


  • aww!
    At our house, Sage does that dance, but with my shoe! Such a tease!

    I love her. She looks very healthy, happy, strong and agile. :)
  • Kumi is absolutely gorgeous! :)

    If you ever get tired of her, just send her eastward! Hehe.

    And I love the 'I have a stick' dance. Nola does that too. Which cracks me up, because Bella could care less about sticks.
  • And when Casey says "eastward," she means to MY house!!! ;p

    GORGEOUS! Tho...something about her reminds me of Miss Mochi :) [ kai girl naughtiness aura? lol ] ~
  • Kumi's looking great. I just saw her sister yesterday, and so far Kumi is by far the most promising out of the litter. Her coat's filling in nicely. Her sister's is a bit thin.
  • LOL @Sangmort... Osy, I meant a little further north... Like the lush mountains of western Virginia. :) Hehe.
  • edited September 2010
    @sunyata, Casey, I'm pretty sure you meant sunny florida :p ~
  • I'm pretty sure neither of you know how to spell and meant "west" towards California. Crazy folks around here.
  • Here are a few more Kumi pics I took yesterday...



  • She is beautiful!
  • She is one gorgeous Kai. I swear everyone one here is making me more interested in Kai ken. When I came to the forums they were the breed I showed the least interest in.
  • I know the feeling! Look at me now. Brad and I were just talking about how the Kai is a breed you really need to meet in person to fully appreciate. They don't photograph as well as most of the other nihonken, but when you meet them they'll steal your heart.

    At this point I really wish I had gotten the opportunity to meet one a lot earlier in my dog owning life. Such is life though. :-)
  • @araks I'm right there with you. Kai was never on my list but now it is the list haha.
  • haha I might have to make plans for one in the future :)
  • So true Dave. If I never met a Kai, then I probably would've gotten a Shiba. lol. Love the cute little Shibas. You really do need to meet a Kai to appreciate them.

    Kumi is a beautiful little girl. I always think other people's Kais take pictures better than mine....even Koda as handsome as he is in person.
  • I've had a lot of practice taking pictures of Kai Ken, but even with that I struggle to get the look I want. These were taken at sunset, which I find to be a good time to take pics of Kai since the light is so flat and low.
  • She is beautiful! :)

    And sunset pictures are definitely great. There is just something about that low light that makes everything seem to look better!
  • She is beautiful
  • she really is stunning! :)
  • Absolutely gorgeous dog!
  • She is really beautiful....that coat is just gorgeous, and she just looks full of personality! And she looks so adult for 6 mos....but maybe that is simply because my AA puppy is such a huge puppy at 4mos and I can't imagine him looking adult at 6....

    I look forward to meeting the Kais (and all the rest!) of the dogs at some point!
  • Here is a cute pic I took last week of Ms. Kumi...


  • :) she looks beautiful and happy!
    give her a nice scritch on the side of her neck from me, would ya?
  • Wow she is just stunning. I'm telling you I been trying to fight this Kai bug I got from all you dang Kai owners.
  • Don't fight it Gen, just let it happen :P
  • Bring Kumi to CA! lol She's so beautiful!
  • Wow... feel like I have been out of the loop and missing this thread! What a georgeous doggie Miss Kumi is! I went through the whole thread and am continually amazed at how quickly adorable little puppies become beautiful, full-size doggies (although I can tell Kumi will be playful and fun for some time to come... most likely her whole life!)... She is adorable... Hmmm.... maybe she would love life in Mn. with Josephine for big sis!
  • Feel free to ship her pups out to me. I'll send you my address. She's beautiful! Any working background?
  • Yes, I believe Kumi's sire is a boar dog, tho I may be getting my stories mixed up.
  • A few new shots of Kumi...

    Kumi - 7 Months

    Kumi - 7 Months

    Kumi - 7 Months

    Kumi - 7 Months

  • Dang, why Brad why.......I want a Kai.
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