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  • hmm to be honest, I think apartments in NYC are being really lax about dogs with perspective owners due to the slump in the market. There are so many vacant places that they'll do pretty much anything to fill them. My old building use to have a 40lb…
  • "The weight limit usually is the ban." tjbart, I was referring to the other apartments that I looked at, not the one that I ultimately choose and only one of the 8 that I looked at had a weight limit. The list of dog breeds that I put i…
  • Actually, I don't think any breeds in particular are banned from my apartment (I live in NYC). I've seen huskys, malamutes and recently a little pit or pit mix has been around a lot. I've also seen lots of GSD walking around the area. When my boyfri…
  • I love your Katsu pictures!! They make me smile : )
  • Good luck with finding a breeder! I live in New York and it took me a few months of research and a few weekends of traveling and visiting to find the one that (hopefully) I'll be getting a puppy from in July. I was completely new to the "findin…
  • What I've heard from the breeders that I've spoken to is that you should def. wait until the dog is a year old at least before doing any type of distance running. As to whether or not Shibas are good running dogs overall, I've heard some people say …
  • He is a cute dog! I hope they can help him : ( I'm sure if he does become adoptable he'll be spoken for within seconds... Geeze...that girl is messed up. Animal cruelty, assault, trace amounts of Heroin in her system??? I'm glad that they're chargi…
  • I don't know about that breeder...wayy too many litters of puppies available...looks a bit sketch to me… I think getting a rescue dog is a great thing to do but I do think that doing ones homework and taking the time to go through a reputable breed…
  • I'm in love with the first puppy! If it didn't involve tons of paperwork and a 14 hr plane ride, i'd come over and get her right now and make the decision easier for you (jk : ) Good luck with choosing one of the three! I'm sure whichever one you …
    in Puppies!!! Comment by Meilian April 2009
  • I LOVE the name Oreo for her! She looks like such a sweetheart!! thats AWFUL about all of those ticks!! Make sure if they're deer ticks to keep them all and bring them to get tested for Lymes disease. That poor girl! She's in good hands now thoug…
  • Do you know what kind of tick it was? I grew up on Long Island in New York (LOTS of ticks) and my family dog, Lily, used to get ticks every once and a while (she's old now so we don't do as much hiking as we use to) but they were mostly dog ticks …
  • I was on the hunt for a reputable Shiba Inu breeder in the North East and was actually (embarrassingly from what I know now) looking into visiting Ice Wind Farms in New Jersey. I am so glad that I came across this forum!!! I'm still searching for my…
  • Thanks guys for all of the great feedback! I'm glad to hear that there aren't any major differences between the sexes. My boyfriend is rooting for a boy as if we get one, he gets to name it and I get to name it if it's a girl, so that seems to be th…
  • Ugh. places like that disgust me. I hope they get what's coming to them!! btw I saw this quote in the news and thought I'd share: "At Petland, we offer healthy, happy and well-socialized pets to our customers," Petland vice president Joe …
  • LOL these are all fantastic! Def. brightened up my day!!!
    in LOLZ Comment by Meilian March 2009
  • Ugh that is horrible!!! People like that should be prosecuted. Dogs are LIVING THINGS not objects!!!! I really hope someone takes that poor pup out of that terrible situation....
  • YAY that makes me so happy!!!!
  • What a beautiful girl! Ugh. What her owners did to her makes me so angry, she seems like such a sweet dog.
  • I'm actually going to see Kathi this weekend! This is my first trip to a breeder so I'm not exactly sure what to expect but I am excited to see her dogs!