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  • We are fortunate to have good pups. They have free run of the house and backyard. We have a doggie door for them to enter the 6 ft fenced backyard. We have detourents to keep them off the furniture. Pretty rough when Nikka, "the Queen of Shiba'…
  • We live in Los Angeles. I grew up in the area and coyote sightings are common. While cycling through Griffith Park a couple years ago I was chased 2x by coyotes. The 4 legged kind. The times were 7-9pm. Feeding time. Other people were attacked as we…
  • We were feeding Nikka, Taste of the Wild salmon kibbles. She blew up !! 2 cups a day for one month. We noticed it was very high in calories. She is 2 yr. Glad your pup is putting on the lbs.
  • We fed Nikka, Taste of the Wild -salmon kibbles. She loved it but gained plenty of weight. Very high in calories. Still feeding it to the GSD Rex.
  • We use Taste of the Wild (salmon dry) w/ very thin slices of Natures Balance beef flavor roll. 3/4 - 1 cup AM & PM. Feeding times are plus or minus 1 hour. The Natures Balance is used for rewards as well. Both Nikka and Rex (GSD) enjoy their m…