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  • Ok, so we broke down and had an allergy test performed. It only cost $255 instead of the original $500+. Skippy just has seasonal allergies due to mold in the yard. Nothing we can do about the yard, so the vet put him on Atopica and within 24 hou…
  • Thanks for the comments. Now that you say that, Skippy does sneeze in the AM and scratches his face occassionally. I'm going to increase the Benedryl and Clariton and see what happens. I have an appt next week to discuss other options...I'll brin…
  • Could arthritis be hitting him at such a young age? He's only 1.5 yrs. My vet just called and said that he recommends going to 2 benedryl and 1 clariton a day.
  • Yes, but he said that would take approx 2-3 weeks for results and it's quite costly. Don't mean to sound calus, however I can't afford to spend $525 on allergy testing. We're trying every other avenue.
  • Reverse psychology....cool. I know that putting him in his kennel is negative but I just wasn't sure what else to do. Thank you at least sounds like I don't hate him. Great idea!
  • Here's where I found the Star Ratings on various dog food. Very eye opening http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/
  • Two more things (1) tobyshiba, how much do you feed Toby? Currently, I'm feeding Skippy 1/2c AM and 1/2c PM - he seems fine with that and (2) if I feed him this Orijen with fresh fish, do I need to supplement Skippy's diet with anything else?
  • LMAO!!!! He'll do just fine in our house then! He and my husband can have contests. What did you switch to?
  • We're located southwest Nebraska with only a walmart to choose from. I can purchase some of these online. Looks like i'm going to try the Orijen 6 Fresh Fish. It costs the same as eukanuba but has a 6 star rating and looks yummy. With this I won…
  • Wow, talk about an eye opener. I viewed the www.dogfoodanalysis.com and found that eukanuba is one of the worst. Who would have known???? Thanks for giving me all this info. I know that none of the above mentioned foods I can buy local so maybe …
  • He just turned 1. What should I look out for in the ingredients. Even though he's not exhibiting problems, I want to get something for him "just in case" that is breed specific and hopefully prevent any future problems. I understand not…
  • Have no reason outside of the fact that it looked like good quality and seemed to be the best at the time. We have limited area to purchase other brands. Please comment and/or suggest others if they are better. Skippy does seem to really enjoy th…
  • OK, so I research the Eukanuba: Sensitive Skin Formula with no wheat or corn and made from ocean fish. Currently, Skippy isn't exhibiting any problems however I hear that Shiba's are very prone to skin problems. Should I be feeding him sensitive s…
  • I guess I got lucky compared to some of the comments in this forum (or it's yet to come). My Skippy is 11 mo old male and he's is soooooooooo calm and loving. He does make his little "werf" when someone he doesn't know is coming up the d…
  • My daughter is 14 and no, she didn't put it in the hall. She sleeps like a rock and I hear absolutely everything! I heard something hit the gate around 3:30AM and thought it was Skippy needing to go out -- nope, the pad was in the hall and he'd ju…
  • OK, so I went out and bought a bed yesterday. It was a wicker (very large) with a big cushion inside. I put his kennel blanket with a few toys in it so he knew it was his. I figured we'd put it in our daughter's room so if he wanted to "try&…
  • My Skippy was the runt of his litter. The breeder spoon fed him for 2 months. At 6 months of age he was only 12 pounds. He's now 10 months old and weighs 19 pounds. She might get to a growth spurt, however I really have enjoyed having a smaller …
  • My husband and I both work away from the house however we are able to get home during lunch. Therefore, since day 1, we've left Skippy in his wire kennel which is approximately 24x36x24. It's probably larger than he needs, however he has room to p…
  • OK, so honestly.....what do you do when you're outside in the yard, in the park, etc. when your Shiba won't come to you? How do you react? What range does your voice get? Are you frustrated? How do you get your Shiba back? I'm just curious beca…
  • OK, this has gotten a little graphic. However, I will say that we used to have a farm cat that would bring rabbits and mice to the back door all the time (until he got caught by a coyote). So, I guess having Skippy is just fine for that purpose, a…
  • I have to agree with Calia. Having a toy bin/bucket really helps. My Skippy is 9 months old and has absolutely no interest in chewing anything but his toys. He helps me put away the toys at night into the bucket then when he gets out the next mor…
  • When I got Skippy, I owned a wire collapsing crate fit for 2 large dogs (approx 2.5 x 3.5). Yes, it's overly large for a Shiba, however the time that he spends in it during the day when we are absent, I didn't want him to feel cramped. I purchased…
  • THIS IS GREAT! I have raised labs for years and currently still own 2 (Rex age 13 & Cooper age 3). Last summer, Skippy came apart of our family. Skippy is now a 9 month old Shiba Inu. Skippy can't wait to go out in the yard in the AM to get …
  • Never owning a Shiba (raising Labrador Retrievers for years), we were unsure also. I started out with a black nylon collar, however Skippy absolutely hated it. Someone suggested a Puppia harness. He absolutely loves it and will stand by the back …
  • Skippy and I do TOW with a rope toy however it's a gentle TOW. I never want to hurt his teeth by pulling too hard. When I want him to let go, I look at him and say "release" and he lets go. As mentioned in previous messages, I always wi…
  • Absolutely gorgeous pictures! Excited to see puppy pics and hope you enjoy!
  • Maybe leaving him out longer until you know for sure that he's done his duty, then when he comes inside, make it fun time. If he looks like he's going to go poo then pick him up and get him outside quickly. Consistentcy will make him realize that …
  • When outside by Skippy is placed in a 4x6 kennel until he does his duty. Then he gets to come play inside. He's never even thought about doing anything inside because he's trained that when he goes outside, that's "duty" time. We make i…
  • I also have a gold lab that "hugs" and a black lab that could care less. Sounds like it's just a behavior/personality trait.
  • Videos are GREAT and thanks. Now I now it's just a way of Skippy showing his love. He does some great things with my husband in the AM. Skippy will jump on the bed while we're getting ready and crouch like he's going to pounce. My husband will c…