
  • edited December 2018
  • My next pup WILL be a Shikoku! :) That will be two years from now. I cannot wait! :)

    Kiyoshi is Gorgeous!

  • edited December 2018
  • Hahaha,
    One thing this thread does do, is remind me that I need to start/update the sibling spam! :P

  • He is so adorable!! Hanzo had a great time playing with him. I've seen him be more bold with the other dogs he plays with on a regular basis since Saturday too, which I love. I love that one leg up, one leg down picture of him in the window!
  • edited December 2018
  • @Dragonfly - be prepared for the punk-assedry to never completely go away. Shikoku are known to be lil' punk-asses in their puppy phase. Some never quite grow out of it.

  • edited December 2018
  • Yup...definitely watch out for their curious nature.

    On a related note, Kurama has actually warmed up to strangers more now and is turning out to be quite the socialite. I got permission from my boss to bring him to work with me daily so he sits in a covered travel kennel underneath my desk with brief moments to get out and socialize with coworkers and step outside for a quick potty every few hours or so.

  • You gotta love Shikokus :) Love his little white paws!! I want to squish his face and give him ten tons of kisses :3
  • edited December 2018
  • edited December 2018
  • Oh, so cute!! I can't wait to see him try to lay on that ledge as an adult. That could be a hilarious picture =)
  • What a little charmer! He sure is cute! :)
  • He looks so cheeky. How is he with the Christmas tree I've not been brave enough to risk putting mine up yet. I have a feeling Christmas tree and Eris will not be a good combination
  • I will call him Boss.
    He is really really cute!
  • edited December 2018
  • Ohh. He is so cute, your lucky to have him.
  • I am in love with this pup! He's just too cute! :)
  • edited December 2018
  • Hahahah our dogs have the same silly puppy sit!

  • edited December 2018
  • Kiyoshi is soo handsome :) have fun on your trip!
  • @dragonfly when I took Sachi on her first long cross country drive with me (~10) hours I just stopped every three to stretch her legs and get a moment to orient herself. She is very high stress in cars, granted she was a little over a year at that time as well. I would stop every 3 hours, gas, coffee, walk so that I stayed in schedule and she got a good 10 min break in there. An idea.
  • edited December 2018
  • He's gotten so big!
  • edited December 2018
  • Hah!! So awesome!! Glad he's doing so well, and neat you took him to swimming class! :D He is SO cute. I'll probably say that a million times. :)
  • He looks awesome! Thanks for sharing! I hope he doesn't outgrow his webmaster too fast! What size did you get him? My shikoku girly uses a Small.

    Congrats again on your Uber cute pup!
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