Our Fence Gets Installed Friday!!!

edited April 2008 in General

We have been waiting forever for our fence to be installed, we had to wait for the ground to thaw and then for the lumber to start coming in.

Our fence guy met with us today and he said he will start Friday and should be done by the end of next week! Finally the dogs will get to spend some time outside, we have been hating it for them being stuck in here with us.

We should have about a half an acre fenced in and that will include a small gated "sub-area" for the Shibas to hang out in, so they don't get trampled by the big pups - they don't really like Ahi and Loa's play style. Their area is roughly 70' x 70' so they will still have lots of room... not to imply they will spend all their time in that... they will probably still chill with us inside.

We plan to just leave the back door open so all of them can come and go as they please.

We also have five 5'x5' covered pens being built next to the house, just to keep some of the pups in for a few hours a day, like if we run to lunch or something, or if a pup needs a timeout (also for when Loa or Lani are in heat)... only if its warm outside, of course.

They will also always spend the night inside with us.

Anyways, we are super stoked!!!!



  • edited November -1
    Woohoo sounds like a great plan. I can't wait to see pictures.
  • edited November -1
    Sounds awesome!  I'm dreaming up my future set-up, which is sounds like will be similar to yours.  One big area and then some kennel runs for when I'm out or non-doggie types come over.  You will have to post pictures.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, that sounds really amazing!!!!
  • edited November -1
    sounds incredible!! your dogs are super lucky!
  • edited November -1
    Absolutely. I bet your pups are going to love it. I'm sure I would if I was a dog! :-) Make sure to take lots of before, after, and during pictures.
  • edited November -1

    Thanx guys! I plan to take a bunch of pics... I want to get on the roof and take some pics from above to give an idea of the layout and all.

    We had to scale back the plan some due to the expense of Ahi's surgery and things, but it will still be a super nice play area for the dogs. Once we have it built we need to get some type of covered area so they have a place to lay in the shade. We also plan to plant some trees, just a few.

  • edited April 2008

    So once this is in, do you plan to expand the pack??

    you can
    make it an educational sanctuary so people would not be so inclined to
    impulse buy a puppy that they wouldn't be able to handle as an adult.

    Today there are two 'free to good home' adult akitas who were outdoor dogs 24/7 in our local paper. Poor things.  

  • edited November -1

    It sounds great Brad.  However the thought of an open door policy worries me, just because I have heard so many stories of dogs going over or under fences.

    Then again, you guys are home all day, so you will have a constant eye on them.

  • edited November -1

    Jen - Other than the male Akita later this year that we are getting from Emilie there are no those plans for more pack mates... I think we have added enough dogs for now.

    Brandon - Is your concern other dogs coming into our yard, or our dogs getting out?

    We have given the fence a lot of thought and our fence guy will be using a type of wire that gets berried in the ground a bit to help prevent the digging. We have also been considering adding "Coyote Rollers" (thanx to Patty for posting about them) to help keep dog in/out of the yard.

    Jen also doesn't plan to leave them out w/o her being in the living room watching them... but that is not a full-proof plan. I'll admit, we are a little freaked about the idea of them spending a lot of time out there, but I think they would enjoy it.

    The good thing is there are really know main roads close to us, the closest is 4 miles from here... but they can still get there pretty fast if they ran.


  • edited November -1
    plus it looks like you live in a fairly level, open area. We have tons
    of buildings, trees, hills, etc. that if our dogs got away, it would be
    near impossible to figure out even the direction they took off in! Undecided
  • edited November -1
    I was concerned about your dogs getting out, Coyote rollers sound like a great idea.  I like that they are putting something into the ground too.  Good planning.
  • edited November -1
    a volunteer i know with the Jindo Project SWEARS by coyote rollers!!!!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats Brad!!! Thats great news!!! Please do post lots of pics.  Can't wait to see how it looks. 
  • edited April 2008

    our fence got started today... I took some "before" shots on Thursday:

    Front, parking area:



    Back corner:



    Side (back door): 



    Back Side (back door again): 



    View from the back door:



  • edited April 2008

    Progress today...







    Close-up of the posts:




  • edited November -1
    Wow, that looks great!!! thats a lot of land you're fencing in!  Can't wait to see the final product.  You Anderson's and your infinite views Frown - im so jealous
  • edited November -1
    No kidding, that area looks huge! It's going to dwarf your house. :-) That's pretty impressive that they got so much done already. Its a pain in the a$$ to dig holes and set fence posts level.
  • edited November -1
    What a great view.  Reminds me of Arizona.  Little Miss Cautious worries about mixing rattlers with dogs.  One day I'm gonna get out of the 'city' and have such a view.  Thanks for pushing me closer towards that goal.
  • edited November -1
    Very cool! Huge area you're fencing! Your pack is going to have a blast there!

    You do know that, although we all like you and love the spam, we dislike you a bit every time you show those great views you have...(kidding)Tongue out
  • edited November -1

    Yea, it's a lot of land we are fencing in... it should be a lot of fun for the pups. I think you are right Dave, it will end up dwarfing the house. lol. The posts are huge, but it's needed to keep Kona from climbing out.

    Don't hate us for our views, please. Smile

  • edited November -1
    Have they been hard at work today on the fence?
  • edited November -1

    Yes! They made a lot of progress yesterday, all but two posts are now up. They will be adding the rails and the Latias in the front of the house. Latia are basically small branch-less aspen trees, we are using those at the front of the house (in front of our cars) to give us some privacy. We wanted to do it along the side of the house that boarders the road/jeep trail but we had to cut costs. Latia fencing is like $25/foot while the other is like $13/foot.

    I think everything will be complete on Wednesday! They're fast, I guess they have done this before.

    We also found out the Latia fence will be 8' tall! We didn't really plan for it to be that big but I guess the fence guy did... Should be interesting.

    Anyway, here is the progress from day 2 (they didn't work over the weekend), click on the images to see larger versions:





    This is the start of the "Shiba Area", this is where they will hangout if the big dogs are being to rough, it ended up being more like 70' x 50':



    Closeup of the Latias:



    They are putting the rails on today!


  • edited November -1
    The shiba area is as big as most back yards.  You guys aren't fencing a yard, you are building your own dog park.
  • edited November -1
    Haha. Well said Brandon!
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1

    So I just spoke to the fence guy and he has to get the wire from Albuquerque, so it is looking more like Friday before it will be complete.

  • edited November -1
    Oh balls. Nothing like getting your hopes up just to have them dashed. Sux. Doesn't that seem like, ya know, the kind of thing the fence guy would have planned for ahead of time?
  • edited November -1

    yea, you would think, but the Wed. date was given to me by one of his workers so I was not surprised when it changed.

  • edited November -1
    LMAO the Anderson Dog Park :P
  • edited November -1

    Ok, it's looking more like a fence today...








    sorry the lighting quality is not so good, the sun was setting and I had to crank the ISO up to get anything to show up.


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