Kyuubi (Haru's pup #2)

edited April 2011 in Kai Ken (甲斐犬)
First off I want to thank Brad and Jen for letting Kevin and I be blessed with one of their first Kai pups born in their home. I also want to thank Shig for helping Brad and Jen with their preservation efforts. We all know how much Haru meant to Shig and to be able to have one of her pups is an honor.

So we were a tad bit late to the airport to pick him up. LA traffic sucks :) But when we got him he was so happy! He was jumping up on us and giving us licks. It was the total opposite of when we picked up Mika. She was TERRIFIED of us. Kyuubi on the other hand wanted to play with us! We took him to a grassy area in front of the cargo area where we picked him up and I tried to get some pics, but they didn't turn out very well. Promise I'll put up pics soon.

Now, for meeting Mika. I wanted her to eat dinner and relax a bit before introducing them. Didn't help that Kyuubi started crying when we came home and Mika heard him. So she refused her dinner. We still didn't let her see him. We let Kyuubi eat some dinner and let him relax and check out the house a bit. After about an hour we let Mika out to see him. She didn't know what to make of him at first. He went up to her and licked her and she just was stiff. Naturally, seeing her a bit tense we separated them for a bit. She came up and sniffed him and wanted to play. She was being a bit vocal, which scared Kyuubi so he ran into my lap to hide from her. She continuously tried to get him to play and when he finally jumped out of my lap to go after her she got scared and ran under the table lol. This went on for a little bit, til they became comfortable with each other. I foresee them being BFFs very soon!

Here's a short vid of them playing



  • Congrats on receiving your new Kai pup! It's good to hear that he's doing so good right off the bat. Brad and Jen must have done a very good job with him. It looks like he's getting along great with Mika. Thanks for posting the video! I can't wait to see some pictures!
  • He is such a cutie, congrats!
  • congrats. looks like they are getting along great.
  • Gongrats :).
  • Nice video... thanks for sharing! Looks like Kyuubi is going to have a great time with Mika... Enjoy!
  • Awesome! They are doing well together. There was some nice communication going on there! :o)

    How is he doing today? How did he do last night?

  • Congrats on the pup Julie :) He looks great!
  • @brada1878 Last night went pretty well I think. He woke up 2x. He slept though for six hours then cried to go potty. We didn't sleep when he fell asleep though so it was 4am for us when he woke up. He came back in and went back to sleep for another 2 hours and went out again to go potty. He wouldn't stay asleep long though. Probably hungry. Trying to get him on our time schedule. I'm sure he will get the hang of it soon.

    The crying in the crate only lasts for about 5 mins at the most. Then he chills out and goes to sleep. He got to meet some ppl today. We went to the local University plaza cause I was craving some bubble tea. Kevin stood outside and when I came back out there was a kid petting him, a man asking Kevin if he was an akita lol, and two girls "oooing" and "ahhing" at him. I told Kevin if he was single I'm sure those girls would have been trying to seduce him to get to Kyuubi! lol

    He has a vet appointment in an hour. I'll try to get pics up later this evening/night. So far he's been very CHILL and likes to cuddle with me!
  • Alright Julie! Congrats on a great pup. This almost seems like a historical event.

    Now to start the plans for a socal meet...

    I look forward to see you guys one of these days soon.
  • Great vid; loved the 'duck under' move! :)
  • @shishiinu - we really need to schedule a meet up! I cant wait to meet some Kishus! :]

    Here are some pics -

    Kyuubi's Arrival





  • :-D So glad he made it home safe and sound!

    Looks like him and Mika are getting along great.
  • congrats...awesome pup !!!
  • Aww the pics are great! super cute :)
  • Aww, looks like you guys are having fun! I won't tell Sosuke that his brother went somewhere with nice weather, or he'll really feel like he got a bum deal, lol.
  • Yay for the new additions--great pics!
  • Ooooh he's awesome!! :D Great pics...
  • Awright! Kyuubi is sweet, and how lucky to be able to play on grass right away. Congratulations!
  • edited April 2011
    Wanted to share some more pics. We went to go visit one of Kevin's friends and her dog Jack. So I got to take some pics of them. I wish the lighting was better though :T

    Oh, he's also more gorgeous in person. Pictures do not do him justice.








  • Hehehe... that last picture is the best note to end on.
  • He's very cute! It's hard to get pictures of these guys that really show how good they look. I think it's hard to take pictures of dark dogs. I like the blue on his tongue. I like the speckly tongues, but Sosuke hardly has any. It's okay, though, I'll keep him ;o)

    The last picture is awesome.
  • Juno has a pink tongue on top, but has spots underneath. Sage got spottier over time, so I think our pups will get spots in time.
  • He is TOO cute! I might have to make a trip out to SoCal just to steal him. :) I mean visit him.
  • haha @sunyata, we are going to equip him with an anti-theft device!!! he's been nothing short of awesome so far. everybody comments on how chillaxed he is. couldn't have asked for more from a kai pup.
  • Such a cute pup. I'm glad Mika likes her new brother. =)
  • Oh the first 2 pics and the last one are great! :o) Thanks for sharing them!

    I think Sosuke's got spots on the bottom like Juno, right?

  • Lovin the "yawn"!
  • @brada1878 Yeah, Sosuke has spots on the bottom and a couple very faint stops on top. I didn't know those got darker. It will be interesting to see.
  • Wow! Kyuubi looks like he is having the time of his life with his new friend! And then tiring out... such a big yawn! Adorable pics... keep them coming!
  • edited April 2011
    He's amazing! Sorry I'm so late. I have so much to catch up on.

    Koda had two smal tear drops on the top of his tongue at their age. Now he is all spotted up.
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