top 5 breeds you'd NEVER have



  • edited November -1
    Yeah, but the major difference between Shibas and the terriers that I've had contact with is obsessiveness. Terriers can get so obsessive about things and refuse to entertain themselves. If a Shiba wants to be entertained, they'll try to play with you. If you ignore them, they get bored and find something else to do. All the terriers I've known will sit there barking forever until you give in an play with them. Not for me thanks.
  • edited November -1

    thats very true, we doggie sit a cairn terrier at times and she
    becomes MAJOR obsessive over tennis balls, her eyes do not leave them -
    she's right on it, even if she's sleeping, she knows where they are and
    if they moved whereas my shibas could care less about toys unless they
    are bored - and they have never been destructive.

    Eva the Cairn
    Terrier also gets manic when there is a T-storm - linolium has known
    the wrath of Eva, whereas again, Shibas could care less.  

  • edited November -1
    Old English Sheepdog, English Bulldog, Pug, Cocker Spaniel, Toy Poodle, Basset Hound, Shih Tzu, Mexican Hairless, Puli and Komondor(those breeds with the high maintenance dreads). Any breed that becomes mutated beyond recognition freaks me out, and I could never deal with grooming a dog for hours on end.
  • edited November -1

    Well there are a lot of Shibas out there that freak during thunderstorms.

    Eva sounds a lot like The Whiz, poor guy just can't handle storms.  He likes to play fetch with just about anything also.  I just move things out of sight or give him a rope to chew on, or put him on my lap and watch tv with him.

  • edited November -1

    Having had a really difficult turned unbelievably rewarding
    experience with a basset, I can safely say that I will never want to
    own one again.


  • edited November -1
    Jazz shakes uncontrollably during thunderstorms - she's not a fan of sudden loud noises, so those kid of freak her out.  She either lays on my feet (only time she does that) or snuggles into her crate during a thunderstorm.
  • edited November -1
    Any breed that doesn't have a Spitz type dog look (ie, upright ears, longer muzzle, etc). I do like some of the herding dogs (Belgian Tervurens, Malinois).
  • edited November -1

    You guys do know pit bulls are terriers right?

    Dave -"Terriers can get so obsessive about things and refuse to entertain
    themselves. If a Shiba wants to be entertained, they'll try to play
    with you. If you ignore them, they get bored and find something else to
    do. All the terriers I've known will sit there barking forever until
    you give in an play with them. Not for me thanks."

    That description of terriers is to me, a description of every shiba I have ever met. And last night I got to listen to Moto bark at me for 20 minutes because I wouldn't give him what he wanted.

    Piglet however would NEVER bark at me. 

  • edited November -1
    Jess, pitbulls are terriers but they are not your average "go-in-the-ground-and get-me that-critter" kind of terrier. They have all the bull side to them too, making them a bit calmer. I would have a pitbull, for sure. But I'd have a very hard time with a fox terrier or a Jack Russell, or a Manchester, or a Scottish...well  you get my drift.
  • edited November -1

    fair enough...

    you know how protective I am of the bullies 

  • edited November -1

    Speaking of...

    sidenote (just unworthy of it's own thread) Piglet and I have been asked to model for the PinUps for PitBulls calendar. Our photo shoot will be in July.  

  • edited November -1
    Wow Jess!! Congrats! Thats really awesome! Be sure to update us where we can buy these calendars!
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! That's cool!
  • edited November -1
    The girl (woman) who runs that is on your myspace friend right?  I think I was clicking around one day and came upon her page through yours.  It's an awesome idea for a fundraiser, very cool that you are going to be a part of it. 
  • edited November -1

    Yeah she is on my myspace. She goes by Little Darling. She and I have been friends since I was 16 years old (which was a 1000 years ago) as soon as I got Piglet she called me and said "You know what that now HAVE to pose for the calendar"

    I will let you guys know where you can buy them (assuming that they photo shop me enough to fool people  into believing I actually am not terrifying in a bikini) Otherwise I will tear that month out and give you a few  for the charity Tongue out

  • edited November -1

    PinUps for PitBulls calendar - thats a fantasic idea!

    I'd buy one!  

  • edited November -1
    Jess: Congrats! You're going to be famous! :-)

    As for Shibas being obsessive, you must have met Shiba Terriers or something because I don't know any Shibas that get anywhere near as obsessive as the terriers I've known. I guess it just reinforces that every dog is an individual.
  • edited November -1
    Come over and meet Moto some time.
  • edited November -1
    That's really cool Jessica, congrats to you and Piggy!
  • edited November -1

    1. Terriers top this list....except for Jack Russell's and Pitt Bulls -
    I just don't find them very cute. Though I don't think I would ever own
    a Jack. And the mini yorkies are growing on me.

