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  • Well I told her about his teeth to which she asked for pictures and stated she had never seen anything like it in the line. I've yet to mention the murmur.
  • Unfortunately I don't have the funds to be submitting him to get an EKG anytime soon, so I'm going to have to hope that his heart murmur is of the benign variety until a bit later.
  • Hey all, I took Space to the doggie dentist yesterday and got a professional consultation. The doctor informed me that this is a relatively common problem that often goes unnoticed till its much later, causing huge problems. She told me about a 5…
  • @Mylo Haha, that's pretty funny. So Space and I set about our worries of the approaching dental cost/pain we're both about to incur, and set out for Long Beach Island, NJ for some QT with the family. Space got to play quite a bit with Tiki (name…
  • @CreamyShibaMom The rationale from the vet was "Most vet dentists say that you never want two teeth growing for the same space at the same time". I basically just agreed and accepted this as fact. I mean it makes sense. The adult tooth…
  • @KFontaine04 I never considered that, but I kinda doubt it. They warned me originally when his baby teeth were still in that if they didn't fall out on their own they should be removed or growth problems can occur.
  • I'll be writing to my breeder today. The problem teeth are his two bottom canines, which are growing in behind his front row of teeth. Space had his baby canines removed during his neutering because they didn't seem to have any interest in falli…
  • So these are the likely three plans of action, according to my vet. 1) Braces This would likely be the most expensive option. From what I've read and heard it can range from $800 to $2500. Thats a big difference. I guess it goes case by case. …
  • Hey all just got back from the vet with Space. Turns out he's got a very nasty ear infection. The cotton swab of his infected ear came back with a bacteria count of "too many to count". Not good. It came on really fast. One day he was s…
  • @All Thanks for the great tips, I'm definitely gonna use some of them! However, the timing for all these training treats isn't very good with his endless loose poops. Can anyone recommend a stinky, delicious treat that shouldn't wreak havoc in th…
  • @Calia Space spends at least 3 weeks with a particular dog food alone
  • @CrimsonO2 Yeah, i've been doing that more and more, but the problem is his teeth have to move "east and west" and not forward. In fact the two canines are basically touching the outermost teeth in the front row. If they move any more f…
  • @Mylo I haven't tried the lacrosse ball because I can almost guarantee he'll have no interest in chewing it. I've basically just encouraged chewing on his toys like crazy over the past few weeks (clicking and treating whenever he's doing it). I r…
  • So it turns out that Space has visited the Groove Commerce offices often enough to be promoted to a full time position! Take a look! Don't mind the industry jokes in his bio. Also, one of my coworkers actually has a good camera, something I'm sor…
  • Joe and/or Dawn, Yah, Katsu's incision looked a bit worse for sure, but I hear its worse for girls anyway. Space currently weights about 16 pounds, and I'm getting the feeling he'll end up on the smaller side for a male Shiba. He'll probably be…
  • Calia, Space's teeth actually look further in than Tikaani's in that pic, however, they aren't quite cutting him yet. I'll try to get him to chew on a ball, but he's not much of a chewer.
  • As some of you who have been following the Spaying of Katsu may know, Space and Katsu are brother and sister, and their speutering was coincidentally scheduled for the same day. I'm happy to see that Katsu's surgery went well, and she seems to be o…
  • Joe and/or Dawn, I haven't heard much about Yoko. She's the black sheep of the family I suppose! Funny coincidence about the speutering dates!
  • Space has yet to be neutered, though his day of doom is set for Friday of next week. He really is a humpy little guy, and from what I've read I shouldn't really expect that to stop after his neutering. It is definitely just an excitement thing f…
  • Now that I've finally joined the Flickr community, providing some Space Spam might hopefully be a lot easier. But seriously, how does one even figure all this stuff out? I've got videos, should it go on Flickr or Youtube? And what of my facebook …
  • Definitely. The one subset of people that Space LOVES is children. He runs right up to children all the time. He was raised in a household with children, so that might be part of the reason.
  • Sorry! Flickr Page !!!
  • "He likes playing but if he's in his pen or crate, he won't touch his toys. I could leave him with in the pen with his kong filled with yummy treats, and he won't touch it. Once I take him out, he'll attack it!" What about this behavior? …
  • Alrighty then, hiking is A-ok. What about humping? I stop him as much as possible, so the habit doesn't develop, but most of the time when he sees a dog his size or smaller the ONLY thing he wants to do is hump. Did anyone else have this problem?…
  • Fixed, thanks!
  • Been awhile since I've posted some shots of my boy. He's adjusting really well! He has his second vet appointment tonight in which he'll get another round of vaccines. I really can't wait to take him out on walks. He seems to be pretty well pe…
  • Space began eating normally around the end of the first week, I'd say. And he's still not really on an easy to manage potty schedule.
  • Crimson, I was giving him the Trader Joe's unsalted, so its not that different. Maybe he's a whole foods pup.
  • Hahaha excellent. I may have come across my own irreconcilable difference with my boy Space. He doesn't seem to like peanut butter! Not cool boy.
  • Very cute! Hahaha thats funny that Katsu knows fetch already, cause her brother Space knew it immediately as well. Is that a Shiba thing? Or just this wacky family?