The big Shiba decision



  • edited November -1
    Moto was 6 months when we got him.
    Moto only started to get snuggly in the last couple months. He will be 2 in June. He is naturally very destructive. When we leave the house (even to just let out one of the other dogs) we don't ask, IF Moto destroyed something, it is WHAT did Moto destroy, and do I have to take him to the hospital or call poison control again. And that is with child locks on my cabinets and everything high up. If you give each dog a bone. And even give Moto the biggest one, he enjoys nothing more than taking the other dogs bone.

    Miko is much more openly affectionate. She walks up to people tongue first. She is very quick to please and already has sit mastered (she had it mastered at 9 weeks), she is perfect with "drop it" even if it is extra tasty. She is more eager to please.

    Moto will look at you like he knows what you are telling him, and well, screw you.

    If you aren't paying attention to Miko she may bark, but as soon as you look at her she sits down and gives you a HUGE smile like "See I'm good pick me up". Moto- will bark and paw, and if you turn to him he will stomp his feet, if he were wearing a watch he would be tapping the face.

    Now please don't get me wrong, Moto is 100% devil in dog suit, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. But I also am considerably more gray because of mommys little monster. I am making him a t-shirt that says "God made me cute so mommy doesn't eat me"
  • edited November -1
    tsukitsune - you are definitely mistaken if you thought that Shikokus are large Shibas. Even the breeders of Shikokus (who also own Shibas) will tell you that they have very different personalities. I am sure that Brad will confirm too.

    My experience is that they are not stubborn and are very loyal and wanting to please. Just as Jessica said with Miko, my boy learned commands very quickly and was very obedient early on (same with the "leave it" even if it was yummy). They are very eager to please and are big kissy and huggy dogs. Brad has said that about Ahi too (how sometimes she loves people too much and can be a bit overwhelming). This compares to many Shibas who are reserved with new people.
  • edited May 2008
    LOL!! Don't eat Moto!! Thats funny.

    Edgewood - do you think that would be different if you had two? Or would they just really compliment the other and the breed?? I have no doubt they are marvelous dogs! The reason I found this forum was typing in "Shikoku" on youtube and being mezmerized by Brad's spam!

    Well thank you for that.. its interesting. I see how my dogs behave with one another, and other dogs looking on at them at the dog park not daring to get in the middle of it.. I think are almost intimidated or confused by them - they are in their own little world, squealing and attacking each other for the love of the game. Not fighting, just playing very rough. I don't think I realized the oddity of their rules of engagement until I compared them to past fosters and dogs at the dog park around them.
    Bones.. I don't even bother unless I can play referee.. Its insane. They both have very strong "MINE" drive!
    I can't say they are as destructive now that they are older (by older, I mean 1+ yrs compared to 3+ months) but they still get caught with carpet in their mouth.
    I think I wrongly assumed all Nihon Ken had that "MINE" attitude to a certain extent. And attention whoring.
    I guess Shibas are just BIG dog in little suit sydrome and over compensate by being pains in the BUTT!
    But I don't think I'm at the point where I can say they will be the last..

    I think we should rename this thread "The truth behind those puppy eyes... living with a shiba"

    Oh, p.s. Jessica - we are due for Miko spam :)
  • edited November -1
    LMAO.... So is there anyway I could make this harder for andreamg4? Of course there is....

    I just asked Jen (my wife), without letting her look at this thread, of the breeds we have, which one does she feels is the most difficult... and she said... [drum roll]...


    lol! I guess it is all subjective at the end of the day.

    I am with Jessica, I will probably never have another Shiba, so maybe I am the wrong person to ask [not that you even asked me - lol!].


    I tried to talk Jen out of it but she made some great counter arguments...

    I said: On the forum there are like 3 members that have had to see behaviorist due to their Shiba [including us].
    She said: Well, there are far more Shiba owners than Shikoku owners on the forum, and if you compare the numbers I am not sure that is a fair argument.

    I said: Well, Shiba are pain in the butts - they are picky about everything, eating, sleeping, peeing, being touched!
    She said: Shikoku are too - have you tried to cut Ahi's nails? [doh - got me there!]

    I said: Well, out of all our dogs our Shiba are the ones that start the fights, if we didn't have them our dogs would never fight!
    She said: Our situation is way different from most people, if we just had two Shiba they would never argue and would be angels most of the time.

    Damn that Jen and her logical brain! lol!


