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  • oh ok, i didnt know they marked with feces as well. this is a first for me and never had a male dog that did that. he only rubs his bum on the ground when he thinks he may have got some on his bum while squatting on a bush awkwardly. only seen …
  • sounds good. i figured that was the case Jessica. i have cut out the grain and added more meat and veggies. he had his first whole fish over the weekend while out camping. that gave him the runs sorta. his next stool and only one was liquid…
  • meat to grain or meat to veggie? about 2-4% of the dogs weight is sufficient right?
  • what about veggies and grain? there isnt much in those links about feeding veggies. duke seems to enjoy them (i slice it up rather small, but will start using the food processor) and he eats that before the meat on the bone. i also give him some …
  • thanks jessica, i will look at all of those today.
  • i saw that it was rated so low, which even bolsters my decision of going raw. the cost difference of pre-made doesnt bother me really, i just like to be a DIY kinda guy. i like taking the time to make/prepare stuff. as far as the complete diet,…
  • Brad, I heard back from the rescue group and found out as much as I could regarding his history. This is what I got back. "He was an owner surrender (lots of those in this economy). We boarded him with a group of Akitas & he grew parti…
  • that is a bummer situation. hope you find him a good home. for a second there, i thought someone stole duke while i was out of town and was posting his pics on here, he looks just like my boy
  • ha, good love how funny they are
  • Duke will go in the yard, but prefers to go on walks. If he goes for a walk, he will poop 4-5 times, with nothing left after the first. Its like he has diarrhea, but only on walks, never any other time.
  • exactly! i can't remember the last time i went to the park and didnt run into the issue of another dog off a leash. i almost got into it with a dog owner who let their dog come up to mine AFTER i told him not to because of what would happen. lu…
  • neko... thats why i dont really care, but to most people that know what happened, they say it was caused because of the akita and they are too dangerous
  • Duke does not get along with any dogs, see my post in the behavior section. I will be looking into a behaviorist here soon to see the options
  • i dont mind the stigma that comes with the "dangerous breed." hell, i have first hand experience with it. one of my previous akitas attacked my niece a few years back. i don't blame it on bad owner, but more of bad parenting and my sist…
  • thanks for the advice there. i will look into finding someone here. as for biting the wrong dog...i have had no luck getting an answer on my dog biting another while he is on a lead and the other dog is not, like at a park for instance. that is …
  • i get that all the time with the akita. also get the husky question... unless they seem really interested, i tend to just keep walking and say its an akita as i walk away
  • ha, that is pretty funny.
  • that is awesome! i took a cat in the same way when i was younger. she was about 3 weeks old when i got her. her name was DC (damn cat) as my dad wasnt too fond of it at first. it soon became his favorite.
  • Crimson - I have got a bit of "control" with him. For instance, the last time we went camping, he sat next to me while other dogs walked by (about 10-20') and when I told him "NO" and made him sit, he listened. I could tell he …