How cold is it where you are?



  • edited November -1
    Right now it's 15... and freaking cold!!! It wouldn't be quite so bad, but we're getting 30mph wind with 50mph gusts... oh yeah - SO FUN to walk the picky pooper monster when you're getting wind burn and trying not to fall over!! Pictures coming as soon as they upload! :o)
  • edited November -1
    Cold enough to get the Devil to leave my house...
  • edited November -1
    (Devil as in Rachael's mom)
  • edited November -1
    It's 63 degrees here now! Weather a funny thing
  • edited November -1
    Ok, MN is going for the deep freeze tonight! I think its about -8 degrees F. right now, and going for -18 degrees F. tonight here in the Twin Cities... Watch out for record lows in the nation somewhere in Northern MN. --- usually at a town called Embarass, or perhaps International Falls (the inspiration for the famous Frostbite Falls in the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons).... Oooops, guess I am showing my age now to all you young folks out here! LOL
  • edited November -1
    -3 this morning. Burrr.

    Yesterday afternoon it was about 9 and sunny with some wind, but Nemo thought it was great out. Rolling on dead (frozen) mice, running around in the park, not wanting to go in. We were out for probably half an hour, and it was longer than I wanted to be out. However there was no sidewalk salt anywhere, so I think that is why he liked it so much.
  • edited November -1
    6 degrees, wind chill makes it -7 currently, and SNOW!! We got snow (that stays on the ground)! I am so excited, even if the drive to work (I work in a smaller town about 20 miles from where I live) was crummy.
  • edited November -1
    It's not very cold, usually around 2 or -2 degrees celcius but it is bloody humid :(
  • edited November -1
    The weather here has been crazy as well. All last week it was above freezing and raining. yesterday it started out at 9C in the morning and was -3C for our nightly constitutional. This morning was -14C with windchill and we're expecting about 20cm of snow.

    As for Remy, he seems to be fine outside. A few weekends ago I went up to the hanger I rent to winterize the engine on my ultralight. It was -3C and Remy spent about 4-5 hrs romping and laying around in the snow. He didn't want to get back in the car when we were leaving!
  • edited November -1
    Mike, is that a plane? You fly? SCARY. My worst fear is airplanes.
  • edited November -1
    Kristin - yup, it's a little 2-seater. It's an absolute blast to fly in the open air. It's tough to explain what it is, so here are a couple pics to give you an idea:

    This is my 'plane'
    Close up of my trike

    This is me coming in for a landing
    Me coming in for a landing

    And this is the little airport I fly from
    Teviotdale airport

    The first hundred feet or so are a little scary on the first flights, but after that it is absolutely amazing!!
  • edited November -1
    THose pictures scare the shit outta me. I hate flying more than anything. :P
  • edited November -1
    mike, that kicks ass!
  • edited November -1
    Sweet! I love little planes!
  • edited November -1
    They kept calling for snow yesterday, saying it would start at 6pm. By 9pm not a flake had fallen, I was starting to think that the weathermen had really blown this one. Well the snow came, and is still snowing. Started at midnight, by 5am when I walked Nemo there was probably 7 solid inches on the ground, and it was only snowing harder at 6:15 when I went out to shovel out my car and brush it off. It was snowing so hard the wipers could hardly keep the snow off my windsheild.

    My 4 minute drive to work took 12 instead. I was one of the first people here. Apparently we should have a foot by this afternoon when it stops. Nemo was so happy to dance in the fresh powder.

    This afternoon it is supposed to get up to 28! Tropical heatwave!

    Four more in inches of snow tomorrow night.

    High of 9 on Sunday, high of like 3 on monday. Winter is not messing around.
  • edited November -1
    Boston area is planning on starting around lunchtime with the snow and we should have a solid 8-12" by tonight. The pups are gonna have a ball.
  • edited November -1
    Sake will get lost. You will have to put a red flag on her like the scuba divers use.
  • edited November -1
    HA HA Brandon! I said to my husband this morning we have to be careful with Sake because she is camoflauge! I might do the red flag, just for you...don't worry, there will be pictures.
  • edited November -1
    Awww. Everyone is getting snow but me. :(

    It has been raining for the past 5 days. And it is supposed to rain through the weekend, ending with some freezing mix Sunday night.

    Grrr. I miss the sun.
    And so does Bella, who did not even find it worth her while to get out of bed this morning.
  • edited November -1
    You guys think you have it bad, we've got a high of 68 today. :'-(
  • edited November -1
    update from twin cities

    It has snowed 15 days of last 20 days in Decemeber so for. Temps are high of 10F if we are lucky. evening,night temps are always below 0F with windchill. We had few days of -10 -20F windchill days but we survived!

    Since I am a first time dog owner and This is Frost's first real winter, I am extra cautious as to how much time we are outside. Brandon's rule of thumb helps. and Frost let us know very quickly by raising paws alternately whe it is bone chilling cold. We dont get lot of walk or playtime in the backyard then. However I always try to go for walk for atleast 15 minutes in the morning(even when it is 0F outside). What I found is that, Frost is more comfortable walking on sidewalks since those are cleared of snow. His feet dont get cold compared to playing in the heap of snow in the backyard.

    We are expecting another blast of snow / windchill next 2 days. But hey it is Decmeber end ..and March cannot be far away. (that is how I survive the winter)

  • edited November -1
    10 to 12 inches here today with snow drifts commonly reaching 2 feet up near Flint. My boss sent me home because we have 5 appointments total today. The dogs are going bonkers in the powery fluffy snow and I'm curling up on the couch with a movie!
  • edited February 2009
    it was warm here for about 4 days (high 40's, one day of 60's) and now this week is back to mid-30's, which isn't all that bad. But we are set for a snow/freezing rain storm tonight!

    My knee would have thanked me if I had found this a few weeks ago when all we had was ice ice ice everywhere:
  • edited November -1
    Two weeks ago we had a record breaking 70+ degree day, and the next morning there was snow on the ground. Since then, we have been back and forth between record breaking warmth to temps in the 30's and rain or light snow.
  • edited November -1
    uggh. Freezing rain/snow tonight? The snow from out last episode just melted ... D: I hate walking when it is icy.
  • edited November -1
    It was freezing about a week ago, dropped down to 25 degrees! Now, [ at night ] it's about 68, hitting the 90s in the day time. ~
  • edited November -1
    snowing again.

    I want to cry.
  • edited November -1
    60s tomorrow!!! Everyone in the snow is TOTALLY invited to come hang with us at the doggy park :oD
  • edited November -1
    UGH!!! Evan, If I'm ever in your area I don't care HOW deep the snow is I am SO going to come visit my twin!!! ~
  • edited November -1
    YAY Osy!!!!!!!! I think that just made my night :o)
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