    Yes, tho, I agree with Kris and Jessica on the Shiba vs. Shikoku thing... that is something we need to end here and now! (yea right)

    Shikoku are not big Shiba, not even a little bit. Other than a slight similarity in appearance they really have very little in common. Even from an appearance standpoint they are pretty different - I mean Shikoku have very primitive head shapes while Shiba really do not. Shiba heads are more like little Akita heads in shape. Red sesame Shikoku coats bare a mild resemblance to a Shiba... but not really if you look close - they even feel different.


    I do live in New Mexico, we live in Taos, NM which is in northern NM. You are welcome to visit our home and our pack ANY DAY - just let us know ahead of time so we can clean up all the freaking dust from the dogs. :o)

  • edited May 2008
    Good points Brad. Although I have to say that my Shikoku is a breeze to cut his nails. He lays there nicely on his side and lets me do all 4 feet without a fuss. But then he is a more submissive personality that Ahi! How is Loa?

    Lots to think abou Andrea. Luckily, by living in CA, hopefully you can meet up with some of the members to meet the actual dogs! (and being that there are 4 Shikoku that we know of in CA you are lucky). There are not too many in other places of the country.
  • edited November -1
    See? You can get immensly misleading information off the internet if you do not know the source. A lot paint the order of Japanese Spitz Breeds to be all similar save for size and markings.

    I am very grateful for the information - as I'm sure Andrea is too! I hope she gets to meet a Shikoku! I know I would love to myself!
  • edited November -1
    I am very greatful! thank you all!

    btw, I'm watching all the utube videos of cute!
  • edited November -1
    I guess I'll chime in here to. I don't see myself living another day of my life without owning a Shiba, not that I wont own other dogs, but I love Shibas. They are great dogs, but yes they are quirky, bizarre, and sometimes a huge pain in the ass. I kind of like that though as Nemo always, always keeps me on my toes. There isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't make me laugh and put a huge grin on my face. He has his faults, a lot of them stemming from improper socialization when he was young (he's a rescue) but we work through them together, and if other people don't want to deal with it, well then they don't have to see me or my dog.

    I'm not sure if I will ever own any of the other dogs of the Nihon Ken, because most of them are not available through rescue (other than the American Akita), and I truly hope it stays that way for those breeds. However I'm not interested in getting a dog from a breeder, and my wife is not either. There is nothing wrong with dogs from breeders but we would rather give a home to a dog that is already here and needs some help, instead of having a life created just so we can have it as a puppy. Also, cleaning up poop and pee in the house is something I like to keep at an absolute minimum.
  • edited November -1
    I'm going to meet shibas today! I cant seem to meet up with any shiba owners around here, so I called a local breeder (concord) and set up a meeting. I get to go in a few hours. I'm excited!
  • edited November -1
    Hope you had a blast! We met a 7 week old shiba pup today! First shiba pup I ever saw! I can't believe how small they are!!! Tsuki was a giant at 3 months compared to that pup!

    Let us know how it went!!
  • edited November -1
    Please let us know how your "meet" went.
  • edited November -1
    wow - cool... that's exciting. If they have puppies there you will be sold, just be prepared. :o)
  • edited November -1
    I'll be interested to learn about your experience with the puppies and the breeder. In my opinion I don't believe the Shiba to be such high energy, certainly not like the terriers. Jake can entertain hisself for hours with a toy or bone and he doesn't jump on furniture or people. Like any dog they need exercise and also require a firm hand, expecially in puppy stage. And again, I stress the importance of socialization to achieve a balance as the Shiba will become aloof and untrusting of strangers and situations.
  • edited November -1
    I saw puppies!! Wow, that was soo great to finally meet a shiba! You all are right, they are much smaller than I would have guessed. I'm more for a bit larger dog (not that I woulnt take one of these dolls in a heartbeat), but Jeremy loved the size. The breeder was very knowledgable and talked with us for 2 hours as we hung out with the dogs. She introduced us to three different shibas with all very different personalities. We met an eight month old black and tan that was supper hyper puppy, a seven year old red that was super calm and reserved, and a young sesaeme female that had a litter of puppies. The puppies were soo tiny! Their eyes weren't even open yet!We even got to hold 2 pups : ) The sesaeme was my favorite though. She was just a bit active, but very sweet. She gave lots of kisses but still wasn't all up in our faces. The breeder explained how she interviews potential owners and selects puppies to meet their needs personality wise. She even says sometime she will have to go through several litters to find the right puppy for the right person. I think I really like her, but its hard to tell since I've never met another breeder and dont know what to expect. That was definately a great experience! The breeder told me about the annual shiba party next Saturday. I work but now I'm trying to get the day off to go.

