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  • HA. Yes, half-sisters. :\"> Nyx is about 1.5 years now. We do feed her chicken and she has not had a reaction to it. However, we do try to minimize the amount of chicken she gets and generally avoid it if possible since we know of Shoushuu'…
  • AAAH- I cannot stand the cuteness. We got Nyx from Airreyalis too. She's Sakura x Shoshuu's baby so I think Nyx and Shoko are cousins! What a sweet girl...
  • Then again I'm the sort who gets irked at the mispronunciation of 'sake'. So 'shikuukuu' about does me in ... and correcting people more than once just makes me feel rude xD If one more person asks me if Nyx is a "shibu" and/or repeats &q…
  • I think this was our own doing but we've always treated Nyx heavily for outside potties so she'll occasionally lick her lips while pooping in anticipation of the treats. It's really disturbingly hilarious. Nyx will also occasionally jump off her sp…
  • Thanks everyone! She stopped freaking out and seemed to get better within the next hour. We looked into her ear later in the evening and it looked like there were few little bites so I think that might explain it. There's been no more scratching sin…
  • Thanks- it doesn't seem as bad now but we'll take her in tomorrow!
  • Sounds like you got a lot of advice already but if you're in the Bay Area and want to continue on raw, I recommend FeedThis. Nyx eats their raw food frozen in kongs. It takes her about 45min- 1hr to finish one of her meals and she sleeps for 1-2 hou…
  • @Jigzzor Yes, we're in the Bay Area in Oakland. She's been at a steady 33lbs for the last few months. I'm not sure if that's normal or slightly small. Would love to do a meet up any time. Where are you located?
  • We're in Oakland with a 1 year old shikoku. I think @roninshiba is in the south bay with a young shikoku as well.
  • Thanks for asking. We found Nyx a new vet immediately and she's much better. However, I am still looking for that special vet whom Nyx will love to pieces. There was one vet whom Nyx adored but he relocated, so the search continues. Still, the neigh…
  • I can hardly believe Nyx is already 1 y.o. (as of 10/22/14) and that it's been almost a full year since we brought her home. We've been super busy not only with her but with our own lives. You know, little things like getting married :D ! The last 6…
  • Hi everyone. We're alive! :D Thanks for all your messages. I wanted to post some updates for you before she got even bigger (currently at 26lbs). Nyx continues to be an amazing dog. She is so fun, smart, and good-natured. She's quiet and calm in the…
  • @dragonfly @not4dagames Nyx is about 14 weeks now. We just weighed her yesterday and she's at 16lbs. She's growing so fast!
  • Thanks guys! We captured another hilarious moment of her in her new bed. I think @shikokuspirit would get a kick out of this: @not4dagames Great suggestion! We're going to record ourselves tonight and see how it goes. She also had her first raw b…
  • @spitzfever Yes! Let's do it! I can't socialize Nyx enough. She's only had 1 puppy class so far (and was pretty shy) so I'm not sure what her play-style is like but we have a puppy social, a 2nd puppy class, and a play date with an Akita (fingers-cr…
  • It's reassuring to know that this was a legitimately bad experience and that our gut instinct about this vet was justified. We've started looking into a new vet who will appreciate and respect Nyx. On another note, Nyx has been awesome at home. Sur…