Kaede Go Kobun X Kita No Umi Go Shirai breeding :) Week 8 puppy spam!!

edited February 2012 in Akita (秋田犬)
Going to attempt my first breeding tomorrow. I have a small table with checkered table cloth, pasta, marinera sauce, and meatballs ready. ....Oh and a muzzle :0


  • Good luck Sean! Keep us posted on things...
  • Good luck!! Here's to hoping that there are pups in your future:)
  • Haha!! Good Luck!
  • I'm more curious about the whole thing. Some really nice people have turned in applications but I also got my fair share of WTFs

    Can't wait for little fur balls
  • Good luck!
  • Good luck!
  • Yay good luck! Hoping for some puppies for you!
  • Make sure you get your apron and get your best italian voice to sing, "That's Amore!"

  • Good luck with the breeding! Hope to see puppy pics soon ;)
  • Good luck. :)
  • Good luck...hope we get to see lots of cute puppy pics and videos!!!
  • Awesome! Sounds like the dogs will have a very romantic evening. :)

    Good luck!
  • Good luck today!!
  • Good luck! Wish I could have another puppy--bet they're going to be beautiful!
  • hope everything goes well sean. will keep my fingers crossed.
  • I read the "the Split" but once again. Which one is the real Akita?? Oo
  • It's tomorrow already isn't it? I want to know how it went! :-)
  • And why is that in most dog books, or at least the one I have read, there are two Akitas or more specific a Great Japanese Dog and the Akita?
  • Day one went ok. Kita is seasoned pro, Kaeda was ok....she kinda went into her "shame cave" afterwards. Honestly with all the stuff going on, I forgot about dogs being tied. I kept saying to myself "hurry up dude".

    We are having a second date tomorrow.
  • @Ivan they both are not lol. I really don't think anyone knows what the true Akita is. But the American Akita and Japanese Akita have developed into two really neat breeds.

    Also when they chose to make the second breed that's when Great Japanese Dog came up. Then it was changed to American Akita.
  • @jackburton--Usually about how "dates" do they need to have to ensure a successful pregnancy? How long are they tied for?
  • Yeah congratulations!!!!! Kaeda is such a pretty girl. I can't wait to see her pups.
  • Yeah they were tied, it was ten plus mins. We will do a second one tomorrow and then Thursday.
  • Thats crazy, I've seen pictures of really old Akitas and they resemble more to the one we call today the American Akita, however Hachiko (1920's-1930's) looks more like a mix of the two modern types of Akitas today.

  • In the book "Akita" by the Japanese Kennel Club, you'll see that the Japanese started mixing as early as the 1860s. One of the first dogs they used was some sort of Mastiff brought in by a European. So of course they are going to look more like the American Akita. I always find it odd that people state that the Japanese heavily mixed the Akita after WWII to help save the breed. To me the mixing can be broken down to two major events: 1) Dog fighting - to help counter the Tosa 2) The onset of WWII where one part of the Japanese dog world prized the GSD. At the same time the other segment of dog lovers were mixing to help "hide" the Akita since the Japanese Military was using them for pelts, etc etc. To further compound the issue, there were those that had "unmixed" Akitas (I still think they were somewhat mixed) that stashed their dogs up in the mountains. These dogs were later added into the breeding pool as well.

  • Ok folks. We did three breedings with the last tie happening last night. I will take her in for ultrasound in 30 days.
  • Good luck with it hope things go well.
  • fingers crossed!
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