Since there are a lot of new folks...



  • edited November -1

    She is a 11 month old female Shiba.  I am so glad she's putting back on weight and the incision is healing nicely and that she is home for her first Christmas and birthday (Jan 21st).  The most frustrating thing was the surgeon couldn't tell me for sure what happened.  She didn't ingest anything, wasn't a tumor, disease, or her diet.  They don't think it was genetic, either.  Ugh!!  My first question was....IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN?!  They say no. 

    JessicaRabbit  That's funny...goes to say Great Minds think Alike!  I was going to name her Church, but as she grew her silver and grey swirls looked like storm clouds to me. 


    Thanks all's nice to know others wish Zen well.  I would have been a mess if anything happeded to her. 

    Happy Holidays!! 

    ps I have a forum topic for someone to start...."What Gifts are you getting your Pets for the Holidays?"



  • edited December 2007
    Hi my name is Jamie and I am from Michigan. I have a black and tan female shiba inu and  a male Kai. They are the love of my life! =) Well besides my husband ;) I also have 2 black cats, Harley and Carson, and my newest addition, a male black striped kitten who I resued from Petsmart that was brought in from a shelter, Tony the Tiger! I someday soon (maybe within a year after we move into a bigger house) want to get a Shikoku or a white german shepard but my husband goes nuts when he sees pictures of Brads' Hilo so we might get an Akita. =) My husband is going to school to be a teacher and I work for an Insurance Claims Adjusting firm and someday will have kids but right now I enjoy spoiling my animal children =)
  • edited November -1

    WOW - I'm glad Zen is ok.

    As for the TV thing... yea we have no TV and live in one of the most quiet places in the world. It's really kinda crazy, but I don't miss the TV at all. We had it on the floor waiting to be put on something (we had just moved in)... we stepped out to go somewhere, came back and Maui had peed ALL OVER it... I mean it was like he walked around it an peed on it in different spots. Undecided

    As for "Dope"... I am an OLD surfer (I will be 30 in 2 weeks), so I guess words like that are still in my vocab just to date me.

  • edited November -1
    Hey Brad careful with that "old" stuff. I'm older than you.
  • edited November -1


     My name is Kelly and I'm from Michigan; I live in Burton currently.  I have a female Shiba, a male Kai and a male Dutch Shepherd.  I could live with more dogs and I would like more, but my bf is not a lover of dogs like me.  His head would explode and he might drop dead if I got another one.  I had planned on getting a Shikoku a while back, I actually had a deposit down on one of Peggy's puppies from the litter that just all went to new homes.  Things didn't work out like I planned and I didn't end up getting a puppy, but everything happens for a reason.     

  • edited December 2007
    Hi Kelly! Im from Michigan too! Where did you get your Shiba from? and I imagine you got yout Kai from Marian? Well of course you did considering shes like the only Kai breeder in the US....i think? I have a male Kai and hes a little over 6 months now and is 32 pounts. He is very solid and is such a good watch dog, the TOTAL opposite of my female shiba. His personality seems to balance out hers since shes such a stinker butt. I also want a Shikoku, but I have 3 cats and then the 2 dogs so I would need a much bigger house but mine is up for sale so we shall see! =-)  Does your male Kai show any signs of agression toward you if you take something away from him that he shouldnt have or? Mine has been stealing stuff off the tree and I go to get them and he runs with it in his mouth then hides and when I say "drop it" he looks at me like im stupid so I try and take it away and hes aggressivly growled at me that I am concerned about.
  • edited November -1
    I bet no one knows how old I am.  You'd be shocked, I'm sure.
  • edited November -1
    Jessica - sorry... (but I'm sure when you turned 30 you felt how I'm feeling - it kinda sux)
  • edited November -1
    Hi, My name is Robert and I'm from Warsaw, Poland. Currently we are in process of moving into village near Warsaw - Wymysly - we have bought a farm there. I have two hokkaido inu - Kiba (Fang) and JaJa (tomboy), one shiba inu - Amandil, Syberian husky - Buffy, two cats from animal rescue - Spike and Willow. I'm certifited anthropologist but I'm working as a project manager for interactive company, my girlfriend is a quality manager in logistic company.
  • edited November -1

    Heidi, as wise old Indiana Jones once put it "It's not the age, it's the mileage" I have a feeling as that is the case you are probably younger than me. Wink

    Brad, Welcome to your 30's. I did freak out a little. I called it my "S*#% or  get off the pot" freak out. Where all of a sudden I thought "I'm I doing what I want to be doing, living where I should be living, with who I should be with" I tweaked the job part (thus starting a rescue), figured out I like where I live, and that I am married to the best guy ever. Then I got a couple dogs and suddenly my 30's were my best years yet!

