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  • I have never seen any thing that indicates a link between anxiety and neutering. I guess I could seen how someone could see a indirect link between testosterone and confidence, but in my opinion I think that its a stretch and don't think neutering…
  • I've got a couple Fox40 whistles that I use, they work well, but I can't say that I have tried a lot of different whistle to see if there is anything better out there.
  • @brada1878 As you said our ideas on training are simply theory, unless someday we are able to set down with a dog and carry on a conversation with them about our ideas we will truly never know whether or not they correct. These ideas are hardly my …
  • You are correct Shibamistress, not all dogs have the facilities to use all forms of dog communication, just as you said dogs like many Nk's have coiled tails, or how about basenji's that cant bark. But the interesting thing is that even if these do…
  • I don't know of any studies or papers, though I think Stanley Coren may touch in it in "How Dog's Think" but I could be wrong it may have been a different book of his or even someone else's. I don't look at it as trying to make the dog t…
  • Congratulations, I to think your should have been the first place winner
  • You are correct about the high pitch talking shibamistress, they mimic the incitement tone which dogs use for, among other things, to solicit play.
  • very interesting, but I do not understand why they didn't isolate voice tone from eye contact.
  • for some reason when I click edit, make my change, and then click save comment it is not reflecting the changes I make. I tried to insert (dog breed x) inplace of pit
  • @JessicaRabbit you are 100% correct on all accounts there, and I am sorry for any damage I have done anyones perception of pits. In the same post that this conversation originated from I spoke to shibamistress about pre-conveived notions, so to mak…
  • You are correct JessicaRabbit any breed of dog can play the roll of the vicious dog causing problems in the scenario I layed out above. That said, just because you are a responsible Pit owner dosn't meen that are (just as with any breed), but unfor…
  • @the_november_rain please post that video, I would love to see it, and this tread has really be derailed. @brada1878 I soulete you advaction of tolerance with diffrent training methods, if we fail to examine ways of doing something difrent from…
  • Thank you for the apology, its not that I am upset, but I do take attempts at deformation of chacter serious. I have no problem with a discusion of diffrent ideas, see my last post "It is a shame that we can't have a disscusion about differing…
  • @dlroberts It is a shame that we can't have a disscusion about differing training methods with out slanderious comments being thown, ie "If I could get my dog to cook me dinner and bring me a beer on the couch by sticking a cattle prod up his a…
  • @Saya sorry if you thought that was directed at you, I understood that it was your father that yelled at Bella, I to worded my reply wrong. I ment only to confirm what you where trying to tell you dad about his training methods.
  • his is a link I wont get into the argument of wether alpha and dominance are valid theories in dog traning there are just as many…
  • @shibamistress. I dont know where you got the idea that anyone takes a puppy at 2 weeks of age and submits it to presure. What I was refering to was a total training program, meening a training program that begging at 2 weeks with imprinting at th…
  • If you actualy read the study, Effect of affiliative and agonistic relationships on leadership behaviour in free-ranging dogs, that this article is basied on you will that they use dominance, formal or agonistic, to determine liniar hierarchy. Dogs…
  • @dlroberts You completely correct that idealy force fetch is part of a training program, though I would start at 14 days with imprinting (if you have access to the pup) rather than 8 weeks. But that is an idea situation, we often teach force fetch…