where is everybody?



  • edited November -1
    Jen are you working on vet stuff for the heartworm positive guy?

    I know people are around somewhere, just seeing if people would say what they were up to.

    Rui - Fat Tuesday?
  • edited November -1
    yep, he's getting his first injection today.
  • edited November -1
    Brandon - Yep. Or Carnaval. Loads of people on the street, in costumes, acting silly and kids pulling stupid pranks. And parades with guys and girls of floats, half naked, thinking it's Brasil and thus very warm in February. This year it seems they might actually be lucky but some years it's the most hilarious part, seeing people trying to dance some warmness into their bodies when it 10ºC outside.
  • edited November -1
    I am here! At work, as usual, since Mardi Gras is not a public holiday here. Although it should be.

    Jen, how is the little guy doing?
  • edited November -1
    I'm here too. I wasn't yesterday, but I am today. I think I'm going to blow off my afternoon meeting and work from home today, so I'll probably be on a good part of the day.
  • edited November -1
    Rui, I want pictures.

    Jay is home sick today and the girls are acting weird since they aren't used to their papa being home during the day. So I am babysitting 3...
  • edited February 2009
    I've been working on craft items for Shiba Rescue. I just finished some Shiba neck warmers and did a photo shoot of a friend's Shikoku so I can needle felt a likeness of him.

    Dog yel_gr

    dog scarf red
  • edited November -1
    I'm here, but will be on less & less during the workday. I'm having difficulty getting a decent enough signal on my cell phone and I can't access via the computer at work anymore (internet Nazis!).
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    cuuuute neck warmers!! :) Great job Patty!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks. Patrice got me going on making neckwarmers. BTW, all the proceeds from my sales this year are going to Shiba Rescue of So Cal. There are so many dogs coming into Rescue now and the need is great.
  • edited November -1
    I'm here, just gotta be sneaky...nice neck warmers btw
  • edited November -1
    @Harlow, great job on the neckwarms and KUDOS for working with such a great organization!

    I'm here...waiting for the vet to call about my cat Timmy...he's getting tutored today ;)
  • edited November -1
    Im here as always, I don't think I ever leave!

    Patty, those neckwarmers are awesome!
  • edited November -1
    I'm here...just lurking...annual bronchitis flare up. I could use one of those neck warmers...

  • edited November -1
    Is the Shikoku owner a member of the forum? If not, you should encourage them to join!
  • edited November -1
    Rui - Carnaval sounds like a lot of fun there. We are getting a King Cake and having friends over for dessert tonight. Not that we are really religious or anything, we just like dessert.

  • edited November -1
    I am here - slammed with work and tight deadline so my forum time is a bit limited this week.
  • edited November -1
    The Shikoku is Dorothy's [ddowdemers] Tenji
  • edited November -1
    I'm here..... I'm soo excited about getting my shiba pup that I totally stalk this forum oggling all of your pups! my place of work is coming to a close too so all I really have is time to internet surf : )

    btw.... I'm going back to the breeder today after work. This time I made sure to bring the camera! They shold be 2 weeks old as of yesterday. Hopefully lots of puppy pics will follow this evening.
  • edited February 2009
    Brandon - It sounds fun in theory, but then it isn't. People always go over board and end up getting stupid.

    Interesting about the King Cake. We have Bolo Rei (literally King cake) that we usually eat around the holidays.
    I understand the liking desert part :-)


    P.S.: Man, you really need to get yourself to Portugal, hehehehe
  • edited November -1
    Mmmm...now my sweet tooth is kicking in...time to go find the candy...
  • edited November -1
    I want some lingonberry mousse.
  • edited November -1
    Funny the other link I put up said that some countries serve King Cake around Christmas and some around Fat Tuesday.

    I do need to get myself to Portugal, it will be at least a few years however, since I go back to school in the Fall.
  • edited November -1
    I been sick for two weeks now. It sucks!
  • edited February 2009

    I've been busry witfh...Shinra, a new member of tfhe famillry [ will update soon! ] work, extra work I've been taking on, trying to learn C, Visual Basic, & MySQL , and attempting not to thfrow mry $1600 macbook out tfhe window. [ notice thfis comment is filled witfh five million trypos? tfhe mac keeps randomlry addinvg letters as I trype & i'm too lazry to go back & fix it. So Dave, take a few deep breaths ;) ]

    *sigh* Hope all are well!!!! ~
  • edited November -1
    I just got back from a weekend trip to Michigan... sadly I didn't get to stay there today for Paczki Day (aka Fat Tuesday, etc.) Nothing better than a Paczki from Hamtramck!!!!! :oD
  • edited November -1
    I'm around. Just busy like the most of us are. My mother is throwing me a baby shower...the catch? I'm planning it. I don't mind. It's fun. Plus, working on Lorelei's room and oh, yea work. Plus we're trying to get the house a little more settled. Still a ton to do, the house is a mess and we're still renovating the second floor.
  • edited November -1
    Osy - I'm going to have to fix your post - it's driving me nuts!!
  • edited February 2009
    It's driving YOU nuts?! Imagine trying to type in your password & the computer keeps randomly interjecting letters!!! It's driving me mad! I can't wait to take it to work so they can send it out & have it fixed. [ thank God for buying extra protection! ] lol

    hehe I'm typing from my PC now...so no random letters! ~
  • edited November -1
    all the pics are so cute! then again, any dog pic is cute, but the nihonkens are one of the cutest!
    so i thought ill post some pics of my little babies too :)

    sachi busy with her toy

    Hmmmmm??? - she was a little confused cos i kept calling her name to get her to look at the cam

    they were "talking" to each other, abt to start playing (bet koda didnt understand a lil bit of the japanese they were speaking xP)

    GrrRRrrrrr!!! [yeah my coffee table is pretty chewed up by koda :/]

    sachi is starting to get mad

    sachi about to attack nikki

    happy & satisfied nikki after play & walk

    handsome koda :)

    p/s: koda is at the vet being fixed, dropped him off this morn, gonna go get him in 4 hrs. poor koda. he looked so depressed as we were leaving.
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