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  • Thanks for the comments everyone. Our son is healing well, but will have some scars to remind us of the ordeal. A very sad situation for us, because we all loved Haru dearly. It's hard for us to live without one of our winter loving friends around, …
  • It's with deep sorrow when I say that we had to put Haru to sleep last week. We were following the good advice given to us by you guys, the breeder, and our vet, but Haru slipped past us one night and went to the bathroom where our son was in the tu…
  • @Kuma123 My wife just found out that one of our vets is also a behaviorist and Haru is going on a road trip Thursday with us to see him. He's very good with dogs. We've got some work ahead of us
  • @Kuma123 What you said has been on my mind also about the feeding thing, and it will all be strictly supervised by us.
  • I'd like to thank you all for your input on my situation. I know Haru is still a pup and I wish I could get inside his head and figure out what's bothering him. I've spoke with several people who claim to know a lot about dog behavior, and have gott…
  • Haru is to be neutered next week. I hope this helps
  • @Calia He didn't break the skin when he bit Willie either time, but caused bruising. He is very strong and can bite much harder if he wanted to. I haven't heard him, but my wife said when he did it he sounded very scary. @MapleTwinkie We agree wit…
  • Thank you so much. I'll contact her.
  • I've had a hard time reaching the breeder, but am trying.
  • We would never be able to punish him with any kind of physical punishment. Neither of us would ever be able to harm any animal in that way and despise people we know who have. We love Haru and don't want to resort to letting him go, because he has e…
  • When he would nip at us or growl at our son, we wouldn't yell, but would talk to him in a tone of voice that would let him know we didn't approve, and would put him outside without us for a "time out."
  • I came across the video a while back of Toki stealing your cereal.....reminded me so much of what Haru does lol. sneaky little buggers. Toki's such a cool dog, and Haru's starting to look a lot like him.
  • She's gorgeous. Gotta love the furry nanimals.
  • Thanks alot for the comments, and JackBurton, he came from our only Akita Inu breeder here in Canada. www.akitainu.ca is the website, but it doesn't seem like they have updated the site in quite some time.
  • Thanks for the comments, you guys, and yes Maple Twinkie, it means Springtime, or more loosely "born in the spring". He's a great dog with a great personality. Always been a bit rambunctious with our 6 year old son, but he is starting to c…