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  • I am so jealous. I had all intentions of going today as I only live about 90 minutes away, but my mother decided to throw my father's surprise 60th birthday party today. I hope everyone has a wonderful time and enjoys our lovely state. maybe next ye…
  • Greta, my baby GSP, had her dew claws removed and tail docked at 4 days old. It is very common in hunting breeds to remove the dew claws because they can get torn off while they are chasing/tracking game. Also, with the tail docking, apparently it c…
  • I am such an advocate for crate training, although my neighbors currently think I am the meanest woman on the planet due to Greta's howling/crying during the day while I am at work. Both she and Shelby hang out in their crates in my office while I a…
  • He is just so incredibly handsome! He has a muzzle just like Shelby and lips that look oh-so-kissable! Shelby hates it when I kiss her, maybe when I get a Kai someday they won't mind a mom that wants to kiss on them? LOL I just LOVE Kona! Great pic…
  • Kaia and all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that the vet in CO Springs is able to help her out. Poor bug, I totally know the feeling of helplessness all too well. I know that both you and Jen are doing what is best for her, try not t…
  • He totally looks like a dark, longer-haired version of my Shelby! Maybe that's why I love the Kai so much? I just wanna kiss his lips! Love him and all of the pics!
  • The Kona and Loa playing video kills me.... Loa: "OK Kona, stop what you're doing. Dad's got that damn video recorder out again" Kona: "Yeah, we's cool, uh-huh, yeah, we's cool" Too funny!
  • Charging the battery for the camera and the snow spam will be soon to follow, I promise! It is CRAZY outside right now. Still snowing like you can't believe and the wind is howling. It's beautiful out there (when I gaze out my window that is! LOL).
  • We are home! I would have posted last night, however, we did not get in until almost 10:00 and the 8 yr old human child HAD to get to bed (or else I have 2 monsters to deal with). Shelby was beyond excited when she saw us at the hospital. The good n…
  • I'm leaving now to go get my little girl...........update when I get home!
  • Thank you soo much everyone for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. As of 8:00 am Shelby was still seizure free. Her blood work all came back normal. They were still trying to obtain an urine sample from her. They did ask if I would allow them to…
  • Shelby has sooo many nicknames. Here are a few: Mel (short for Smelly Shelby Melbers) Princess Porkchop Scheiskopf-German for sh!thead-my elderly German neighbor busted out laughing at this one when I was calling her in to the house one day! LMAO Sc…