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  • My dog didn't like it and I am not sure whether it did anything for him or not. The shirt was not very easy to fit to my dog that has a very slender body and a long neck.I can see how that was first introduced to horses. And yes it can get hot in t…
    in ThunderShirt Comment by alban May 2012
  • Great looking dogs, really. Keeping my dogs busy has never been a problem.
  • My dog is a male so my choice narrows to only one.
  • I have a mixed Dutchie,male. No , I mean on leash walk. Will the Tosa lunge to every passing dog ? Will I be able to control somewhat the situation with a command ? A.
  • @kimputai. I am very aware of the nature of Tosa. I do live in the city although not downtown. Not sure what would qualify as a crowded place . New York crowded? I do understand Tosa needs plenty of socialisation more so then other breeds. A do p…
  • @Brad What kind of training did you do with Blu?
  • @shishinu I do not take any offense ,I am a big guy and I can handle opinions :) This is a forum , by definition open to and for discussion. In any case ,I was hoping you would elaborate a bit more on the time and patience needed with either of…
  • @Brad I wasn't being defensive .I guess is the web that always transmits the wrong impressions. I always appreciate your insight and I know you know a whole a lot more then I do .Thanks for describing your relationship with Blu. @kimputai Thank…
  • @Kimputai thank you for taking the time to elaborate in regard to Tosa. If I get one it is going to be a companion ,no showing or anything that you mentioned.Just a dog friend. It will get properly trained for obedience but nothing too fancy . Wo…
  • I understand they are different dogs originated in different parts of the world for different purposes. I wasn't trying to compare them ,more of whats good and bad about them without comparison. Maybe trying to figure out which of the 2 would make a…
  • It actually isn't irrelevant. I am in fact looking into learning as much as I can n the Corsos. I have come to realize that the breeder will make the difference . Where did you get your pupp? WouLd you mind telling me more about your experience with…
  • What actually happens in the ring? What is the fight like?
  • What are people thoughts on the Cane Corso. I am looking for people who have/had one in home. I know Brad has a Cane Corso
  • I always go to the ASPCA since it is at only 5 mins from where I live. My present dog is a ASPCA rescue and I love him.However,I wish I had had more information on him at the time I got him.It would have made things a lot easier for him and me. Most…
  • Very cure.May I ask the breeders info ? Thanks
  • Anyone else has any thoughts I could use?
  • Is his name Gregory?
  • It is the breeder, by all means. It is the breeder who selects what traits does he want to promote in his dogs. At least it is my understanding.
  • Thanks Sukoshis mom
  • I completely agree on the temperament unpredictability. In fact that is exactly the reason why I am being extra cautious in picking a dog. What is your thoughts on Tosas specificLly? Wouldn't a Tosa be unpredictable ? Which of the Molossers offer th…
  • I am not sure understand what you mean by , bother. If Tosas for example were originally bred to fight it seems as it would be hard to find a breeder that promotes other then that trait. Am i wrong? As far as Molosser they are my 1st xhoice , a …
  • Tosa as far as I know were bred to fight so I am not sure would be a good choice . Do not misunderstand me though , I like Tosas as I do like most of the Molossers or other big dogs and most of dogs and other animals and so on and on :) The thing …
  • What do you guys think of the Dogue de Bordeaux?
  • "However, if by suburban breed you mean that their popularity is such that their numbers can dilute their working temperments then I will not argue against that." Exactly ! I will look up the AS though it seems to be on the bark alot si…
  • Thanks Shibamistress for your understanding. To put it in some sort of list : Healthy and long lived(above 10 good years) 60 and above lbs I'd say trainable meaning the training has to stick .Again this depends on both dog and human.Some dog bree…
  • When I read descriptions for some of the Molosser breeds , especially the bulldogs there often is a line that states that they are naturally protective of you. Does this mean that I am leaving the dog decide whether a situation poses a danger to me …
  • Thank you all for your suggestions , I knOw I am making this more confusing that it needs to be. I understand the MOlosser breed of dogs will be surrounded by prejudice but that because of human misuse which comes to my point I was trying to make . …
  • Any of the Molosser type? Not a big fan of labs.
  • My main requirement would be a dog that I can predict ,most of the time. I live in the city and although where I live could be considered rural it still remains a city with all its liabilities when it comes to big dogs. I don't care much about looks…
  • I will look it up,thanks.Anyone heard of this breed?