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  • These are awesome. My fav is the see saw knot collar. :)
  • I find it is so interesting that people will judge and bash others without ever meeting them or knowing anything about them. Sad really! Have a wonderful day :)
  • Wow, thanks for sharing. Way to go Parka!! :o)
  • When I first saw the picture I was like ... what the heck is that, a giant ball of fluff Sosuke is climbing over (like the seeded fluff from dandelions or trees ... yet wrong season right, LOL). Then of course I read on and it is just flying dirt an…
    in Sosuke Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • It's like 'Where's Waldo' ... instead it's Where's Rakka. LOL
    in Rakka Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • I will only do off leash in a fenced dog park. As you know we don't have any fenced in dog parks in our area ... so I do occasionally drive the 2 hours to the bigger city to have them off leash. Most of my pack do quite good off leash and stay close…
  • ShikokuSpirit - Definitely worth it not having to put them under. My vets always put the dogs under when they do their hips. They highly recommended it. I am glad to hear that it isn't necessary and I guess not too discomforting the dog. :o) Calia…
    in Hip question? Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • Beautiful girl!! Her face sure lighten from when she was a pup. Congrats on the show.
    in Athena Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • ShikokuSpirit - when checking the hips, don't they have to put the dog in a very uncomfortable position? I was always told that it was better for the dog to be put under when getting hips check (also would give a more accurate x-ray for checking for…
    in Hip question? Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • Thanks for clarifying that. Very interesting. Well, I definitely don't want to produce 'pinto'. I have no problem retiring Tina from my program. So one of her parents must have carried the spotted gene?!
  • Too exciting. That is cool you are trying out SAR with Sosuke. Keep us posted! :o)
    in Sosuke Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • Ayk - Thanks for the coloring info, love it! I don't feel it as if your attacking or anything ... actually this is good. As a person and how I do things, how I think, etc, I am always growing, learning and changing. I am sure this applies to a lot …
  • Thanks. As for breeding .... I bred for health and temperament. This litter was not bred for conformation but for pet companions. I bought the mother because she was unique and feel in love with her temperament/looks/personalty ... the whole packa…
  • Oh my gosh, stop teasing (just kidding keep the pictures coming)!! I personally love how short and stocky she looks .. maybe that's what made her stand out compared to the other Kai's. Can't wait to see her future pups. A Ritsu x Kumi litter would b…
    in Kumi Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • Yes, met Rakka too (for the second time). Both are stunning in person. I love the brindle in Sosuke. I am personally a Shiba and Shika kinda person, but after meet a Kai ... I am now putting them on the list! :o) Definitely worth meeting in person.
    in Kumi Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • Okay, serious ... she is an amazing looking Kai. I LOVE her face. I am so glad she was just a bit chubby and didn;t have the thyroid problem. A little chunk never hurt anybody!! She looks fantastic now, definitely slimmed down. I met my first Kai to…
    in Kumi Comment by JennAB May 2011
  • Thanks for sharing. I too love the Kai in the first pic. Love the brindle.
  • So happy to hear!! Ya Kaiju.
  • Here is the OFA link showing the differences in hips, excellent to severe. http://www.offa.org/hd_grades.html I had a shiba with moderate HD and he ran and moved so nicely ( I really should have had him tested again). I think it all depends on the …
  • I can now see them. What great pics, thanks for sharing
  • Wow really. what a GREAT idea. Can't make it this year. Is there one every year??
  • I can't see them either (on my PC)
  • Heidi, do you live close to lethbridge? I have never seen a kai in person and would love to meet one (and see your shika too). Let me know, if you do, we could do a doggie play date!
    in Sosuke Comment by JennAB April 2011
  • Cho Cho and Kaiju sure have grown. This Forum really is wonderful. With so many Nihon Ken owners ... it's great to watch the pups/dogs grow up. Love the middle pic of Cho cho running. Awesome shot. Wow Osy ... your Shika is gorgeous. Love the black…
  • So sorry for your guys' loss. It's sickening how fast and easily parvo can spread, not fair really.
  • What beautiful Shika's. Thank you so much for sharing! If all goes to plan I will be getting my pup this summer. Just heard from Katja and she is just waiting for Yana and Kimi to fall into season. Looks like the sire might be Yamato. So excited :o)
  • I love Hime's eyes. I think she has a gorgeous face. I am not usually drawn to the red shika's as I am a black sesame fan ... but I think she is turning out really nice. Yamato sure has a nice deep red in his coat ... love that too. I wonder if he w…
  • Add me to the list as well ... can't wait to see Pictures!