


  • I love the pictures of him retrieving the toy so cute!
  • Lovely pics Heidi. He is so adorable... Really seems like he might be carrying the spirit of a retriever. LOL
  • Sosuke rode on a motor boat today. I wish I had brought my camera onto the boat, because he was so cute sitting up by the bow with Matea. Then the motor died in the middle of the lake, so we were stranded there for a while, and he decided to go for a swim.
  • Where's the goddamn "like" button? :P
    He really gets to go on adventures the little man :D
  • Where's the goddamn "like" button? :P


    All of Haru's pups are pretty damn lucky!!!!!!!
  • I love that Saya loves riding on the boat and she's starting to enjoy swimming. I love your Sosuke updates he sounds like a nice dog. =)
  • Wow he looks so good! He really turned out to be a awesome pup.
  • So, Sosuke came camping with us this weekend. I can't believe how well he handles noises. I didn't bring Rakka because I foresaw there being more noise than she likes, and I was right and then some. We went to a little town in the mountains for a festival they have every year, with one of the largest fireworks displays in Canada. I was volunteering for the after fireworks traffic control.

    Anyway, there was a lot more noise than I even thought. The camping spot for volunteers was in the middle of town, near the fireworks, and right next to a train track. So, fireworks, hoards of drunk people, and a train added up to a really loud weekend. Not only that, but right before the fireworks, there was an intense thunder storm. We were in our tent when the storm started, and we were afraid to leave because we were pretty sure our weight was the only thing keeping the tent from blowing away. Isaac was freaking out, and Noah and I were just trying to keep the tent upright. Thunder and lightning was non-stop with pelting rain. It was really loud. And here's the thing: Sosuke just slept through the whole thing. We even woke him up during the storm (Noah said, "He's way too mellow... is he breathing?") and he just stretched and dozed off again. The first time the train went by (and blew its horn the WHOLE TIME), he just looked at it with his head cocked.

    He isn't afraid of anything!

    We also took him on our inflatable row boat on a lake, and he was so cute. He leaned over the front and paddles with his front legs while I rowed.
  • Man these pups have a better social life than me!!! Sosuke is camping, Juno is at festivals. I'm a bit jealous.
  • Sosuke had fun! love camping! Saya would be like that in the rain she sleeps pretty good during loud storms and the dog park has a train that goes by she doesn't react to it same for fire works..

    I love Sosuke's personalty calm and collected. =)
  • I love the Sosuke updates and pics too! That slide pic cracks me up!
  • Wow, that's a better reaction than you could possible hope for! Good boy. :-)

    I also have to agree with Tara, my severely cramped social life these days makes me very envious. lol.
  • This litter has shown to have great loud noise recovery, I'm very pleased with that. I wonder if it was because Haru was still hunting a bit while pregnant?

  • What a great thread! Sosuke seems like such an awesome pup! :)
  • Beautiful pics, and beautiful dog!! I love seeing this litter grow up.
  • I really must say that getting a Haru pup sounds more and more tempting!! ;) I really need to get a job and a place to live!!

    Awesome that Sosuke takes it all so well :)
  • The more I read about your Kaï, the more I'm charmed by the breed ! They are wonderful !!!

    Sosuke is adorable !!
  • Okay, I've had requests for photos of Sosuke, so I took the camera out on one of our evening walks. Enjoy!

    This is Sosuke with his squeaky yarn ball. Wrap wool yarn around a squeaky rubber ball, throw in the washing machine to felt, and viola, a squeaky yarn ball for the dog who's always making a mess of my yarn.

    When Sosuke can't see in the tall grass, he channels his inner gopher. Much to the delight of my children who laugh hysterically and yell, "He's standing like people!"




  • Wow! He's gorgeous! Such a handsome dog... I'm jealous.
  • Love that gopher shot. :-)
  • My little man's brother is also very handsome ;)
  • Those are some fantastic photos of Sosuke! I love his coloring. :)
  • Great camping story! Scary but fun...
    ...Sosuke, the fearless Kai Ken!

    He looks amazing by the way.
  • He is beautiful !!!
  • Beautiful pictures his brindling are turning out nicely.

    I love the standing picture and the third picture.

    Bella my parent's boxer will stand like that if she hears something in the tall grass. lol
  • Oh man he is looking good!
  • OMG I swear Sosuke is one of the most gorgeous dogs I've ever seen! I love his expression, his color, everything about him! I want one like that!! ;)

    Great pics Heidi :D
  • edited September 2011
    His head is really starting to fill in a bit huh? He's looking great!

    How's his toy drive coming along? I know you've been working on it.
  • What great pics!

  • Toy drive is good! He brings toys to me all the time and gets super excited to see them. My main challenge is that he's always trying to grab the toys out of my hand before I can throw them, lol. Oh yeah, and he's not all that good at the "retrieve to hand" bit, but I've taught him to go back and find a toy if he drops it, so he always brings it back eventually, even if it takes three or four "find your toy!"s.
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