    2. Chihuahua

    3. Chinese Crested

    4. German Shepard

    5. Dachshund

    6. Corgi

  • edited November -1
    I dunno, I generally don't like a lot of kinda of dogs. I stick more towards the Spitz breeds, though I did love my Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix girl very much. But, besides that, I hate poodles, terriers, all the little yappy small breeds. Toby yaps, but hes not a constant annoying screaming monster. At least he finds his own things to do and shuts up. xD
  • edited November -1


    see more cute dogs and puppies

    I might add "Pugs" to my list. eh.  

  • edited November -1
    Any Terrier

    Almost Any Hound (excluding Basenji's and Spitz's in the hound group)


    Flat faced dogs

    Anything in the Mastiff Family

    I know. I am quite the doggy racist when it comes to the dogs I am willing to live with.
  • edited November -1
    I recently met a neopolitan mastiff at the dog park. holy CRAP that dog is a monster, but really really gentle with smaller dogs. I don't know how you could share living space with such a giant! or feed one! and he just...kept...slobbering!! Tsuki was smitten by him and was soaked with slobber after 10 mins. EW.
  • edited November -1
    I would never own a dog that...

    -has hair instead of fur (or no fur)
    -drools a lot
    -has bulgey eyes
    -has a flat face
    -too small to be robust
    -too large to be healthy
    -has any attribute which has been purposefully bred into it which diminishes its quality of life
  • edited November -1
    chinese crested

    mexican hairless



  • edited November -1
    I'll never understand what everyone has against poodles. I've been around them ever since I can remember and they're great dogs. My uncle's poodle Piper was creepy smart. He was like a furry little person. I think they have this stigma of being froo froo dogs - when in reality they're nothing like that. I admit, they look kind of funny, which is the reason I would own a standard and not a mini or a toy. And get them a decent haircut!

    I think boxers are misunderstood too. Our baby Jack is the sweetest, most calm puppy I've ever met. Boxers have so much personality, they're just big cuddly goofballs.

    As for breeds I'd never own... I can't think of many. Probably any breed that is prone to random agression (cockers) poor trainability (basenji) or any "designer" breed.
  • edited November -1
    I forgot this thread existed D:

    I love most dogs, though I am partial to the shepherd & spitz / primitive looking breeds and probably wouldn't own much of anything outside these types.

    I'd have to say dogs I wouldn't own would be most terriers, poodles, pugs, yorkies, bull dogs, etc. Also, about 95% of small breed dogs. Just not a fan of small dogs, and though some of these dogs may have great temperments I don' the way they look haha Oh! & dogs with loose lips / that drool a lot.~
  • edited November -1
    I think... my personal choices would be.

    1.) Shi Tzu: (the meanest breed of dog, bonds with one person and attacks all others even though it is the size of a mop head and looks like one, a definite grandma dog)

    2.) Poodle any poodle mix: ( first, My friend growing up had a poodle that was one of the meanest dogs I've ever known (although he liked me) It might just be his individual personality but I never really liked poodles anyway, he was too damn smart like a chimpanzee, so smart they are dangerous, at least they cant throw poo at you. second they are to foo foo for me/I just dont like the look)

    3.) Miniature pinscher: ( too small and yappy)

    4.) Italian greyhound/ greyhound: (all the greyhounds I have met are really dumb,/ italian greyhounds are fragile and too small)

    5.) Pomeranian: any foo foo small dog.

    I like pugs I just dog sat one for 2 weeks and he has a great temperament, but I feel sorry for his disfiguration for the sake of cuteness.
  • edited November -1
    I know I'm late to the party....

    any "tea cup" dog

    a great dane(tooo big)

    a cockapoo,or any "designer breed dog"

    a snauzer(don't like teh name)

    a pug (bug eyed)

    idk whats with everyone hating on the cockers I had 2 a kid they were great sure kacy(female cocker) was extremely shy but wisket (male cocker) was a great dog carried 3 tennisballs with him all the time and they live to 22 for wisket and 14 for kacy, they were great dogs, kacy died of what appeared to be heartbreak it was only a day after wisket died but I mean jesus 22 yrs for a dog is just awsome and he was still playing fetch at that age.
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