Since there are a lot of new folks...



  • edited November -1

    My name is Sophie,I'm 25 and I live in Nantes, west of France.

    I have 3 dogs (and soon a 4th !) :

    2 Akita Inu (japanese) Ue Tanuki (called Tanuk), a brindle male of 4 years old, Ameiko Kitsune (called Ameiko) a red female of 2 years and a half..

    1 Hokkaido red girl : Benikiku (called Niki) 2 years old...

    I love japanese breeds, but I'm really fond of Hokkaido Ken...

  • edited January 2008

    Rina, 21 in Huntington Beach, CA. I'll have a shiba join my life this fall/winter along with a wolf hybrid sometime within the next year. I'll probably want to add a rottie to the family as well and Brad's Ahi is really getting Errik wanting a shikoku lol. The rest of my family is in my signature :D 

  • edited November -1
    Hey Rina, have you decided a breeder to go with?  My hubby and I were just talking and if we were to ever stray from the Japanese dogs we would get another rottie.  My baby girl is a rottie/pit mix and the most precious thing ever.  Ahi is amazing but I honestly dont think that there are any other shikokus like her from what I have heard....she is a precious neurotic monster!
  • edited November -1

    Rachael I decided that Katja's dogs were the way to go. I've being talking to her for the past week and she's sending me the purchase contract next week :D I'll be getting one of her early or late fall pups *crosses fingers* I don't want to jinx it till I send her the deposit back. I love rottie and rottie mixes. I love it how a lot of people on the forum loves "bully" breeds as much as I do. Hahaha I tend to go out of my way to get the monster of the litters. I love a challenge :P 

  • edited November -1

    A wolf-hybrid?

    What type?

    Are they legal in your area?

    Have you worked with wolves before?


    Sorry for the question - you just sparked my interest. I'm not sure I will ever own a hybrid, but I have talked to a number of people on YouTube and around the country that have and/or breed them... they are very interesting - very loving.


  • edited November -1
    No worries Brad :) Errik has had hybrids all through his life. His own hybrid died 5 years ago but his mother still has 2. He's native american so they're the typical pet of choice. He prefers them be bred with german shepherds, malamutes or huskies, just to preserve the wolf like appearance. And he wants more than 75% wolf. Legally, with the amount of wolf it'll have no it's not but his family just refers them as "german shepherds" or whatever their other part is. All I've dealt with them personally is from his mother's 2 wolves but they remind me so much of shibas when it comes to how they act and respond to things. Well..a lot wilder of course :)
  • edited November -1

    oh, wow, very cool! We have a large Native American population here in Taos so there are a good number of wolf hybrids - they are buetiful.

    Has he ever considered a "Native American Indian dog"?


    They are very interesting dogs.

    I see why he likes Ahi now - she is wolfish. :c)


  • edited November -1
    Wow that dog is beautiful. Errik has never heard of them. He likes their appearance at a glance though heh.
  • edited November -1
    yea, they are very cool - there is a lady that breeds them to the original standards, keeping them very primitive - i will try to find the link....
  • edited November -1
    Oh me gee Brad look what you did. I sooooo want a pup from Zakai and Tehya. They are beautiful. Hopefully she will keep breeding them for a while so I have a chance to own one.
  • edited November -1
    glad i could help. Wink
  • edited November -1

    Rina, with Wolf cross-breds, I perfer the Husky or Malamute mixes then with German Shepherd. Just temperment wise, they seem much more stable, in my opinion. However, maybe Errik and his family have been lucky thus far. As with any breeder, make sure you research them out. For sure, try and meet their dogs to ensure stablity in your pup!

    There are actually a few breeders locally, you'd be surprised =(^-~)=. There are some very nice Artics nearby too, you can run them as maybe a GSD/Husky mix! lol. Be careful and good luck!

    Maybe you can get an F1 cross mated with an wolf. Therefore producing 75% wolf and 25% whatever breed of dog, considered an F2. And you are with the legalities! Only F1 are considered "illegal" but F2 and so on are OK! There are many people producing wolf mixes that do back crossing in order to gain a higher percentage of Wolf blood.

    Even though you would be within legal boundaries, definitely do not let people know about the wolf heritage...just to be safe, but I don't have to tell you that.

    Happy Hunting!

  • edited January 2008

    Thanks Corina. We will not be going through a breeder per se for the wolf, Errik has his connections through the powwows with people he's known his whole life. I didn't know it was considered legal up to 75% thanks for letting me know :) His family always played the safe side and called them german shepherds hehe.

     Edited : Apparently Errik didn't know about the 75% thing either and he thanks you :)

  • edited January 2008

    Your best bet may be to just go with a dog/breedings where both parents are mixes but have a higher percentage of wolf blood. Since the state of California does not regulate wolf crosses. Only first generation wolf crosses are illegal. So really, in essentience (sp?), you could have a canine that is (please excuse my math, tis not exact, but approx.) 94.5% wolf and still be within legal boundaries. It does state only F1 generation as being banned. Just to be "safe", it's probably best that one of the parents not be 100% wolf themself.

    Anything else you'd like to know, just hauler. I'm into exotics as well and exotic hybrids, I've done my research. Someday I will have my Cheetah! lol.


    Oh, and your welcome!!!

  • edited November -1

    Ooo a cheetah that's intense. If I ever get a hold of a massive amount of money I would love to have a tiger sanctuary. That's just a dream though.

    And I think we have officially hijacked this thread. 

  • edited November -1

    I also raise primates.


