Our Fence Gets Installed Friday!!!



  • edited November -1
    Wow, it looks great Brad!  Its really starting to come together!
  • edited November -1
    By George I think you're right, it does look like a fence. :-) What are they going to close the gaps in with? Is that the wire you mentioned? Or is there wood going in there?
  • edited November -1
    there will be Latia, like the rails, in front of the cars (8 feet tall!) and then wire on the rest to close the gaps. Right now, if it was 100% done, Hilo could probably run around w/o escaping even w/o the wire... sot hat's cool (not that we will try that).
  • edited November -1
    I like your natural-grown yard, by the way.  Very neat.
  • edited November -1
    That's great it's getting close to finished! They'll have a blast!
  • edited November -1

    Thanx Heidi, and everyone else....

    So today they made a lot more progress but some issue have come up, minor ones tho.

    1 - We are concerned that the holes in the wire fencing they will be attaching are to large and that Kaia could stick her head in them and get hurt. so we will have to discuss that tomorrow with the fence guy. The wire fencing is designed to keep rabbits out, so you would think it would have smaller holes... they start small at the bottom then get larger as the fence goes up.

    2 - The Latia fence is kinda crazy, we had envisioned it being all the same level at the top, and about 6 feet tall, but it is not - the way it is now is more traditional in the "look" but we are not 100% sure of it. It's also 8 feet tall! Another name for this type of fence is a "Coyote Fence" and it is indicative of this area, Latia fences are all over Taos and some are as high as 10 feet tall! To me tho, ours looks like the fence on the shore line of the island in King Kong. lol

    3 - Due to the added expense of Ahi's surgery we had to scale back on the Latia fence, so it is only at the front of the house but we wanted it to go along the side too (to the right)... and I think it looks a bit odd... but we can add that later, in a month or so.

    Anyway, here is the progress from today, they still need to add the wire to the fence and the gates:










  • edited November -1

    I really like the "rustic" kind of look to the fence.  I think it looks more natural, especially in a setting like you have.

    What is going to keep the dogs from going under that big gate, or between the bars?  Is there some wire on there?

  • edited November -1
    I agree with Brandon, it has a very natural look to it that fits very nicely with your house. Is that third pic the small dog park (a.k.a. the Shiba area)? If so, what are you going to do with the interior fence there?
  • edited November -1
    I love the look of the fence - it is very natural. As much as I love ATL, you make me want to go on a RV road trip to the southwest.
  • edited November -1

    I had similar concerns about the gate... the fence guy says he guarantees, once they put wire on it, the dogs will not be able to escape - even Kaia. I said he doesn't want Kaia to escape because he fears for his like around Kaia. lol. He was joking, but it stems from her barking at him when he came over to talk to us about our fence plans. It was funny.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what you mean about the interior fence, there will be wire added to all of the fence and they are making custom gates for the other gate areas out of wood and wire. The metal gate posted above is 10' wide and a wood fence would not work that large, that is why we had to go with the metal version.

    The Shiba area will have a gate to it, so in the third picture that is showing where the gate will be. That area is not the permit home of the Shibas or anything, it's just a "refuge" for them in case the big dogs are being too much for them (which really doesn't happen very often). It's also just a good area to give "timeouts" if needed.


  • edited November -1

    A little more progress today....

    They connected the Latia part of the fence to the house:





    They added the wire to the fence (not the gates yet):




    They started building our out-door pens for the pups. We had planned for 5 5x5 pens but didn't have enough room so instead of making them smaller we changed it to 4 6x6 pens:




    This is what we will be spending the weekend removing from our property (so the dogs don't step on them):




  • edited November -1
    do you have an array of harmful plants and small animals/insects out there?
  • edited November -1

    I wouldn't want to step on those things either.  The fence is lookign really great.  Are they securing the wire into the dirt with anything?

  • edited November -1
    That's looking great Brad! It's going to be a puppy paradise out there! :-)

    I wish I had a better sense of perspective though. I know you have given us the measurements of these things, but how big are the openings in the wire? How tall is the fence? Maybe you can put one or two of the pups in your next set of pictures so we can get an idea?

    Have fun with the prickly removal this weekend. I don't envy you and Jen on that one. :-(
  • edited November -1
    I LOVE the fencing. It definitely completes your homes' setting. I'm a little worried about the wire too. That looks pretty dangerous for a Shiba.
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