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  • Thank you for adding this thread, I just noticed tonight while brushing my boy he has old man elbows. I just started him on Fish Oil capsules, guess I'll be out getting some bag balm tomorrow as well... :)
  • UPDATE!!! We are currently camping..WITH MY BOY!!! :) I want to thank all of you for your advice...worked BEAUTIFULLY!! I got him a harness, brought him out early, let him observe through the door when the other dogs showed up. "Walked" w…
  • I have just one AA (my other dog is hairless) I have hard wood throughout the main floor, where he spends 99% of the time, ceramic tile kitchen, bath and the animals room, the two bedrooms are carpet. I vacuum 2-3 times a day, plus the couches (eve…
  • What age would this older puppyhood phase be? My AA (1) is spooked at everything strange or out of place, it just started recently. He was walking through the yard and literally sprung 2ft in the air because something touched his foot. My husband pu…
  • @WrylyBrindle Thanks.. :) I will definitely try those techniques next time, I also planned on taking him up earlier the next time, before the droves of people and animals show up. That will help him familiarize himself with the surroundings, and get…
  • I have to blame myself for some of the tension that day. Keiko had a poke collar on, I had NO IDEA, until after reading the thread on this site, how bad they could be if not placed properly. :( He was pulling towards them, in turn the collar was ca…
  • Keiko is not, the others I know 2 out of the 3 are for sure, they may all be...
  • So I have the same issue..with a twist...1 year old intact male AA who is CONSTANTLY sampling my neutered 3 year old hairless terrier's urine.... Is my AA just really confused because I gave him a girl name? hahaha
  • Thanks @Bearmom, I appreciate the advice....and very good advice I might add.. :) We have a Pet supplies plus and a Petco about 35 miles away, I might just have to take him on a date, and if he is a good boy, buy him an awesome treat!!! Hopefully …