so she is definitely one to watch! ;) I can't wait until she is fully vaccinated and I can take her to the park! She is still unfazed by most things; although she is scared of the washing up bowl which is funny when things like the vacuum, lawn mower etc don't bother her lol :-/ If any of you have any other techniques I can use with regards to the bite inhibition once again advice is very welcome! :)

  • love how her and Eris both take toys to where they want to chew something they shouldn't with Eris its the fireplace.
  • @venus Keiko uses the toy trick to try and get to the shelves of our TV unit although she is now making a beeline for my husbands xbox although I might let her get to that! :))
  • Eris as attempted to eat the button off a play station controller might teach my son not to leave it laying around, although i won't hold my breath it didn't teach him when Athena ate his things
  • i love the older pic of her on her dog bed. when she is full grown we need a comparison!
  • Just thought I would update now that Keiko is 4 months. She is a wonderful pup and her personality is really starting to come through. She has lost three teeth so far so her chewing has gone through the roof at the moment while her gums are hurting. She seems to be half cow and has a thing for eating grass and sometimes dirt; she has wised up to us bringing her inside when she eats dirt and now has us chasing her around the garden trying to catch her :))

    She is a lovely affectionate pup who is cheeky and mischievous. Her training is going well and she is learning some really good behaviors although she has around one day a week where it all seems to go out the window and she is naughty lol I have decided I would like to start showing her so we are attending ring craft classes from Monday and fingers crossed she wont be having one of her naughty days ;)

    falling asleep on her toy after a day out!
    Eating my garden lol!
    Me on a walk with Keiko
    Attempting to catch a fly!
  • Omg, she is made of cute and fluffy! Love your tiger <3
  • She is adorable! Love the updates!
  • Saigo used to love eating dirt, grass and even tried eating gravel. This went away around 5 months. I had to keep an eye on him and blast him with my water gun when he did. It worked, and he stopped.
  • very nice. love 1st pic.
  • Hi all thought I'd do another update as Keiko approaches the 6 month mark! The time has flown by and she is growing into a friendly, loving, mischievous and sometimes lazy puppy. She is doing really well at ringcraft class and we have won ribbons at each class we have been to in the mock show! I plan on entering her into a local open show in November, we just need to work on her having her mouth examined as she always backs away, a behaviour that began when her teeth started coming out. She has lost all of her puppy teeth now her adult ones are almost all the way through!

    She absolutely loves people and even wags her tail when we have our groceries delivered at the delivery guys! I have changed her to a raw diet and she is doing really well on it. I changed her because she kept getting tummy upsets and it has really helped, her coat looks amazing too so glossy! She is very stubborn as expected especially when I want to get her in from the garden she will not come unless she can see a treat/toy in my hand. Her bite drive increased when she was teething but we have really managed to get a handle on it and folding arms and ignoring seems to work well.

    The thing I wanted to ask was about 'burying' treats. Keiko keeps burying paddywacks, pigs ears and occasionally bones in her bed and once in my bed. She has only started doing in recently and will moan if she cant get to a place where she wants to bury the treat. Have any of you experienced this?


    Plotting how she can eat the sheep!

    Some off lead play time with some of her dog friends!

    Watching the birds!

    Show stance!

    Lazy days!

    Trying to show me she can walk herself!
  • Cute pictures :-) :-) :-)
  • @toshi Thank you I'm obsessed with taking pictures of her! :)
  • Hubble always digs holes in the garden then drops his treats in to save for later, must run in the family haha, as I just said in Eris' thread, both your pups look huge compared to Hubble! Keiko is lovely though and has the same white markings as Hubble does, would get them mixed up if Hubble wasn't so small! Love the pic of her laying on the toy like "what?"
  • That's a Nice JA! I love the double curl tail, like Eris', and the richness of her color (many brindle JA seem rather diluted/washed out to me) - I like that she can get out and play off lead with the other dogs, too. Really nice. :) Good job with her!
  • @WrylyBrindle thank you! I only let her off lead if we are with other off lead dogs that we walk with as I know she will follow them, although she did get out of her harness once and there was a moment of panic where we both just stood and looked at each other like a show down! Luckily as I moved towards her she just ran straight to me! I love her double curled tail too!

    @Hubble digging certainly runs in the family my gardens full of holes and paddywacks lol I saw from the pics you posted their white markings are so similar the same as their moms!
  • yes the hole digging does seem to be a trait one Eris is very proud of, although she isn't very good and the burying thing. huge holes toy throw in and left is her idea of burying something
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