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  • Thanks for all the comments! I even asked my horse vet what she thought of the probiotics and she said she loved them!! If even one more person can get the relief Super Trooper has this post will be worth it!!
  • that would be powder, not power!!
  • Update on Trooper: I took him to an upscale pet food boutique and the very knowledgeable owner suggesgted probiotics for him....I just put a little power on his food and am having AMAZING results!! Not one day of sickness since...knock on wood. …
  • I gave Trooper a frozen bone....and then refrigerated it in between giving it to him....BAD idea....I left it out and apparently it could have been the cause of his his horrible diahrea. From now on I will bake it first....if I dare do it again. …
  • Wow.thank you all for your comments. He is on yet another round of Flagyl, and seems to be doing better. I am using lavendar spray, and trying to not be excited when I come home...just acting very calming even if he is out of his ma=ind with excit…
  • I do but am computer challenged and have not figured it out yet!
  • Those dogs are amazingly beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing them!