    Human children are primates, right? 

  • edited November -1
    Just wanted to add... Brad, you're a bad, bad man.  Now I want a Native American Indian Dog.  
  • edited November -1

    You mean since his six gorgeous dogs aren't temptation enough!

    For gods sake it is this pesky forum that has led me to my up coming shikoku! After vowing to never get an animal that wasn't a rescue!!Tongue out

  • edited November -1

    How do you exercise a Ceetah?  Or would it just live in a pen?  Second forum I've been on today where exotic cats have been discussed, the other one is a music forum.

    I like the look of wolf-hybrids, not sure I would want one with my cats though.  If I ever wont the lottery, I'd probably buy an enormus amount of land and make it a wolf sanctuary.  That would be the best, well there would be a dog rescue too of course.

    I had a friend in Florida with a wolf-hybrid.  When he had lived in Indiana, it got loose on him once.  When he found it, it had eaten 1/2 a goat that had been tied to a tree.  Ooops.

  • edited November -1

    Heidi - The primate thing made me laugh... exotic Canadian Primates. lol

    Brandon - I have a similar dream, to save wolves... tho I would also love to hunt Bigfoot (not for kill tho). I donate to a lot of wolf orgs... my favorite charity I donate to is Y2Y (Yellowstone to Yukon) - it helps the wolves and other creatures too.

    Jessica - You wait, you will not be able to have just one Shika.


  • edited November -1

    Humans are primates! Correct.


    I think the min requirements for housing on a Cheetah is much too small (at least in California). I want LARGER! Though it is a bright idea to have a smaller kennel available to put the animal in for pen cleaning, vet checks, etc. I want like acres and acres of land, just because.

    You excercise a Cheetah by lure coursing! The best time, is meal time. Attach the carcass to lure and GO! After the Cheetah begins to tire, allow the animal to come in for the "kill". Just because they are the fastest animals around, doesn't mean they need to run all the time, lol. Only during meal times do they need to exhaust some energy. The rest of the time they are rather lazy animals. It'll be good to have plenty of space though, so that the animal does not feel confined. And can go for "walks" throughout the day...though, they might just sleep, lol. I'll just use it as an excuse to go hiking with my cat. =(^-^)=

  • edited April 2008

    are we still working this thread?

    i'm relatively new - from Scranton, PA,  22 y/o with two shibas - tsuki and kitsune - and hopes for a Shiba Sanctuary within the next 5 years - already working on zoning!

  • edited November -1

    Since you brought it active again, I'll post my info.

    I'm pretty new myself on this - I'm LJ - 35, a rare native Atlantan.  I'm a sales coordinator for a grass seed company and spend a lot of time working with stadiums, golf courses, and race tracks to get that pretty green grass everbody wants..  I have a gorgeous red shiba named Jazz.  I also have three outdoor cats - 'stache, Wolfenstein, and Todd.

  • edited November -1
    LJ, I need your help with my backyard!  The bermuda is dying, not enough sun since I fenced it in.  Also, not draining properly.  Right now it's mostly mud.  Can you help me with it?  I'm at my wits end.
  • edited November -1
    What type of drainage problems?  Puddling due to hard soil, runoff from hill, low spots in lawn?  Post me a pic so I can see.  I'll probably recommend a tall fescue/perennial rye mix like pennington's smart seed sun & shade - that'll handle overall sun conditions and handle drought conditions for this summer.  Is the area irrigated?  If so is it via in-ground sprinkler or by hand watering?  When was the last time a soil test was done?  How often do you usually mow your grass?  At what height?  Type of mower (reel, rotary, etc.)?
  • edited April 2008
    all of the above, runoff from hill, low spots, hard soil.  I haven't irrigated.  I believe the soil is acidic as I've had some moss problems too.  weekly mowing with a rotary.  Neighbor is insisting I wait until Fall but I don't want to wait that long.
  • edited November -1

    You can seed in the spring - there's usually about a 50% fail rate on the seed because it doesn't have enough time to establish the roots necessary to handle our summer (that's the reason for the smart seed recommendation).  Depending on the amount of work you want to do...

    1. You can till the area which will break up the hard soil and aerify.  This would also let you level out your soil.  It's a great time to add in a fertilizer appropriate for your soil based on a soil test.  Call your local county agent - there have soil test kits real cheap - sometimes they'll come out and do it for you and give you a recommendation of the fertilizer ratio that you need. 

    2. Rake the soil into a level and pack it by using a roller or walk the area well.  Then you can spread seed.

    As for the drainage issue - this is a bit different and needs to be addressed before you try to fix anthing else or it's just going to be a waste of time & money.  Addressing the runoff from hill can be as easy creating a drain path using drainage pipe and rocks to having to create a water diversion plan - I'd have to see pics to advise anything on this one.

  • edited November -1
    I'll try and take pictures.  Calling the county agent was a great suggestion.  Thanks.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1

    Well, since I hijacked someone else's thread to introduce ourselves, I'll post here as well Wink

    My name is Pam, husband is Tim, baby Shiba is Ryu. He's 6 months now and a piece of work, I tell ya. We hope to give him a sister (or g/f!) in a few months when we move back to the mainland. We live in Hawaii right now. I work for the Army as a civilian doing human resources but will be unemployed as of 23-May-2008 (YAY!!!!!). Tim is an Army Captain working as a General's Aide de Camp at the moment. Come August, we'll head back to Missouri for the career course (where they lock us in the Army for another 1 year, minimum) and then, who knows!

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