    Robert Amandil? Tolkein? Elf Ancient right? (Yes my nerd colors are showing through. ) welcome to the forum. I have been loving the pictures you have posted or your Hokkaido, as well as the rest of your family.


  • edited November -1

    Hello,  My name is Peggy.  I reside in NE Ohio with my wonderful hubby, Bob, and 3 beautiful daughters (poor Bob) and an 8 pack of Nihonken, a pair of Inuit huskies, and Kikko-the-bad-dog...and various doggie visitors...I also dog sit in my home.  Did I mention my wonderful hubby, Bob?! (He's such a great sport!) We are excited about our future plans to build a new residence & canine center in Western PA.  I work full-time as an associate research scientist and spend the rest of my time hanging with 'the pack", oh and playing Wii!

    I really think it's great that we can have a common place to share our thoughts, questions, photos, and stories. 

    Looking forward to an awesome 2008...Wishing all a Happy New Year!Smile

  • edited November -1
    And I thought my husband was a great sport. Bob may have earned saint status! Wink
  • edited November -1
    Good guess with Tolkien, the whole litter was named after "A" Tolkien heroes: Aragorn, Arwena, Aratorn and Amandil :)
  • edited November -1
    Oh man....I won't even say what  my age is....I might get make a lot of you sad....hehehe jk.
  • edited November -1

    Pam - I'm SO glad that Zen is well.

    I once had to take Fiskars, my cat, to the emergency vet when I left her outside unsupervised! She came home with just a little spot of blood and I freaked. She kept panting too, I didn't understand why. So I called my dad and he use to the E.R. Turns out all her organs were jammed up in her diaphragm. And she was having difficulty breathing. The Doctor said it looks like she had be ran over by a car.  <--- which I am amazed she could get run over or hit by a car and STILL walk all the way back home in her condition (I was calling her though and didn't stop until she finally just "magically" appeared). Surgery was 50%/50%. She survived it, but was a $1,400 ordeal. Thank goodness though she lived through it!

    Brad - That is quite the random event to kill a TV. Maui sure knows how to think "outside the box". I don't know whether I would be upset or highly amused if Kei did something like that, hahah.


    =(^-^)= / ) 'ello everyone,

    My name is Corina, I'm a female College Student with quite a vast of interests. Not sure anymore what I'm going to school for, just that I'm interested in Theatre Arts, Biology (Marine, Genetics & General), Foreign Languages (German, Japanese & Spanish <-- for the moment), Computer Animation and Sociology.

    I reside in Orange County, California, but I do LOVE to travel! I've been to many states in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Austria and Japan! And hopefully this summer I will be adding Sweden to the list. And the future may take me to living abroad.

    I currently work part-time at a Marie Callender's Restaurant. I am mainly a Server, but I've done Hostess, Cashier and the Expeditor (like being Asst. Manager for the day) thing. I've been apart of this company for nearly 5 years now. Though I did work for about a year for a German Shepherd breeder. And I do the occasional dog training on the side (but I don't have very many clients).

    I currently have a 2 year old, female, Belgian Malinois, Lynx. With whom I actively train in Schutzhund. Schutzhund is a 3-phase sport which consists of Tracking, Obedience and Protection. We also have done some training in Herding, Agility and Conformation. And have par-taken in AKC Rally events, to which she has earn her RN title (Rally Novice). Depending how the year of 2008 goes with all the titling on her (I want to get her SchH 3)...there is a very good chance of mini-Lynxs running amuck in my house -grins-. This will be her first litter.

    I also have a 3 month old, male, Shikoku, Kei. I just picked him up from Japan this past November. So far, he looks like a great breeding prospect. He'll be a great a addition to our Shikoku bloodlines in North America and in Europe. We'll see how he'll mature. I am currently training for competition Tracking and Obedience. As well as Agility and Conformation. I may start him in Herding just for fun, but I suspect that it can help him in the future, especially if I plan to do Hunting with him. Judging by his behavior with my cats, he will be a "bark and hold" and not a "biter" in hunting. However, they are apart of his pack, perhaps with the appropriate "prey" his true nature will come out, lol.

    As for future doubt they'll mostly be Belgians (namely Malinois, but I've been considering a Groenendael as well and I do fancy the Tervurens) and Shikoku. I thought about a Japanese Style Akita, but...that'll be LONG into the future, hahah. I think I better just do "in-board" training with client dogs so that my pack number doesn't escalate, lol.

    I also have 3 cats (all of which, I've had since they were kits!):

    - Cutie, a 13 year old, male, Abbyssinan mix (he is of red ruddy coloring).

    - Fiskars, a 9 year old, female, Domestic mix (she is black with a white locket on her chest)

    - Mia, a 3 year old, female, Domestic mix (she is black and white, like a "tuxedo" cat)

    And I am expecting to add a Siberian and a Birman to the household. They will be my Agility and Conformation felines for CFA and TICA shows. Although, as silly as it may sound...I like the FIFe standard much better, so my cats will be modeled after that.

