Kona's Brindle(ing)



  • edited November -1

    Now I can definitely see that! And both ears down. Brad, you need to make a mutating gif of Kona with his ears in different positions. That will be hilarious. 

  • edited November -1

    That would be funny... (the gif)

    The past few days his ears have been down... Jen and I were just talking about how they were starting to lift... now there down again. We think he is going threw a growth spurt right now.

  • edited November -1
    I want him to get REALLY brindle-y I love it. I also love his crinkle face. I think I am falling for Kona.
  • edited November -1
    I know, I want him to get a crazy brindle too!
  • edited November -1
    Yeah, I love the heavily brindled Kais.
  • edited November -1
    Really?  For some reason, Im not diggin the heavily brindled kai's.  I like the kai's that are all black with a subtle amount of brindle.  Like on Marian's website, I was looking at her Kai's and the one's who have crazy brindle, where it seems like the golden color is the more dominant color rather than black, just doesn't attract my eye. 
  • edited November -1
    I'm with Romi, I'm not big on the brindled kai's.
  • edited November -1
    What's the website Romi? I'd like to see for comparison.
  • edited November -1
    www.classykennel.com go to the "photo's of kai litters" and you will see some very heavily brindles kai's. 
  • edited November -1
    Thanks Romi. I see what you mean. I like some of the moderate brindle Kais, but the ones that are almost red look a bit weird to me.
  • edited November -1

    If he is not very brindled I would like him to look like this (coat wise, this dog doesn't have a very primitive head shape, I like the more primitive head shape [like Kona]):



    As far as brindle goes I REALLY like these dogs:




    But my most favorite Kai ever is Mavrik:




  • edited November -1

    speaking of primitive head shapes.... wow:


  • edited November -1

    I don't know what it is but I just can't get that into Kai's.  For some reason I see them as the black sheep of the Nihon Ken.

    I mean they are cute and all, and I love watching videos of Kona rumble around with the big dogs, but I'm not interested in owning one.

  • edited November -1
    I totally get what you mean. I think they may be an "acquired taste". Once you own one tho, or spend some time with one, you can see they are very much Nihon-Ken.
  • edited November -1
    I agree Brandon. I can't quite put my finger on it either. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't have a particular affinity for them. Sounds like its much the same as Brad and his lack of affinity for Hokkaidos.
  • edited November -1

    Funny, Hokkaidos would be right behind Shikokus on my list of dogs to get if I could have any dog.

  • edited April 2008

    Brad - OK! I thought you meant you wanted him crazy golden brindle.  Thats what I meant by heavily brindled.  BTW, Mavrik is quite the stud!

    Brandon - I wasn't as interested either, then I met Kona and melted! lol. Kona really is such a sweet little guy, even when Ninja was being super spazzy and growling and charging towards him, he was just like "what are you doing?  I think you need to calm down...here, ill look the other way and not pay any attention to you".   I never really understand what Brad meant when he said that Kona seemed to have an understanding of other dogs, but then I met him and saw how he reacted towards Ninja and Portia and I was like...OOOHHHH!  Kind of like a therapy dog.  I liked the look of the Kai, but was more into the Shikoku at that time, now im debating between a Shikoku or Kai...but then Brad mentioned a Male Akita would probably balance out my pack better, so im a bit torn. 

  • edited November -1
    I agree Brandon, Hokkaidos are up there on my list too. Not number two, but probably three. I think my next dog in a few years will be an Akita and I do really want a Shikoku, but who knows what my situation or preference will be when the time comes.
  • edited November -1
    I like Akitas just fine, but the wife thinks they are too big.  She is kind of uncomfortable around really big dogs, and the only Akita she has ever known was put down for biting people.  That didn't really build her confidence in ever wanting one. 
  • edited November -1
    i'm just reading this now.. what are the standards for the tail? curled or a 45 degree angle?
  • edited November -1
    Kai-Ken tails are supposed to be sickle or curled... when excited they stand strait up!
  • edited November -1
    Got some updated pics of Kona's brindle....



    I think his brindle has actually reduced a bit. :oT

  • edited November -1
    Kenji used to be like that to up until he turned about 10/11 months old then he really started to get more brindle. He is very handsome =)

    I'm surprised to hear how much he barks because I rarely ever hear Kenji bark unless he sees a stranger outside or hears a knock or usual noise from outside. How much does he actually bark?
  • edited November -1
    His barking has slowed a lot, I think it might have been an age thing - like a phase. He does still cry every morning for as long as we let him. We have been able to adjust hi schedule back to around 7:30 instead of 6:00... so we get a little more sleep.

    I think our dogs bark more because of our property and the distance they can see [also because they are a pack - a large pack] - I mean you can see all the way to Colorado from our back yard, and I think they will guard as far as they can see. So our dogs bark at cars passing on roads several miles from our house.

  • edited November -1
    See, the funny thing is you say his brindling may have reduced a bit and I feel like these are the clearest of his pics yet. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Kona recently got his full winter coat, he is very soft! He is also showing a bit more brindle:



    *He looks kinda fat in this pic, but I assure you he is not at all... He just kinda looks fat when he lays on his side like that.

  • edited November -1
    OMG I have never seen this thread! KONA PUPPY PICTURES ARE TOOOOOO CUTE!

    I never even knew he had Brindle in him, I thought he was all black! LOL. He is a handsome devil!
  • edited November -1
    Kona was a really cute puppy - he was so freaking cute. :o)

    His brindle is very subtle, you have to get him in the right light. Kai Ken will develop their brindle over the course of 5 years!

  • edited November -1
    Wow, really nice looking guy you have there Brad. All of your dogs are so pretty/handsome! You have like the ultimate collection, haha.

    Will Kona eventually look like Mavrik? If so, then I am even more jealous! I am excited to see how Kona turns out. Keep us updated, as I know you will.
  • edited November -1

    I don't think Kona will have very much brindle when it's all said and done. I'm not sure it will even progress much from here. His brindle is very light colored, which I find interesting since he is so black everywhere else.

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