MadShiba Picnic 2009 (Madison, WI)

edited June 2009 in General
We are now officially taking reservations for the 5th annual MAD Shiba Picnic - we reserved the shelter for August 22, 2009 - that is a Saturday and as in the past 4 years it will again be a Token Creek County Park Shelter #5.

The price for the picnic is $15.00 per adult and $8.00 per child (10 and under), the price includes a catered meal.

There will be an silent auction and raffle again this year. All funds raised will be donated to the Shiba Inu Rescue Resource of America and the Dane County Humane Society.

Hotel information is available, just ask!

Please RSVP to

-Brandon Wisch
Co-Madison Picnic Organizer
Madison WI

To learn more about the picnic consider joining one of these groups listed below:

We have a yahoo group dedicated to the Shiba Inu and their families - - the site is dedicated to education about and the preservation, care, training and enjoyment of the Shiba Inu breed. We hope that you will consider joining us at:

There is also another yahoo group for those of you in the Madison area where we plan shiba play dates - if you are in the Madison area and would like to take part in our shiba play dates - join this site at:

*just thought I would give this it's own thread


  • edited November -1
    very, very excited!!
  • edited November -1
    We are super stoked for the picnic! Jen and I will be there with some pups. :o)
  • edited November -1
    I was hoping to go, but now I have to take time off to have surgery on my wrist so I won't be able to take the days off needed to drive to and from Madison (20+ Hours).

    Everybody MUST take lots of pictures and tell us all about it.
  • edited November -1
    Yay, can't wait
  • edited November -1
    I agree with Kristin. I want lots of pictures.
  • edited November -1
    Wish I could go----Spamspamspam pls. !~
  • edited November -1
  • edited November -1
    hmmm. Which dogs are the Andersons bringing again? :)
  • edited November -1
    I'm not sure what dogs they are bringing, but they have promised a surprise!
  • edited November -1
    We are bringing a surprise person and Ahi, Loa, Kona, and Lani. It will truly be a Nihonken meet up.

    We don't want to board Blue at this age, so we may bring him if we can't find someone to take him for the time we are gone.

  • edited November -1
    Who from the forum is going to the MadShiba Picnic?

    Bev - are you still planning to join us?

  • edited November -1
    So far people from the forum that have e-mailed me RSVPs are Beth, LJ, and you guys. However I haven't recieved payment from anyone on the board yet.

    Pam is a maybe at this time. Besides Beth, all of the East-Coasters that had mentioned coming have dropped out.
  • edited November -1
    A surprise person or canine?

    I was gonna go, but due to surgery I can't :(
  • edited November -1
    Well that's disappointing (to both Brandon and Kristin), I was hoping for a better turn out. :o(

    Oh well, I'm still super stoked!

    Brandon: I think Jen wrote a check and sent it, I'll check on it.

    Kristin: A surprise person.

    Brandon: What should we expect the weather (temperature) to be (rough estimate)?

  • edited November -1
    Late August the high is usually in the mid 80's, and humid. The past four picnics have all had great weather, not too hot, and never any rain. There is plenty of shade around the shelter area to setup a spot in though.
  • edited November -1
    I set my check up through billpay with my bank - I'll see if they sent it yet.
  • edited July 2009
    I really can't wait, it's just a little more than a month away.

    Brandon- We're hoping to make the drive there in one day on Thursday the 20th, and hoping to have Friday just to be tourists. Do you know of any good tourist 'traps' near-by that you think would be fun for us to visit with the boys if we're not too dead from the trip?
  • edited November -1
    Beth - where are you guys staying?
  • edited July 2009
    We'll be camping at the park the meet is at. We reserved the site for Friday and Saturday night, but not for Thursday night just in case we can't make it in one day. The park does accept walk in campers (they only allow reservations for half the sites) so we should be able to add a night there, tho probably not at our reserved site.
  • edited November -1
    Things to do right in the city, with the dogs, is leaving me kind of blank. If you want to drive 45 minutes north there is a great state park called Devil's Lake. Lots of nice hiking trails there. In Madison you could walk around downtown, near the capitol with the dogs. Down State Street there are coffee shops and restaurants where I believe you could have your dogs with you while you sit outside.

    I guess you could visit the Union Terrace too, but dogs have to stay down near the water:

    The Atwood Neighborhood has a nice pet supply store that you can take the dogs into and some places where you could hang out, outside.
  • edited November -1
    We're looking into hotels for Saturday night, our tent got destroyed in our basement flood :(
    Camping sounds awesome!
  • edited November -1
    I'm booked at the LaQuinta.
  • edited November -1
    Us too! :o)
  • edited November -1
    LaQuinta it is!
  • edited November -1
    Is this the address of the LaQuinta, Brandon?

    5217 E Terrace Dr
    Madison, WI 53718-8339
  • edited November -1
    Yes, that's the address.

    It's a whole 2.6 miles from my place!
  • edited November -1
    Middleton, WI - a mere 7miles from Madison, WI was rated #4 Best Places to Live by Money on
  • edited November -1
    OK meetup goers, I might need to hitch a ride... my husband might not be able to get that weekend off of work (and in this economy, we aren't pushing it!).

    Is anyone willing to give me a ride? I will DEFINITELY pitch in for gas and whatever else is needed. I'll probably get a hotel room, but I'm not against camping either. I'm easy. Is anyone going through PA?

    I feel awful asking, but I really want to go, and don't necessarily want to make a 14 hour car drive by myself. Though. Maybe I will..

    This also means, should my husband have to work, that I wouldn't bring either of my dogs... but I'm sure the Anderson Pack will be enough :)
  • edited November -1
    We're driving through PA, but I would have to ask Tom if He's willing to pick up any 'hitchhikers'. We are leaving on Thursday and hoping to make the drive in one day. If you want to see basically what route we will be traveling, use google to get directions from 11779 to Token Creek. That's a basic idea of where we are going, but depending on what type of pit stops we plan to make, it may vary slightly (we hope that maybe Peggy from o'ikon kennels will let us stop by and check out the place). We will be leaving for home Sunday morning and spanning the ride out over the course of two days. I am not sure where we will end up by the end of Sunday, but we'll probably stay at a motel over night and neglect to mention the dogs.

    If you guys wind up in North Carolina, try asking Casey (sunyata) if she still wants to go with you keeping company. I know she wanted to go, but didn't want to do it alone.
  • edited November -1
    I've become a hitchhiker. Its amazing what you do for Nihon Ken, isn't it?

    I still have some other stuff in the works, we'll see... THANKS!
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