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  • ayk : and they even let anyone teach there :-) ... took Philosophy from Angela Davis and Anthro from the Leakies (sp?) before they got busted for over exaggerating some of the their "finds" :-) at least we didn't let OJ on our campus - m…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • but in caswe u were wondering i don't use melatonin for resource guarding :-) that wasn't necessarily obvious in my previous post
  • do not lose sight of this fact (not my opinion) - effective training requires that you MANAGE a problem while you FIX it; not instead of fixing it :-) maybe it has worked for others, but redirection has never been an effective TREATMENT for resourc…
  • Whoooaaaaa... and fix it !! exactly my feelings too :-) :-) :-) :-)
  • btw, i have a few issues with the AHIMSA methods stated on their web site but probably the one i disagree with the most is this statement : "Children should only work on the conditioning step under adult supervision" i strongly disagree an…
  • this is almost funny ...but not !!! Losech,,,,,and others : READ my posts in their entirety b4 commenting on a few words you take OUT OF CONTEXT - if i tried to put some hypothetical percentage of a dog that would have to be euthanized IF AND ONLY…
  • i will explain one comment in more detail re: "...that they are useful training tools and should not necessarily be considered something you reach for when NEEDED." That sentence doesn't make sense. I read that as: "Muzzles are usefu…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • shishiinu....i work with our mwd's and in a similar way to your hunting dogs, they are trained for a specific purpose and not all are safe off muzzle in public places and around children. some are fine and they are the ones used for public demos, b…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • take a break and read "Mine" first...then come back here .... by the same author of Culture Clash and an easy read with many actual D/C drills you can use to desensitize and counter condition this serious problem that NEEDS to be addressed…
  • OG - object guard (not a term i would expect a pet owner to necessarily be familiar with; sorry) OC - operant conditioning - if u read many of my posts you would see i've defined that one :-) EC - eye contact D/C - desensitizing and counter conditio…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • For JennAB : 1. what types of temperament testing and evaluations do you perform when considering studs and bitches for breeding stock ? 2. which temperament testing methods do you use for the litters and how are pups socialized ?
  • breeding is something i know NOTHING about and is way too technical for my brain. with that said i know a lot of working dog breeders, breeding for protection work or ring sport competition. for these people it is ALL about temperament and has ver…
  • re: "What's the difference between resource guarding and protection? Nothing......" i'll assume you left out the smiley and this comment was a joke...if not state why you think it is the same, since there may be some people who will read …
  • looks like nobody has used this method, but if there are any members who do want to go into more detail about how to use these opportunities to increase your dog's focus, confidence and OB while they are out with you, plse send me a private EM
  • i also feed raw. i'm not a "crusader", but promote it even more now that purina seems to be carefully targeting the growing number of raw feeders with their carefully crafted link up in the therapy dog field. if they get enough bone i…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • that's why i D/C the way i steps..the dog moves by its own choice to put its head into the muzzle they WANT to stick their head in that muzzle !! re: "I didn't do anything special to get her used to it" that is precisely why she &…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • forgot to say....bad vets use operant conditioning too; either without realizing it or not caring,,,,and in the WRONG "direction" :-(( ... reinforcing exactly what you are trying to extinguish :-(((((((((
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • re: "what are you using them for?" i try and use equipment in a way that fits the situation and i've used them for many types of dogs...this example was to try and show how to properly condition a dog to a muzzle and make an attempt to how…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • for me they are great training aids and used a lot for many different types of dogs. i usually use jafcos since i can modify them easily - the cloth type are restrictive and come off - only applying them in duress situations like at the vet totally…
    in Muzzles Comment by hdrsmit May 2011
  • tjbart : thank you !! ... that's why i put THREE smileys in mine; all you got was hilarious from the shibamistress ¥(@_@)¥
  • tjbart - you need your own tv program !! how many times did you have to ask ? :-) if you ever get to kyushu sign me up for a class with you :-) and forget dogs ... the NAVY balugas need you NOW :-) my 02 yen... first altho i'm not into training …
  • temperament is to a large part the genetics of the dog at birth.....socialization will effect temperament either positively or negatively depending on how it is what degree depends on the skills of the owner and what it b…