
I wanted to start a thread for Kumi, so I could share updates and pics of her...

For those of you who do not know who Kumi is, she is a Kai Ken who we imported from Japan in May of 2010. She is a Musashi daughter and we are super lucky to have her. Thanks to Shigeru for helping us get her here! :o)

Here are some of her first pics I took once she was home...






  • edited September 2010
    Here are some updated pics, Kumi is 4 months (19 weeks) old in these...




  • edited November -1
    Very cute girl!
  • edited November -1
    Kumi is a stunning little girl!
  • edited November -1
    She's growing up nicely. =)
  • edited November -1
    She is incredibly stunning. Thanks for sharing!
  • edited November -1
    The way her feet are brindled remind me of Wraith lol


    It's really interesting how she looks very little Mochi / Kona / Ty. She really is something! ~
  • edited November -1
    Looks like she got her daddy's nice head piece :)
    Her 'summer suit' is very pretty...no more puppy coat!

    She and Musashi are both long in the body. Are Kai typically slightly longer than they are tall? Just curious.

    Looking forward to more pictures of this gorgeous gal. Glad she has earned her own thread.
  • edited November -1
    If Tyson is any indicator, Kai tend to be much more rectangular than the other NK. My eye has been trained mainly on Shibas which are very square, so it has taken some getting used to with Ty.
  • edited November -1
    Wow, look how much her brindling has increased!! She is such a pretty girl
  • edited November -1
    http://www.flickr.com/photos/brada1878/4818707370/ <-- my new desktop lol. Love her <3
  • edited November -1
    Holy crap Brad Kumi is a stunning Kai. She looks sooooo cool. Man Kumi chan is going to produce some really nice pups in the future.
  • edited November -1
    I love her markings!!!!!!
  • edited July 2010
    Thanks all! :o)

    @Sarah - I was always under the impression that the Kishu was the only NK with a slightly longer body, but maybe its a Kai thing too (tho I am unaware of it if it is) - or maybe it has become a Kai thing... We should ask Shigeru, he's the Kai expert.

    What's the deal Shigs???

  • aykayk
    edited July 2010
    Not sure about the Kai Ken Aigokai standard, but NIPPO has a 10:11 body ratio, with females allowed to be a little longer in body. Here's an example of a female Shiba who is rectangular.
  • edited November -1
    Kumi is a treasure!!!! I'm so happy for you. I do want to steal her though. Seriously, I'm going to have dreams of taking Kumi via some stealth mission.
  • edited November -1
    Ann is right on (as usual). 100:110, with females being just a 'touch' longer and males slightly taller. That's just an interpretation of the standard though. For all NK the correct rule is 100:110.

    Kumi's looking great. Heading into that uneven adolescent phase, eh? I really can't wait to see how she ends up once she's mature. When her coat's full, and she fills in, I think she's going to be gorgeous.
  • edited November -1
    Kumi is adorable! Keep the pics coming, Brad... She is gorgeous!
  • edited November -1
    Ah she's a cutie, I love the picture of her that you have on Twitter :)
  • Wondering if I can get some updated Kumi pictures? ;D
  • Yeah, more Kumi spam pls! :p ~
  • Yea, I need to take some pics of a lot of the dogs. I want a new camera and so I am not interested in using my current one. lol

    Also, my photography efforts seem to have been directed at Chase these days.

    I'll get some updated one - I may even have some in flickr...

  • Ok, I went out and snapped a few pics...





    Playing with The Devil:

    Here's the "Haha! I have a stick and you don't!" trot:

  • I think I have a few vids of here and Mochi too...
  • Wow dude, she's beautiful! I love her cute face. She's definitely got that Kai puppy rectangle thing going on though. :-)
  • Dave Kais do have that rectangle look! That's funny.

    Kumi is beautiful! I think she is just amazing to look at and I am so happy for you and Jen. She is truly a gem!!!!!!

    PS, Koda does that stick trot too. So funny. He loves sticks, and is so proud when he picks one up and runs with it in front of other dogs.
  • Pretty girl. :-) How old is she now? Do you think she'll grow taller than Mochi?
  • edited September 2010
    Eeek!!!!!! <3<3<3

    ETA: Apparently putting my hearts messes with the coding lmao.
  • The "I have a stick" are some of the cutest I have ever seen!
  • Kumi is about 6 months now. I expect her to be similar in size and build to Loa - which is to say a bit taller and wider than Mochi. Mochi is built like a Shiba.
  • woooo got my Kumi fix :D She is so gorgeous!
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