    The meet up -party- is in Novato next Saturday, so if there is anyone on this forum that is going, hopefully I'll see you there : )

    I'm very glad I got to meet the shiba, but like I said before, I'm still not rushing into anything. I have talked to a few shikoku owners now and am hoping to meet up with one next month. I just want to be very sure on the breed I choose and not have any "what ifs".
  • edited November -1
    Good for you for doing all this great homework! And, sounds like the breeder spent time with you, exchanged information and wanted to answer your concerns and questions. You will undoubtedly make the right decision at the right time.
  • edited November -1
    Its tough to say without having met her, but it sounds like that breeder is really cool. I'm impressed with your restraint...I have no idea how you could resist little Shiba puppies!!!!
  • edited November -1
    I wouldn't have been able to, that's for sure!
  • edited November -1
    trust me, it was tough. especially with their little tiny itsy bitsy puppy ears! (i love doggie ears : ) But I also had to think about the fact that now is not the best time to take home a puppy. Jeremy and I are going to Jamaica at the end of next month and we were planning puppy after that. Wouldnt wanna go on vacation knowing I had a cute lil furball at home! Plus, I think that litter was spoken for....but she told me about her next litter in about 3 months!

    sometimes I'm too thurough with all of my research on any topic. I always want to make sure every decision I make is perfect, and cant seem to come to the realization that nothing is perfect. Even my data analyst boyfriend thinks I'm nuts/obsessive sometimes when it comes to all of my research.....I've been impulsive before and most of the time things dont work out well. trying to avaoid that now..... BUT PUPPIES ARE SOO CUTE!!!!

    an I got next saturday off so I get to go to the shiba party! YAY!
  • edited November -1
    I'm jealous, I want to go to the Shiba party! :-P
  • edited November -1
    come on out!! I hear its gonna be huge, and have something like over 100 shibas there. I hope that wasnt an exageration on the persons part I heard that from.....
  • edited November -1
    I'd love to, but I'm in Atlanta...
  • edited November -1
    I'll be at a bachelor party in Vegas this weekend (I know, life is tough).
  • edited November -1
    you'll be a lot closer to the shiba party than I would be -- I love Vegas! My fave hotels are the Bellagio & the Venetian (for the shops, not the gambling, tho)
  • edited November -1
    Chad would not leave until we got another puppy! Dont let the Shiba's size fool you. They make look little but dont tell them that!! Everyone who knows a shiba but has never met one always comments they thought they were bigger...its their personality!!
  • edited November -1
    I'd love to go to the Shiba party too! The drive from Taos to Cali just sux to bad to go for just one party tho.

  • edited November -1
    Brad you can go to the Shiba party and then I'll throw you and Jen a party at my house! Would that be worth it :)
  • edited November -1
    If it were any other Sat, we'd be there - but we have work day at the barn this sat, and the vet gets to come out and release the horses from quarantine (they're fine - the stables require it for everyone). We keep barely missing these meetups :-( ! We'll keep trying!
  • edited November -1
    I apologise if I'm intruding here, but I think this would be the best thread to ask instead of making a new one :)

    I fully intend to get a Shiba Inu the moment I can (life is too busy at the moment so I haven't been to check any); I was introduced to them by a friend and after looking up all the info I can about them I'm determined to get one.

    I've read over some of the comments here, but I was just wondering if anyone could advise me about leaving them on their own? I know Akita's don't do well alone, but what about Shiba's? I'll be living on my own, and if the dog would be distressed by me leaving for long periods (work etc.) I suppose it would be in it's best interest if I didn't get one. I'd rather not abandon the idea, but I wouldn't want to put the poor thing through that either.

    Thanks in advance, sorry if I'm rambling *newbie here* :D
  • edited November -1
    How long? I'm gone for a stretch of 9-10 hours at a time and my shiba does fine - however, I got Jazz as an adult who was already housetrained - working with a puppy will mos def be different.
  • edited November -1
    Dogs will do fine being alone for some chunks of time. If it is more the say five hours I would suggest doggy daycare, or hiring a walker just to give your pups some activity.

    Personally, I never leave my dogs alone for more than 4 hours.

    Welcome by the way.
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