


  • That is such awesome news! I can't wait to see how he does!
  • That's awesome Hiedi! Although, I'd argue you don't need any books. You just need to get out there with your dog and train him. I've read a lot of books on training hunting dogs now, and I use NONE of them in my day-to-day. I use my intuition and relationship with my dogs to encourage them to work with me. Just do it!
  • That's wonderful Heidi! I know this is something that you've been wanting to do for a very long time!
  • So, Sosuke hit a car. Yep, he hit a car. Matea let him out, so I went on my bike to go retrieve him. When I caught up with him, he was across the street. He saw me and came running over... but somehow failed to notice that a car was driving in front of him. He banged into the car, which he then growled and snapped at. Then he ran over to me and I put him on the leash and headed back home. He has a scuffed up chin which was bleeding a little, but is otherwise okay. The bleeding mouth was a good prop to demonstrate to Matea (who is notorious for letting dogs out) that dogs can get hurt when you let them out.

    Seriously, though, after I stopped being scared out of my mind, I can't help but chuckle at Sosuke running into a moving car and then growling at it. Like, "Uh, hello, I'm running here!"
  • edited April 2012
    Oh, poor boy! But I love his 'tude! :) Pats to brother
  • Oh no... What a dork. LOL
  • Glad he is home safe!
  • I'm just glad that HE HIT the car and is safe.
  • I am also glad that he is safe! Everytime my dogs get out, I have a semi heart attack because they are just so prey driven (we have a lot of wild rabbits in our neighborhood) that they forget their surroundings.
  • Lol... That sounds like something I would do.

    Glad he is okay and the only damage is a scraped chin.
  • Yeah, I think my life is shortened every time the dogs get out. I'm hoping that this experience teaches him to be more careful around cars. Rakka's very sensible when it comes to cars, but Sosuke not so much.
  • Oh, wow... yeah, I'd have a few more gray hairs after that. So glad to hear everything turned out ok with that!!
  • Glad to hear he is ok
  • Oh wow, that's freaky! That could have been bad if he'd gone a little faster, or the car was going slower.

    Juneau and Sasha have no car sense at all. I know they'd get hit if they were out long enough. They normally stick to the sidewalks but they do go out into the road. Conker rarely goes into the road, but he will if there's a tasty cat in the vicinity.
    Conker has yet to get out and actually run off at the house. He's done it a couple times on hikes but always comes back within 10 minutes or so. Juneau and Sasha, I have to call them to get them to come back.
  • Sosuke had his first agility lesson last night. He did very well. The instructor said that she can tell he will be good at this because he is clearly enjoying himself! Someone else brought a female dog going into heat, and I was really worried that that would cause problems, but Sosuke was still really good. Very interested in her butt, for sure, but easily redirected.

    Then the instructor announced to the whole class that Sosuke was the best tempered Oriental dog she'd ever met, and she simply can't believe how sweet he is. I was like... umm... thanks?
  • haha... Let's take that as a compliment! :o)
  • Yay, Sosuke! :) We know he'll do great! give him a kiss for me...
  • edited May 2012
    Sosuke's such a good boy! Tonight we went to my parents' house for my BIL's birthday, so of course there were five little kids running around and everything was hectic. My parents' yard isn't fenced in, so all children were told to make sure the doors were closed. Usually they're pretty good, but not so much tonight. About five times, I went to check the door to see it wide open and Sosuke sitting calmly by the door, just looking out. Once he did follow Isaac into the yard, but he stayed with him and didn't run off. Children also abandoned their dinner at the dog-nose-height kids' table and Sosuke didn't steal the pork roast from the plate! Kids dropped their food, and Sosuke just watched instead of quickly grabbing it. So polite, too. He sat nicely to be pet and was careful around the kids. Then on the bike ride home, he was so well-behaved. He kept the perfect amount of slack in the leash and trotted along in perfect unison with me, even when passing yappy little dogs.

    Not that this good behaviour is unusual, but tonight I got to show him off to my family, so I'm feeling especially proud.

    Such a good boy. I don't know how I got so lucky.
  • I'm glad he's such good dog for you. :)

  • What a good boy he is! Reading your post, Im feeling that all-is-well connection with you and Sosuke- he knows what's "right" and hes cool and calm and has that unison with you. I love that feeling! I too find myself again and again, having these sudden moments of appreciation and feeling incredibly lucky to have his sister as my friend and teammate. We are very lucky!

    More photos of Sosuke would be okay, too...I'd like to see him!
  • Sounds like a terrific thing you and Sosuke have going on :) Makes me happy too.
  • This is a good update. Pics would make it great! ;-)
  • I heart Sosuke!!! :)
  • What a good boy he is! And how very handsome!
  • Love his brindle. :)
  • Hey, Brudder! :) You handsome dog you!
  • He's such a good boy! He looks really nice too! It's nice to see him... I love to hear about the pups. :o)
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