How cold is it where you are?



  • edited November -1
    Upper 20's today.

    Last night we got about 5 inches of snow, and its supposed to snow all day. Could end up with at total of 10 inches by this evening. Then the temperature is going to drop and the winds are going to pick up. They are calling for 3-4 foot drifts on side roads and country roads.

    However the weather last night was perfect for a long walk. About 28º outside, snowing heavily with big soft flakes and no wind. We spent about an hour walking and playing. Nemo likes it when I kick snow at him, it riles him up and he runs crazy Shiba 500's in the snow.
  • edited November -1
    we are at about 30 right now - 31 is the high for today
    we are having snow flurries and lots of wind, so it looks worse than it is - however, most of it melts as it hits the ground :(
    Tomorrow we're supposed to hit the 40's, so anything that sticks will be gone anyways...
  • edited December 2008
    it was 12 degrees last night. 25 degrees now. However it is supposed to get up to 47 later and 58 tomorrow. Mother nature is schizophrenic in New England.
  • edited November -1
    I know Jess, I hate this confusing weather. Especially when my mom complains about the "Cold" in California. She thinks anything under 55 is freezing.
  • edited November -1
    I will take the warm spell though. Piglet refused to go more than 1/2 a mile last night (no complaints, even with longjohns I was freezing)
  • edited December 2008
    Miso will only poop on the beach which is always 10 degrees colder and much windier than anywhere I was freezing last night, in full tundra gear, saying "C'mon buddy, poop please, momma needs to get home!".

    ***Chris my husband usually walks the dogs and is from New England so he is more tolerant of the weather than this CA girl, but since he is away on business I had to take Miso out for his nightly poop and let me tell you, NO FUN!
  • edited November -1
    12 degrees is cold. Sunday was a high of 16, -2 when I woke up. We didn't get much walking in that day.
  • edited November -1
    Despite the issues in Atlanta, I'm very happy that we don't get that cold!
  • edited November -1 says we're at 47 but I don't believe it. I'm sweating like a pig...but then again, Spaz might have something to do with that lmao.
  • edited November -1
    12 C (53,6 F)right now. It was about 9 C(48,2 F) when I got out to walk Kuma this morning at 7.
  • edited December 2008
    Brandon: Do you every put a sweater or anything like that on Nemo when it gets really cold? Since Lucy has lost so much body mass she's been visibly cold even when its in the mid to upper 30s and I know there's colder weather around the corner. I'm thinking about trying to find her a fleece jacket are something like that.
  • edited November -1
    Dave - Nemo does not wear clothes, ever. Wearing "things" is far below his standard of acceptability. I tried to make him a pack dog once, he refused to move while it was on him, and he looked like he wanted to die. When I put a fleece coat on him once (my mom bought it) he flipped around and tried to rip it off, so I gave it to Whizzer who loves it. The only protection he has from the cold is Musher's Secret for his paws. He usually has a nice thick coat by the end of the winter. I'm not sure I've ever seen him shiver, only raise his paws off the ground.

    There are a lot of options for dog coats, I'm sure you can find a nice one for Lucy pretty easily.
  • edited November -1
    I tried putting a coat on Miko since she still hasn't fully grown back her coat post spay, and is still growing in her adult coat a bit. She reacted like I was setting her on fire. I bet Lucy would be lovely in a coat.
  • edited November -1
    Miso Loves clothes and will wear sweaters, coats, anything you put on him (except the damn santa hat I have been trying to get pictures in!).

    When I put Sake's coat on her for our walks she flops over and pulls the "ive lost all use of my limbs" routine. Once we get going she walks okay but every once in a while she will walk funny as if too say "this dumb jacket is imparing my leg movement!"
  • edited November -1
    Jazz will any kind of clothes (including a raincoat).
  • edited November -1
    its 66 degrees at 11am and i'm freezing! HA!
  • edited November -1
    21 degrees here in Omaha, 9 degrees with the wind chill. My yorkipoo hates the cold weather. I took Kiyoshi outside and lunch and he seems to love it. He was laying in the grass like it was 75 degrees outside. He'll be out there alone though.
  • edited November -1
    We got 15" of snow last night and the high today was 33. Tonight the low is 8, but the high tomorrow will be 50! Strange.
  • edited November -1
    Brad! I want snow spam before it all melts!

    I bet your bunch was stoked to get that much snow. :)

    It has warmed up here today, right now it is about 50 degrees and raining. But it is supposed to cool back down tomorrow.
  • edited November -1
    Please snow spam!! I want snow - even if it's in pictures! Our little dusting has left us with small patches of ice and nothing else...
  • edited November -1
    Yesterday afternoon at 4:30 when I walked Nemo it was 42º outside.

    This morning it was 0º and with the windchill it was -18º.

    Heidi - I blame Canada. Please only let the 20 degree air travel south, this subzero business is no good.
  • edited November -1
    New England has gone insane.

    On Saturday the high was 25 degrees

    Sunday the high was near 40

    Today it's supposed to be near 60

    But we are going to have a snow storm on Wednesday...
  • edited November -1
    Agh, it's -20 C right now (-4 F)! I am not built for this crazy cold weather!
  • edited November -1
    it is presently 57 F here in New England. WTF? Then down to the 30's Tuesday and Wednesday and back up to the 40's after that. Wonder why everyone I know is sick?....
  • edited November -1
    Well at least it's staying cold here. The highest temp in the seven day forecast is 29.
  • edited November -1
    Right there with you all:
    2 degrees currently (-8 with wind chill), 15 degrees yesterday, it was 64 degrees Saturday
    We're supposed to be up to 48 degrees by Friday
  • edited November -1
    Today the high is supposed to 60ºF with the low at 52º

    Here's our week:
    Monday Hi 60º Low 52º
    Tuesday Hi 68º Low 55º
    Wednesday Hi 70º Low 55º
    Thursday Hi 73º Low 57º
    Friday Hi 67º Low 54º
    Saturday Hi 67º Low 53º
    Sunday Hi 58º Low 32º - This is our next scheduled meetup, figures!
  • edited November -1
    Its 11:30am right now and it's 51 degree's and raining!
  • edited November -1
    LJ - I am going to come visit you on Thursday... :) And steal your warm weather.

    Although it is about 47 degrees here (and raining)... It is going to get colder as the week goes on (but still rain).
  • edited November -1
    I'd be more than happy to swap, but for this I must have snow on Christmas! I can only remember having one white christmas in my 35 years. I'd love to see one again without having to leave my state to do so.
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