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  • Very cool. Here's Jack: http://www.shikoku-pedigree.com/details.php?id=63594
  • @dragonfly lol they can be such little monsters can't they! I'll have to try the getting down to his level thing.
    in K Comment by twobirds April 2014
  • @Dragonfly how does Kiyoshi react to other dogs on leash? I ask because I also use the prong in a similar manner with my 1 y/o male. It's helped us make our walks teachable instead of being totally chaotic. He's making progress, but we're still f…
    in K Comment by twobirds April 2014
  • He looks huge in that first pic! lol how much does he weigh?
  • Kiyoshi sounds a lot like my Shikoku, Jack. He was ultra confident from day one, never afraid to play with bigger dogs, and was a very early leg humper. He also liked to pounce and nip other dogs in the butt (not hard at all, just playing). It wa…
  • Thanks for the advice everyone! A lot of things for me to think about. He was neutered about four weeks ago, so it could have definitely been a hormonal thing. Additionally, the road we were running on was busy...lots of cars, lots of bikers, oth…
  • Jeez, sorry for the wall of text. I tried my best to edit...
  • Holy crap, so cute! Makes me miss my Shikoku's early puppy days (but not really). Until he was about six months old I couldn't take him anywhere without being mobbed by people wanting to pet him/know about his breed.
    in K Comment by twobirds November 2013
  • Here are some new photos of little Jack. We just went to the vet yesterday and he weighs 22 lbs!!! He's growing so fast. The good news is, as he's been getting bigger, his ability to learn stuff has been growing exponentially. He's super smart! …
  • @poeticdragon -- I definitely didn't know. I inquired about the health of the parents and was told they were both in excellent condition. I should have asked explicitly about hips, but honestly I'm not an expert (first time buying from a breeder) an…
  • Yea. So like @ryananthony , I'm an owner of one of the pups and I'm pretty concerned because I am a natural worrier. I know very little about hip dysplasia in dogs. I was wondering if anyone can put into context the likelihood that my little Ja…
  • @Edgewood Great info! Thanks so much. We've been practicing and I can already see improvement. I saw a video (yours maybe?) of some Shikoku doing some impressive obedience work and it gave me hope. We had a great "walk" this morning w…
  • Oh jeez. Puppy kindergarten last night was tough. Jack wasn’t bad per say, he was just the least well behaved puppy in our group of six. He did really really well playing with the other puppies and with recall (I used a totally disgusting hot dog…
  • @koyuki haha I think it's safe to say that the lack of response means we have our hands full. I know I do anyways. I promise I'll post pics soon!
  • Ryan I'm so glad everything went well! I'm sitting at the ferry terminal now, probably about four hours from being at Katja's. @koyuki, Ryan's is Mr. Blue. Mine is Mr. Green and Ill also be taking Mr. White back with me to @Mikochan.
  • @koyuki Congrats! How exciting!
  • @koyuki I will be taking lots of photos while I'm up there and will be sure to get some of your little guy as well. Good luck choosing one of those handsome little guys and let us know when it happens! It's nice to have all of the siblings going t…
  • omg this week has been so long. the anticipation is killing me. A week from tomorrow I'll be starting the trip up to Courtenay. Crrrazy.
  • @Koyuki - I am officially picking up puppies for myself and @mikochan on May 25th. I think the plan is for Katja to send pictures when she gets back on the 21st and then for everyone to pick (you get first pick, if I remember correctly!). Does any…
  • @ryananthony I was hoping for Memorial Day (May 24-27) weekend since I'll have an extra day off of work to get settled. It's like a 9 hour drive to Courtenay from Portland. I'd take the ferry from Port Angeles probably. Ever taken that one? I to…
  • I know recommended literature has been brought up in several threads, but since we're talking about folks getting new Shikoku puppies, I was wondering if Shikoku owners have any specific reading material that helped them in raising their puppies and…
  • omg I just got that one yesterday. can you believe how adorbs they are? unreal. Katja has been calling them by their collar names i.e. Mr. Yellow and Mr. Purple
  • I've been out of town for a bit and just saw all of these updates. @edgewood thanks for the photos! Sachi is lovely! @MikoChan Are you getting one of the pups from the current litter between Kimi and Shogun? I seem to remember you live in Portla…
  • @Edgewood - thanks for all of the great info. Great to hear that Sachi turned out to be such a nice addition to your family and that both parents apparently have great temperaments as well. Does Sachi have a thread or any pictures up on the forum?…
  • @brada1878 you also have multiple shikoku, correct? What is your off leash experience, if any, with them?
  • Thanks for the sound advice, everyone. @rikumom - I managed to read that entire book on the plane Monday when I was heading east for the holidays. It had some great info. I tried out a few things with my parents' adult dogs and it worked well and …