    Someday, I'd like to get a nice Quarter Horse for Gymkhana.

    That's probably more then you wanted to know, lol.

    By the way, my birthday is next week - January 1st! Yay! Everybody celebrates it -grins-.

  • edited November -1

    LMAO about the b-day Corina!!! 

    Since we are on the lines of b-day...mine is the 7th!!!!!  On my way to 30....which means 27. 

  • edited December 2007

    Hey Corina,

       I am from Orange County too!  I live in Tustin.  Where are you located?   If you are close enough...maybe you can come and help me and John with dog training and give us some tips on Ninja.  We enrolled Portia and Ninja in Obedience Classes at Petsmart.  Im not sure how much that will help...I have a feeling they might be distracted with all the other dogs.  But it would be a good chance to socialize them. Oh and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!   And HAPPY EARLY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO RACHAEL!


    Oh btw everyone...I invited 3 friends over last night.  I let the dogs out and closed the bedroom door so ninja wouldn't be able to go in and hide under the bed.  He stayed in the living room with everyone but hid under our tv stand.  When my friend went down to look at him he started growling.  I tried the treat thing....he came to me and ate it out of my hand...but when i gave my friend a treat to give to him...he just ignored her and went back under the tv stand.  But Portia was more than happy to take all the attention. lol

  • edited November -1
    Jessica, I'm actually only 21.  Most people find that surprising because I'm married and pregnant with my second child.  Almost every single person I spend time with is older than me, I so get "you're too young!" all the time!
  • edited November -1

    HA! oops. I totally assumed you were the the other direction.

    I got married when I was 23 and everyone kept telling me I was "still just a baby" and I wanted to kill all of them. Now in my 30's I still meet people who say "Oh, you're still a baby." Only now I'm thrilled.

    Frankly, if you found the person you want to be with at 21, that rules. Think how many more years you will likely have together! 

  • edited November -1

    Romi - Yeah, Tustin tis' just around the corner from here. I'd be more then happy to help you out as much as I can with the dog training. Training during the "learning" stage is best to start off with at home. Then graduate to outside your house. Then somewhere away from home. Once they know the behaviors, you can gradually start introducing distractions. Socializing your dogs is the best thing you can do! That is, if you have other "good" dogs to socialize them with.

    Thanks! <--- on the happy birthday wish.

    Shibas are Shibas, but it looks as if he will need more exposure to other humans. Or maybe there was something else that was scary that your friend may have been wearing? I don't know the dog or the exact situation, but maybe we can work on that, little by little.

    I'll leave you my cell number, you can give me a call anytime. I will be busy this week, so maybe after I come back from my trip to Northern Cal, we can meet up. Then you can also see Kei, my savage beast!

    Heidi - I'm almost the opposite. Almost everybody I spend time with is YOUNGER then me! Or so it seems, but it may about break even. There are no age limits to my vast pool of friends.

    I've been in exsistence for 22 years!

  • edited December 2007

    hi, every body, I am not too new, and not old either, i don't have my boy dog yet, but in time i guess, next spring, katja says.Sealed

    i see you guys all from US, I am in toronto, work in the hospital, i wish i am a stay home pet mom, but i have to take care of my pet's insurence bill tho.Frown by the way, the health system in Canada are Undecided 

    my new year wish is my piggy and me never have to go through diarrhea ever again.he has been having diarrhea and in and out emergency few times in last 4 months, i am against any kind of westen medication but i had to fed him antibiotic.

    hi, -- Brad--       piggy don't use litter box, he use the toilet just like people doe. i am sooo proud of my baby. i would like to show you guys the pictures of him using the toilet, but the size of picture is to big, and i don't know how to make it smaller, if you could please help me, thanks.

    is every one's cats ever had a diarrhea? how you deal with it?



  • edited November -1
    hehe im 21 too, but john is 28 :X

    Hey Corina, thanks for the info! I'll give you a call sometime after the holidays and hopefully we can set something up! I would love to meet Kei!
  • edited November -1

    Thanks on the b-day wishes.  I was engaged at 19 (with him at 18) but waited to finish college to get married.  We were married 2 weeks after graduation and going on 5 years married.  Gonna start working on human babies soon!!

