Haha naw it's ChoCho's house, she gets to make the rules! I can't hold that against her lol. In my parent's house Ren doesn't like strangers at all, so I understand!
So it's been a really long time since I've updated the forum on ChoCho. She's doing great! She has turn into a major foodie or like Brad likes to call it a "food shark"! She's become more playful as time goes by and actually tries to get her toys from Goro instead of just letting him take it. Here are some pictures of her. I took them a month ago (or something like that).
-Excuse the dog hair... Goro has been blowing his coat in stages and is barely finishing up...
-Watching people walk by
-Goro sniffing her gums... lol
-Being cute with my niece
-Sharing the bed with Goro lol
-Goro is more settle and patient about guilting us into giving him food... ChoCho has no shame lol
Oh and she's losing her slimness. Not sure if this is normal for Shikoku, but she's looking a little on the thick side lol Her diet and amount of excises hasn't changed. I feel bad about feeding her less, since she's is always hungry!
@WrylyBrindle They don't. they like to stare at them and listen to people's conversations like creepers lol. The only time she barks is when there's a squirrel in the trees. I swear ChoCho's colors change with the season! She's shedding right now and her red is being replaced with goma (sesame). She looks so different every few month!
Great pictures, always like seeing updates on Chocho! I agree with Chrystal, her and Goro's relationship is special. Love the food guilting picture haha. Nihon Kens, so shameless...
-Excuse the dog hair... Goro has been blowing his coat in stages and is barely finishing up...
-Watching people walk by
-Goro sniffing her gums... lol
-Being cute with my niece
-Sharing the bed with Goro lol
-Goro is more settle and patient about guilting us into giving him food... ChoCho has no shame lol
and most of all I love her relationship with Goro- they are a perfect pair.
Do they bark at people from the balcony? I think Juno and esp!!! Sage would be barking at people playing tennis, another dog on another balcony etc...
Both dogs are beautiful.