


  • @Wryly Brindle - Yes, on meds she will be fine, but if it is the hereditary variety of Thyroid issue then she will have to be culled from our program. :o(

  • That really sucks, hopefully it's not the thyroid and she is just lazy...Will the tests be able to tell you if it's hereditary or not?
  • Kumi is a beauty and it will be a shame if she has a thyroid issue :( I hope things turn out for the best!
  • Hopefully she is just hormone crazy and not hypothyroid...

    I am sending happy thyroid thoughts your way!
  • Tell Kumi I know how she feels. She can come do the Couch to 5K thing with me. :o)
  • I can see how culling the congenital hypothyroid dog is the best thing, but it's a shame with her since she is so nice and there just aren't that many Kai around. Hopefully she's just a little piggy :)
  • aykayk
    edited January 2011
    I can't remember, but aren't the thyroid "normal" ranges breed specific?

    For what it's worth, the Jindos I've known as hypo don't really have that weight gain that's listed as the hypothyroid sympton. They get the really bad fur/skin and snappiness towards other dogs. Lethargic energy level, too.
  • I really hope she's just chunky, it would be such a shame if that beautiful girl couldn't be part of your breeding programme! You've had enough bad luck, I think...
  • GOOD NEWS! Kumi blood panel results came back normal! So, she is just a fatass, I guess.

    We will start walking her more, I suppose. She gets her daily walk now, and like 4 hours of outside time, but I guess she just lays around outside while all the others free-play.

    So we'll start having her tag along on one of the other walks (we do several walks a day in order to walk all the dogs).

  • Good news indeed :).
  • WOOHOO! Glad that her panel came back normal. :)
  • Yay for Kumi being just a fatass...Curious, how many walks do you and Jen actually take? Does each dog go individually, or do you pair them up?
  • See Brad you just need to build a bay pen and just exercise your dogs that way. On top of that you will have kais that hunt.
  • Glad to hear that Kumi is A-ok. I think you just really love her and got a bit worried. ;-)

    I must admit, it sucked to hear that she might not be bred. She is the sweetest little girl.
  • That's great news! So glad to hear that she doesn't have a thyroid issue!
  • w00t go fatty! *does happy dance*
  • I take 3 walks a day (most days) and walk 3-5 dogs on each walk (depending on which dogs I am walking). Jen comes along with me sometimes and walks 1-2 dogs. Some dogs get walks every other day (like puppies).

  • Very good news.
  • Sh*t no wonder you both are so skinny.
  • ^Seriously. That's it, I need a dog right now haha. The only way I'll lose this weight.
  • Oh, thank god. She's been on my mind for the past couple days. So glad she's just a fatass lol.
  • Poor Kumi. She's going to develop an eating disorder if we make fun of her.
  • @brada1878 So how long are these walks? Sounds like a full time job! And you say she has 4 hours of yard time, where is she the rest of the time?
  • edited January 2011
    @hondru - Walks are around 45 minutes, usually fast-paced with some jogging too. I do one in the AM before work, one at lunch time and one after 4pm.

    Here is one route: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=213702343603197026301.00048ea8aaaf354355baa&ll=36.497528,-105.68573&spn=0.021907,0.0318&t=h&z=15&iwloc=00048ea8ab529c439d0c1

    And another: http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=213702343603197026301.00048e81b0347c7e89a32&ll=36.491887,-105.688949&spn=0.010954,0.0159&t=h&z=16&iwloc=00048e81b0d072d82790c

    There are a few other paths but I have not logged them yet.

    7AM - We let the the guardians out of the barn (Luytiy is already out - he's out all night) and the NK out in the small yard (or the big yard if they want - usually it too cold for them to want to be outside for very long). The NK go potty out there and do their AM banter.

    8AM - We bring the NK in and feed them in their crates.

    9AM - I take some of the NK and Blue for a walk, the ones that do not go on a walk with me have "nap time" in their crates.

    11AM - The guardians get fed in the barn, except Blue and Naum. Blue is fed in his crate and Naum is fed in the yard. Once they are done eating the NK are let out into the yard for "recess". Blue is also let out with them. Blue and Naum are the guardians on duty during their "recess". If it's too cold then only Naum is let out and Blue stays inside. Sometimes Masha joins them too.

    1PM - We walk CO and some NK. We rotate the CO for this walk, so all CO don't get a walk everyday, which sucks, but we are only human. When we get back Jen usually uses that time to brush, nail-trim, and train the NK.

    4PM - NK are brought inside for food and the barn dogs are let out. Once they are done eating and rested a bit (around 4:30), I take some more NK for a walk (usually 5 or so). Jen will join me if Chase is cooperative.

    5PM - NK are let out in the small yard to potty and whatever. We let them in as they please and we spend the rest of the night, until bed time, chilling on the couch with the NK and Blue. Half of the NK pups are usually crated during this time, and we switch them out after a few hours.

    10PM - Guardians are fed in the barn, except Luytiy who is fed in the yard. We let the NK back out for their final potty break. Then they are crated and we go to bed, Kumi, Haru, and Loa sleep up stairs with us, Ahi sleeps out in the house, and the rest sleep in their crates. Sometimes Kumi decides to not join us in bed and sleeps downstairs with Ahi. Blue used to sleep out until he started chewing things he shouldn't be chewing, and so now he is on "probation" and sleeps in a crate.

    Wax and repeat...

    I think Kumi may be fat because during their "recess" time she just sleeps on a chill den or platform instead of running around with the other pups.

  • edited January 2011
    I'll walk the CO's who don't get one that day, and Kumi! If I lived in Taos...
    But dang that's quite a schedule! I wish I'd get myself into one and get in better shape but I am majorly lacking motivation to do anything these days.
  • Glad she's ok. I echo the sentiment that dang, that's quite a schedule. I have no idea how people can have more than 2 dogs bigger than a chihuahua without a yard for them to run as they please.
  • Wow, 45 minute fast paced walks 3 times a day...Bet you guys would do great in a cross country race.

    I'm really jealous of your schedule though, I would love to work from home and spend that amount of time with the pups. One day maybe
  • You are amazing! Your dogs are privileged to have you and Jen. Are you sure you are humans at all :D?
  • You could always put Kumi on a green bean diet. :-) (Reduce kibble, add in frozen green bean as filler.)
  • edited January 2011
    Yay! - Not sure what was up with my computer, but this should have posted on the 24th... :( ...neway, I am glad it is just a lil extra weight and nothing serious. I am amazed (and a bit envious) at your walks!! :)
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