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  • For your question about teeth breaking on bones, the general rule of thumb is never give them weight bearing bones of animals. If you're not sure or are trying something for the first time, keep an eye on them and use your best judgment. Might start…
  • There is a local nursery that has some cactus looking plants made from steel, those might be our best option! Thanks for the suggestion.
  • Sangmort, Where do you live? We've got a raw food co-op in Austin and I calculated on my last order that I'm actually spending less on raw than what most people would pay for Iams. If aren't lucky enough to have a co-op in the area, my best sugge…
  • All, thank you for the advice. Once we're done with the Tylan I'm going to try a simple diet for a week with some probiotics, then slowly introduce other types of meat and see how they affect Obi. I work for a big natural grocery story so I'll pic…
  • I was starting to feel like a 2nd opinion may be a good idea. I think that hearing it/reading it made that idea click. Also forgot to mention we did a month of fortiflora with the 2nd round of medication. I've gotten some suggestions from my local…
  • I have packed with one of my dogs, I have not been camping since we got our Shiba. We do have a pack for him and are looking forward to cooler weather. I try to backpack as lightweight as possible and try make the load for my dogs the same. It's n…
  • Excellent write up Dave! It's nice to see all of the 'realities' summed up in an article. Being a Shiba owner, I would put a heavy emphasis on the 'crankiness' bit, the concept of needing to put a dog down for naptime was new to me and I'll still c…
  • Question, Did you feed/did he have trouble with ground chicken? It wasn't clear if you've tried feeding ground chicken with bone as well. Were the pooping problems of the liquid variety? I've read that some dogs have to 'learn' to eat raw because t…
  • I look at it as more of a hobby/lifestyle. But when I think of backpacking, I think of primitive camping, carrying everything you need for a few days in your pack.
  • @thewalrus, so so true! Kitty poo, like truffles for dogs.
  • Jess, Not sure the shape/size/layout of your yard, but crushed granite rock might be an option. It can be easily tracked in the house, so if you've got wood floors, you may need to put down some extra rugs at the door to catch it. It can also be smo…
  • My way of looking at this subject is, yes I'd trust my dog out alone in front of the store. However, would I trust all of the people that will be passing by to respect his space and not try to approach/tease/pet/intimidate him? Will every parent tha…