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  • yes this is a recent picture.only a few days old.
    in sky picture Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • Roughly what size portion of meat would you use in one meal?
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • I have 3 dogs aswell so i'll be cooking the same bulk. do you put much meat in with the veg?
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • I will give that a try and see how he does on it, do you cook the food in bulk in the fridge and keep it or cook it fresh every day?
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • I'd be interested in trying the real food for him as the vet has suggested processed food from stores could be too much. What would you make for your dogs? Would the cost be extreamly high or did you find it reasonable?
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • Thanks!! That is alot of help, yes she sent it out to a testing lab and she's going through all the options with us at the moment to get to the cause of the problem. I'll mention the metronidazole on Friday, hes due back for a checkup to see hows h…
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • Yeah its the I/D. He was on hill's at the start, just the puppy junior chicken but he didnt suit that and we did try the beta both chicken/rice and lamb/rice becasue somebody told us it was a good food. We just hate seeing him like that and wake up …
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • Sky loves the toys that are like thick ropes with a little fake (but heavy) tyre at the end, gives him hours of chewing and he loves tossing it up to see how high he can get it. He also loves small balls or toys he can play fetch or chasing with. He…
  • He's on the Hill's science plan diet. The vet put him on it for the next few days to see if it will help clear it and if it does she'l know for sure if its gut sesitivity. I'm happy were strating to find out more now but its a killer trying to find …
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • Sky's vet results came back and the vet cant find any parasites or viral infections or anything else so hes to go for his checkup on friday. She thinks he just has a sensitive gut, has anybody else had a problem with this and if so what would be the…
    in health Comment by SKY2 August 2008
  • ye i have requested for him to have tests done next time were down the vet because as you said we need to get to the root of the be hounest im loosing my patients with the vet a bit.because this will be our 4th time there for the same pro…
    in health Comment by SKY2 July 2008
  • we had him on hills vet food then changed because we were adviced to by the vet.we gradually changed his food by mixing it with the food he was on.he does not consume anything else during the day.and yes he was wormed and is wormed regularly.we are …
    in health Comment by SKY2 July 2008
  • another shiba? do we dare.haha. ye we were thinking a different breed but ye of the same size and energy levels
    in advicve? Comment by SKY2 May 2008