    Nobody else can have doggie friends close since brad and jen left me!!  NO FAIR!  Im in GA all alone! Cry

  • edited November -1

    Jamie, I got my Shiba from Berry Hill Shibas in Tennessee around 5 yrs. ago, Eve Dybzynski(sp?) was the breeder.  I did get my Kai from Marian, he's 37-38 lbs currently, yours might be around the same size as he matures.  Who is his father and mother?  Kohji doesn't show aggression to me if I take anything away from him food or toy wise.  He is aggressive to unfamiliar dogs, and sometimes to my own dogs if food is involved, ie: he eats in his crate away from the other two and doesn't get treats around the other two.   You should be doing the "everything in life isn't free"(I think that's how it's said!) deal with him.  Everything he wants, he works for by doing obedience tasks.  However, you said he is stealing things off the tree, which you don't really have control over because he can grab them if he wants.  I would either:

     A.)  gate off the tree so he can't get to it, as well as pick up anything on the ground you are concerned about him grabbing including shoes, clothes, decorative items, pillows, etc. and replace those items with toys that are OK to chew on                       OR 

     B.)  consult a doctor of behavioral medicine just for the simple fact that this breed is pretty dominant compared to say Goldens, Labs and even more so then Shibas I think.  I would definetly avoid doing any alpha rolls or aggressive punishment with him, he will probably fight back and might bite you.    AND

     C.)  Enroll him in obedience class so he learns what "drop it" means and respects that command.  He will also learn what other commands mean and will be more willing to repect your "author-i-tie"     

     When Kohji turned around 8-9 mons of age, he started showing aggression to other dogs and unfamiliar people even though I've been bringing him to work since he was 7 wks old.  It could be genetics or it could be not enough socialization.  But remember, these are very primitive dogs, and I'm sure close to every person on this board that has a Japanese breed has and will run into issues like mine and yours or similar to it at some point.        

  • edited November -1

    Hi everyone,

    I'm Nick, owner of Rem, a 1 year old 110 pound Akita and this is my first visit to this forum.

    I graduated veterinary medicine /seems like ages ago/, but work as a bathroom fitter in London, UK... 33 in a month.


  • edited November -1
    Hi Nick! Welcome to the forum - you live in one of my most favorite cities (London). Glad you found us! Do you have some pics of your Akita?
  • edited December 2007

    Hi Brad,

    I certainly have :-) You can find them in my brand new gallery.


    I am not sure how standard Rem is, for he is 110 pounds now, but I love big dogs...

  • edited November -1

    He is a big handsome guy! Thanx for sharing the pics - the puppy pics are so cute.  :c)


  • edited November -1

    My name is Shan (short for Shanel), and I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. I have a chow mix, Shinobi, 7 and a shikoku, Kiba, 15 weeks (thanks again, Peggy!!! :D) I would love to get a (black/gray?)sesame colored shikoku someday...but not anytime soon....With the 2 we have, my bf and I have decided that we need to buy a king size bed, an SUV and a dog park - expensive little suckers! I'm 27, work in advertising and very happy to meet all of you!

  • edited November -1

    Hi again everyone,

    It has been a little bit since the last posting.  My name is Ron.  I am 44-years-old and I live in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  I grew up in El Paso, Texas, an hour's drive from here.  My parents still reside in El Paso.

    I have one puppy/Shiba.  His full name is Masaruko.  His shorter name is Masaru.  Now he has a nickname, Rudi.  He does not seem to respond to any of these names but he is still only  about 12 weeks old now; I am sure if I can keep from calling him something else it will finally sink in. 

    Rudi is my only dog at this time.  He comes from Janice Galloway in Tennessee. 

    My other critters are as follows:  2 rabbits (neutered males), 7 peachfaced lovebirds (5 outdoors in an aviary, and 2 in the house), 6 parakeets (budgies; mom and dad and 4 offspring), and all my chickens (17 hens, 3 roosters). 

    So far so good, in that Rudi seems to tolerate all the critters here.  He can go nose to nose with the rabbits through their run, but the chickens are freeranged.  At first he would charge them and run after them, but then I curbed that behavior right away by utilizing a harness and leash.  He can go out to run when the chickens are in their own flight locked up.  He is allowed to go up to the chickens while he is leashed and has only "goosed" a few of them.  None of them show any fear of him because of my previous dog, and I hope to have him able to walk amongst them one day without fear of any problems.  He gets daily contact with them. 

    I was a bit worried since the Shiba is bred for flushing out small game from the brush, but Rudi seems to find digging holes and chasing me a much better prey.  I also feed a wild flock of pigeons here at my house and currently they number 150 birds.  So daily while he is outside, without the leash, the pigeons land in the yard and do fly-bys he only watches them but takes no interest in chasing them.   I hope that this is a sign of things to be rather than him working out the logistics of it all and finally getting some feathered munchies.  I am sure he is just being sweet LOL. 

    Well that is all I have in my care.  I am sure, given a few more years, that I might consider another shiba.  I do adore the size, and so far I could not ask for a better behaved dog.  Even with items in my home he has not chewed anything but what belongs to him. 

    Talk again soon.  I know there are still behavioral changes to come as he develops from the puppy to the adolescent, and then if I keep him intact his adult years; then I will be singing a different tune and missing these innocent times.  LOL 

    Huggs, Ron and Rudi

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