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  • I run into lots of people who are convinced that my Shikoku is a cross between a Shiba and an Akita. But the standard wolf/fox/coyote comments are all the time.
  • It could be dogs of any size, big or small. But for the most part it is with dogs that are under a year old. I think he just gets super excited to play with other puppies but doesn't realize how much bigger/stronger he is. Even with our Shiba whe…
  • WCP - I can kind of agree with what you wrote about Shikoku needing lots of attention. My shiba can be left all day long by herself. She loves it. My Shikoku hates being left behind. And he is my wife's shadow. He needs to be where she is at al…
  • The only overreacting I deal with is from my Shiba (Sam). If my Shikoku (Mason), while playing, gets too rough, Sam is quick to get in his face and he backs off really quickly. And then they keep on playing. Their playing together has never escal…
  • He looks like such a sweetheart. Just want to give him a big hug.
  • @Edgewood - I can attest to what Peggy said about Yamato...He absolutely loved my wife's and my attention when we went to visit. He wanted treat after treat after treat. Constantly licking. Yamato and Mason (his puppy) were so cute together. I f…
  • I order from bestbullysticks.com. They have a bunch of different types and you can order in bulk.
  • @Dave - I am going to check with the vet and see if/when he wants to do a follow up. Although this is a new vet we are going to, it seems like he thinks less is more....he said he wouldn't have even treated if not for the loose stool. On a side no…
  • Just got back from the vet. He only prescribed 3 days/doses of panacur. I'm gonna up his probiotics as well for the next couple weeks. Hopefully he'll clear this up soon.
  • Besides the Rhodesian Ridgeback, which I believe is fairly common, I do know of a Thai Ridgeback that lives in my neighborhood. He's dark grey in color and is very muscular. Never heard of a Cambodian though.
  • Been reading a bunch online regarding "natural" remedies for Giardia. Wonder how successful going a different route would be.
  • There's a CC in my neighborhood. He's about a year old and intact. My female shiba really likes him, always wants to play with him. My 6 month old male Shikoku met him a couple times and was less than thrilled. The last time they met there was lo…
  • We had x-rays done about a year ago. Although I do not believe the vet was specifically looking at her hips. I never really considered her hips to be the problem just based on the fact that the issue only acted up very sporadically and she usually…
  • a couple photos. working on getting a video posted also edit: will do this when i get home from work....trying to access photobucket and vimeo on my phone, upload everything and send the code to my desktop at work is proving to be a little more di…
    in Mason Comment by downright March 2011
  • Could arthritis affect a dog as young as 2? And she started showing signs on discomfort over a year ago. But over the last year it would only flare up about once every other month and last no longer than a day or two. This time, however, it has be…
  • Thanks for all of the responses. Makes me feel better knowing that there is a possibility that this could help. We'll definitely go back and continue the treatment. Should I see any change after the first adjustment? This morning she was pretty u…
  • I have a 2 year old female Shiba who is a typical Shiba and a 6 month old male Shikoku. She plays rough, but only when she wants to and on her terms. Push her too hard and she will get snippy. Our friends say she can be a diva/princess. Aside fr…
  • I have a Dyson as well....highly recommend it. I got it at Bed, Bath and Beyond using one of those 20% off coupons that they send every week, even though Dyson products were excluded from the coupon...I got lucky. I just need to find something t…
  • Wish I would have taken some pictures when I went to Peggy's. We intended to, but in the moment completely forgot about the camera in my wife's purse. Yamato was so friendly when we met him, licking us like crazy.
  • Thanks for the responses. I guess I could say that his behavior was not unexpected but more of a surprise considering how good he has been with all dogs up until this point. I especially was surprised in that he went after such an easy target, a do…
  • My Shikoku Mason is also a Yamato pup and Miyu's sister. He was also sold to me under a spay/neuter contract. As to whether or not he "should" be left intact, I would have to default to Peggy. She would know what is best for him. Espec…
  • Not having all that much success with getting Mason to like his crate. Spent a good deal of time working with him this weekend, getting him to lay down in it, eat some snacks in there, etc. He is good for a few minutes if you are constantly throwi…
    in Mason Comment by downright March 2011
  • I'm hoping that he will start getting used to his new routine and become comfortable with being in his crate. For the first week he was with us, my wife was around 24/7, and now she isn't. When we first got him he hated the leash, hated the stairs…
    in Mason Comment by downright March 2011
  • I'm happy to report that the 2 of them have been getting along great, inside and outside. Sam only gets a little nasty when we are preparing their food and Mason wanders too close to her or us but it's usually just a little growl, nothing more. We…
    in Mason Comment by downright February 2011
  • http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l503/downright1/IMG_1262.jpg http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l503/downright1/IMG_1260.jpg http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l503/downright1/IMG_1256.jpg http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l503/downright1…
    in Mason Comment by downright February 2011
  • Some photos. First time posting pics so bear with me if they are out of whack. Also, Sam has gotten so much better with Mason. Now she lays near him, instigates play with him all the time and only gets a snippy on occasion. I'm really relieved t…
    in Mason Comment by downright February 2011
  • Hi Dave...just to clarify what I mean about her being aggressive...in the house she will growl and show teeth when he gets too close to her. She'll growl a little more loudly when he's starting to position himself to mount her. If he does go to mo…
    in Mason Comment by downright February 2011
  • The deer "antlerz" brand are pretty hard...I bought my shiba one and it does make me a little nervous when she chomps down on it. She doesn't really love it though, so I may just toss it....or perhaps try the chicken broth trick. Hope yo…