


  • The green bean diet sounds like a good plan!
  • The green bean diet has worked for me to get weight off a dog real easy. Plus they seem to like the green beans.
  • Hana and Yuki #1 was on a green bean diet for a little bit when they were little fat a@#'s. stuff works great!
  • Kumi-Chan is slimming down a bit...




    Exercise and green beans are helping (thanks for the suggestion Ann).

  • She is looking good! So lovely
  • looking good
  • Wow she looks really good.
  • She is looking good! Keep up the good work, little Kumi!
  • Brad, Kumi looks like she has slimmed down a lot! Maybe she was just keeping herself pudgy for the winter? lol.
  • Could be... Maybe that's Blue's excuse too. LOL
  • edited February 2011
    Kumi vs. Caucasian Ovcharka (x3)...

  • What a little fireball. She knows how to hold those CO's at bay
  • Yay for Kumi being active! She's getting some of that exercise she needs! :D
  • Yay on the progress, Kumi already looks better (slimmer) :D

    And I must second all the others, DAMN you are an active family. But I guess you've asked for it, when you have that amount of dogs ;)
  • Okay, serious ... she is an amazing looking Kai. I LOVE her face. I am so glad she was just a bit chubby and didn;t have the thyroid problem. A little chunk never hurt anybody!! She looks fantastic now, definitely slimmed down. I met my first Kai today (Sosuke), and wow, have to admit ... I want one now. hehehe. They look more stunning in person. Would love to come see your pooches one day. And wow, what a schedule. Busy, busy. :o)
  • Oh neat, you got to meet Sosuke! Rakka too, I assume? Kai are a breed that you have to meet to really appreciate, they are super cool, huh?

  • Yes, met Rakka too (for the second time). Both are stunning in person. I love the brindle in Sosuke. I am personally a Shiba and Shika kinda person, but after meet a Kai ... I am now putting them on the list! :o) Definitely worth meeting in person.
  • Glad Kumi losing some weight she's looking great.

    I love your schedule. =)
  • She is looking even better now, here are some updated pics from our hike a few weekends ago...



  • She is positively gorgeous. I really like how her coat matches the colours of the environment, she really fits in. Kumi from the same line as Nio? looks quite thick and sturdy like him.
  • Thanks! Kumi is smallish, but she is built like a little tank. I love her build, tho she could use a bit more leg.

    Nio and Kumi are not from the same line, tho I'm sure they have some relatives back there somewhere (small gene pool).

    Nio and Chibi are from the same lines.

  • Kumi certainly is pretty.

    And yeah, I'm now responsible for adding two breeds to Jenn's list! And it turns out she wanted a shikoku after meeting me with Rakka at the park a year ago. We just figured out recently that we had met before. A lot of people stop me to talk about my dogs, I didn't realize Jenn was one of them until she told me. Small world!
  • @brad I could see that Chibi/Nio connection, Chibs kinda looked like a mini Nio as a wee pup.

    Its great to see how Kumi's matured, do you think she's more boar type? I guess a lot of the younger Kai are growing up now, it must be exciting to see them develop. Remember you can never take too many pics for us :)
  • Yea, I consider Kumi more Boar Type... but, realistically I'm sure she's the product of mixing the types. She just happen to come out more squat and stocky.

  • Would it be tempting fate to ask what pairings are planned for Ms. Kumi? :-)
  • haha... I have given this a lot of thought (because she should be coming into season soon)....

    At the very top of my list, out of all the pairing I have considered (not just with Kumi), is a Ritsu x Kumi breeding. I think they will compliment each other really well. Hopefully Ritsu will bring some size, leg, bone, and train-ability to Kumi's sweet and loving personality, nice coat, and stocky build. Also they bother have REALLY nice color, and I hope the litter get's Ritsu's eye shape to offset Kumi's round eye (which runs in her lines). Ritsu is young tho, so that breeding will probably come in a year or so...

    Next, I like the thought of a Tyson x Kumi litter, but before that I would like to do a Kibou x Kumi litter as I don't want to lose Kibou's bloodlines (and his old lines might produce something really interesting with Kumi).

    Tora is a good candidate too.

    Down the road an Akashi x Kumi litter would make some REALLY great temperament Kai, super mellow and cool-headed. But, they are both small, so that breeding could produce some rather small offspring (but I think still withing the KKA standard).

  • All I can say is I loved Kumi! She is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met! She steals your heart with all the cuteness and love she gives.
  • Oh my gosh, stop teasing (just kidding keep the pictures coming)!! I personally love how short and stocky she looks .. maybe that's what made her stand out compared to the other Kai's. Can't wait to see her future pups. A Ritsu x Kumi litter would be nice ... Tyson too. Too cool!!!
  • U mean a Kyuubi x Kumi litter. ;)
  • Sounds like Kumi's really going to be getting around, lol.
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