
  • edited December 2018
  • Awww, he's so handsome and so big! I can't wait for another meetup so that Hanzo gets to see his Shikoku buddy.
  • @dragonfly lol they can be such little monsters can't they! I'll have to try the getting down to his level thing.
  • He so cute!!
  • @NavyDog i think it varies not sure if all allow it, but doesn't hurt to ask and if yes great. I been to like three or so lowes in the surrounding area and they allowed Saya I asked before coming in and they say dogs are fine.
  • edited December 2018
  • Kiyoshi looks great!
  • He's turning out to be a good lookin' dog! Coincidentally his brother is VERY food motivated. Maybe it has something to do with competition with the other dogs but he's very eager to please and perks up for food. I have a problem with him being dog reactive and aloof towards strangers too so maybe we've got some genetic predispositions we are both working through. Kurama will just pull on his martingale collar until he starts gasping for air so I know I need to work with him alone regarding loose leash walking. My problem is I've just began recovering from a viral bug going around causing respiratory illness in the household. :(

  • edited December 2018
  • waw he's getting so handsome!
  • edited December 2018
  • Chinchillas!

    Kiyoshi is a stunning dog. And he looks so happy. :) Those are some great pictures. I particularly like the one of him lying on his back with his teeth showing and the cuddling picture. But they're all fantastic.
  • He is looking great! :) I am glad that he has started to calm down around the Chinchillas, too. (They are so freaking adorable!)
  • Great pictures! He's settled down very nicely, you've done very well with him! I'm glad that the backpack works for him! Can't wait to see you both again.
  • edited December 2018
  • I didn't know that's how he got the cut on his nose.. Poor boy.. We had a husky at the rescue I used to work at that was deathly afraid of spray bottles because of a person over using one on him. I've never like em, I use em for Yucca to keep her cool when it's hot out. It would be horrible if she was scared of me using it.
  • edited December 2018
  • Aw, I'm sorry Kiyoshi had such a bad experience. It's really frustrating thinking someone is trustworthy and then having things backfire like that.
  • edited December 2018
  • ugh- that's really upsetting. People you can trust with our dogs are gold. >:(

    My favorite is the upside down photo... hee hee!
  • Thanks @WhoBitMe

    At first I was like "eh it could have happened to anyone" with the scrape on the nose thing...but then I saw the muzzle, discovered his cut toes, and his new found fear of spray bottles...and that made me pretty mad. Never again, that's for sure.
    Sucks, hopefully with time hell come around. For sure that looks like a scar from a muzzle. Kinda pissed me off. Especially if he was muzzled and then put out with the rest of the males. I bet he was super stressed ... But the good thing is you found out before it might've gotten worse. Make sure you yelp the guy, and warn others .

  • edited December 2018
  • edited December 2018
  • edited July 2014
    Great pictures! How did Kiyoshi do at the Barn Hunt? Meitou is kind of a spaz and mostly just wants to roll in all the smells, lol. And Meitou is suspicious of horses, too. Well, until they pass us and he gets a good whiff and then he acts like "Wait! Come back! I like to roll in your smell! Poop for meeeee!" He is even more suspicious of cows, and he has seen more of them than horses, lol.
  • edited July 2014
    Love the photos! He is so handsome :]
  • edited December 2018
  • From one who has not made the discovery of Facebook, it's great to see some Kiyoshi spam. :) He's looking great! And that Batman collar is awesome.
  • edited December 2014
    Kyoto has matured beautifully. Love his look and expression. So cool you got a picture with Shorty! Was he in town for an expo to promote pitties?

  • edited December 2018
  • Kiyoshi is such a sweet boy! I do enjoy seeing his Facebook posts and updates. :)
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