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  • :) Sean...If you need any help...
  • Yes we are...We have a great puppy match every year where we judge the breeds separately :) We do have some that still believe they are one breed, but in HOT they are in the minority. Usually at the Meet the Breed at these shows, we have a couple of…
  • :) No typo... I agree that Akiho should suffice ...EXCEPT that I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a JA...BUT I show in AKC, I wont have one and show it in AKC, because to me it would be no different than showing my whippets as akitas...They are a diff…
  • I provided her with a ton of toys, and put her in an area she couldnt destroy...For the first day she howled and I felt awful and almost gave in...but about then..she found a toy and started throwing it up in the air and playing... Don't get me wro…
  • 1 US standard measuring cup is equal to 237 ml Eira is pretty clingy too...Im working on having her spend time entertaining her self as well as playing with us and other dogs...so far she is doing great. The first week, she hated her "alone&qu…
  • If she were here, and feeding in a kennel was not an option, I would feed her in a crate, in another room from your parents dogs. I would put her in her crate and give her 15-20 minutes to eat. IF she chooses not to eat, she would not get any food a…
  • Jumping in late here but...as of right now, there are 2 countries in the world where the breed is NOT split...The USA and Canada. If the breed is ever split (fingers crossed that one day we'll get it) Canada will follow suit, but no guarantees. As…
  • Tanja, How much is she eating...Eira eats pretty good but not like the rest of my chow hounds...I feed straight kibble nothing added in etc. From reading above...If she skips her breakfast..I would not offer her food again until dinner...If she doe…
  • She is adorable Tanja :) But not as cute as her sister Eira Eira is a pistol too, we havent even attempted any training...just trying to get her comfortable in her new country LOL Donna