Your best goofy sleeping pics



  • edited November -1
    Get to work Rachael...
  • edited November -1




  • edited November -1
    Awww. Sake loves the top of that chair huh?
  • edited November -1
    Ever since she figured out she was big enough to jump up there, she loves it. It's cute because they are both there looking out the window at 5pm when I pull up. It's a great greeting!
  • edited November -1
    so maybe not the best thread to look at while at work: after looking at all these adorable sleeping pups, I am now getting sleepy!
  • edited November -1
    This thread is great...dogs have to be the best sleepers ever! and I finally have some pics to add:

    Sleeping under the couch

    This is Kristen's favorite pic so far...
    Sleeping on his bear

    PS - this is what Remy did to the bear before he fell asleep on it:

  • edited November -1
    Remy is so freaking adorable. I have become such a creamie person thanks to my Sake... :)
  • edited November -1
    I love when they play kill the stuffed animal
  • edited December 2008
    This is a series I like to call "MY bed!"

    The first is what I find on rainy mornings after I carelessly fling the covers back. Tosca would rather remain hidden since she hates rain. I looked under the heap of blankets and there she was. I had to record it.

    The second is what I found when I passed my bedroom doorway while in my living room fussing with cookbooks and holiday wrapping and such. (Please pardon the state of the place. :< )I had my shoes off so I was finally able to sneak up on my 'Camera Ninja' undetected.
  • edited November -1
    passed out

    fluffy paws

    if you looked this good you would be tasting yourself tooo
  • edited November -1
    A lot of these pups are so cute, and those sleeping positions would definitely make a chiropractor go "KA-CHING!!" And What is it with guys and sleeping with the pups that's so precious. Anyways, figured I'd share some too:

    They actually slept long enough for me to run and get the camera, one of few times they actually decide to sleep next to each other

    This was when Tikaani could actually fit under the bed, now he tries but just gets stuck on the way
    Tetsu enjoying his new homemade bed
    Copy of tetsusbed
    We left an empty christmas fower pot on the floor, and I guess Tetsu found it to be a perfect rump rest
    2 weeks after getting Tetsu, we brought him with us to Maine for the lobsterfest. We brought his crate so he can have his "me" time, or take an occasional nap next to his bed.
  • edited December 2008
    Oh wow...these are all so damn cute!

    The second one of Zoe reminds me a lot of Lucy. She sleep curled up like that all the time, in what I like to call her "firefox" pose. It totally reminds me of the firefox logo:
  • edited November -1
    Here's the Rakkabot (don't mind the toys all over the floor. I have children):


    And here's earlier today and all the pups wanted a snuggle all at once (they kind of were sleeping until the camera got there).

  • edited November -1
    awwwwww :-)
  • edited November -1
    tooo cute heidi!!! :)

    sleepy tsuki:
    her nose is turning pink!
  • edited December 2008
    I like the first one. The wink is cute!
  • edited November -1
    Some pictures from the car ride to Maine yesterday:

    And on the way home from Maine
  • edited November -1
    the way izzy sleeps on the couch...
    first like this
    then all curled up

    then theres this, with blanket and pillow,the last picture is priceless!
    her porn star pose, she use to lay like this when she was little


    then sharing the couch
  • edited December 2008
    It's not 'goofy' but cute. Hopefully soon I'll catch him sleeping goofy!
  • edited November -1
    Ive been meaning to share this one, and this is just one of many goofy sleeping pictures but I thought this was the best.
  • edited January 2009
    squishy-face shiba!! I love it!
  • edited January 2009
    I've added a few pics of Mika sleeping, some are goofier than the others. I also added a new video of Mika sleeping and dreaming of chasing something, or so it seems. Turn up your volume on the video. I know the quality is kind of dark but I love the sounds she makes, haha. I love sleeping doggies! All of these pics on this thread are cute enough to make my head explode! Keep 'em coming.



    Basically The Size Of My Remote

    Mika Sleeping On My Lap

    Mika Sleeping Peacefully

  • edited November -1
    Nathan: So I thought to myself --- what would be interesting about a video of a doggie sleeping? Oh yeah, it would be the sounds of the doggie dreams! Love it, absolutely love it! Our former doggie, Joe, had lots of dreams like that, and Josephine --- not so much, but occasionally.... I think they are chasing bunnies!

    Love all the other pics of Mika, too! I have the same problem of falling asleep whenever I realx in front of the tv! An insomnia cure!
  • edited November -1
    roxy always is in the "firefox" pose, even though my mom doesn't get it, she still thinks its cute. here one from today
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    How can this be comfortable?


    And someone missed the mark here:
  • edited November -1
    I'm really not sure that Ryu knows how to use a bed.
  • edited November -1
    wow, all these pictures are adorable.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    haha Brandon - you might be right
  • edited February 2009

  • edited November -1
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