Ryu and Roxy Adventures (New Spam 8/18)

edited January 2009 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
This thread is dedicated to the wonderful Shiba-ness that has doubled in our household with the addition of Roxy. I am now well aware that Chloe was an atypical Shiba and therefore did nothing to prepare us for a 2-Shiba family. Roxy is PURE puppy Shiba and Ryu's dream come true. I am beginning to feel like a brand-new owner with this heightened level of Shiba-tude!!!!

Ryu and Roxy's first full-on play session. Tim felt the need to step in and calm Ryu down but as the days went on, we realized that Roxy could hold her own.

Ryu and Roxy on Christmas

A *quiet* play session - the first and the last of its kind

The more typical play session - Roxy being more vocal

We made a detour and took the kids on their inaugural trip to Clemson!

More play (please disregard the Blue Collar Comedy in the background)

Coming back home!

Ryu cleaning Roxy's teeth (much to her dismay)

Things I have learned:

1) Ryu can play non-stop. All day if I let him. He NEVER gets tired!
2) I think its hilarious that Roxy will bare her little puppy teeth and Ryu will back off. They're a quarter of an inch long for goodness sakes! lol
3) Ryu is Roxy's advocate. Ryu will bark at the door in the middle of the night to be let out. Mind you, Ryu has NEVER barked in the middle of the night - even at 8 weeks old!! So, I let them both out thinking "If Ryu has to go, Roxy must really have to go." As soon as I let them out, Roxy goes potty and Ryu just watches. As soon as she's done, he walks back to the door to go inside!

That's all for now! I have to go pull Ryu off of Roxy now.


  • edited November -1
    Awesome videos, love the teeth cleaning.
  • edited November -1
    aww! That is so sweet of Ryu. What a wonderful big brother.
  • edited November -1
    Awww, they are pretty damn cute together! She looks like she's taken to Ryu really well. And man she is super cute. :-)

    Ryu advocating for Roxy is just too funny too. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Ryu being Roxy's advocate is totally cute!!!

    They are awesome together. So Sweet.
  • edited November -1
    I think Ryu just has a great personality! He would probably get along with any dog.
  • edited November -1
    So cute to see Ryu playing - so different from the little man on Saturday.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I was really bummed that you couldn't see the real Ryu - the poor guy just had enough by then. He was super overwhelmed and stressed from all the traveling. I feel so bad that I've canceled all travel plans for 2009! lol

    And I have to agree - he has the BEST personality! :) I love him so much.

    They are really cute together but some nights, I lie in bed amidst snarling and wrestling and being walked on by 8 paws and think...."I wonder if Lauren would trade Chloe for Roxy....." LOL
  • edited November -1
    lol! Ryu the advocate! That is too funny!

    I'm so glad they are getting along so well - they make a great team!

    How is Chloe doing?
  • edited November -1
    It great that they get along well. They're really cute together!

    The fact that Ryu advocates for Roxy is really funny!
  • edited November -1
    You know... I thought I was crazy... Bella does that for Nola. Nola does not bark. Ever. And Bella will bark when Nola needs to go out, if we do not catch the scratch at the door. It is pretty cute.

    And Ryu and Roxy are so perfect together!
    And about #2 on your list of things learned... Puppy teeth are SHARP!!! :-P
  • edited November -1
    Being walked on can be painful. Fortunately, these dogs are tiny. Pong does this to me at night all the time. "But mom, you're my stepping stool!"
  • edited November -1
    I am so upset with you two....How could you take them to the scary place called Clemson....so sad....you know y ou could have easily drove 1.5 hours east on I-26 to a wonderful place called USC....the real USC...
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Nope! We eat our Chickens here!!! ;D now, USC, THAT is a scary place!!!
  • edited November -1
    You know that saying......southern by birth.....Gamecock by the grace of God..........only I was born in the north...but it sounds good
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Well, we had a busy day today! Ryu and Roxy had their vet appointments today.

    Ryu got his annual shots, re-micro-chipped (with Home Again this time) and had his right ear checked out. We thought he had an ear infection with the way he kept trying to scratch it. But the vet examined and his ear is as healthy/clean as can be. We're kind of at a loss about his strange behavior but if it isn't any better by Friday, I'm taking him back for a follow-up. He was a CHAMP today! He didn't flinch for the two shots and only yelped once with the microchip. He did SUPER!

    Roxy got some de-wormer for her tapeworm and had her ears cleaned. Apparently, she had ear mites in the past because the vet found a dead mite on the swab. We're thinking that she was treated for the mites and it was just the residue. She is getting spayed on Monday so they will check again to make sure there aren't any live ones. During her ear cleaning, she was squirming and crying the entire time. And Ryu started barking every time she cried!It was sad but funny at the same time.

    Another positive - Ryu and Roxy were both showing off their B&G gear and the vet wants me to sell some products in their office! My first wholesale order!

    Tonight is the first entire night that Roxy will spend in her crate. Wish us luck!
  • edited November -1
    Glad the vet visits went well. :-)

    Good luck with the crate tonight!
  • edited November -1
    Ok, this is the THIRD time I have tried to comment & the forum keeps eating my post!! Grrr. >:|

    Anyway, glad the vet checkup went so well! Much love to Roxy for when she goes in for her spay <3

    Ryu is like Roxy's Nanny :)

    & Pam, update your sig to include Roxy! ;) ~
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    oops! Thanks Osy! :)
  • edited November -1
    Great thing that the vet visit was so peaceful!
    I hope everything went well with crating Roxy.

    -Ah, Osy, the sig police :-P-
  • edited November -1
    Yay for good vet visits! And a chance to expand the B&G collection (beyond my obsessive buying :P) I still have my list of things to order once the store opens...watch out!

    Im glad Ryu loves Roxy so much. It's adorable. I love shiba love.
  • edited November -1
    Glad the vet visit went fairly well. And I hope Roxy's spay goes just as great! :)

    So when does B&G officially open???
  • edited January 2009
    Well, since it's official she's staying, Ryu & Roxy need equal love & attention Rui! ;) ~
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Sorry Jen! I forgot to answer your question about Chloe! Honestly, I don't know. We've been so busy with traveling that I haven't checked in with her. But since I haven't heard anything, I'm assuming things are well! :)

    Alrighty, my first "two-dog-household" question!

    Whenever Roxy finds a toy (anything really, could be a tissue on the floor) Ryu will take it from her. She won't fight back, won't even growl, and just usually lies down or walks away to find something else to play with. But here's the weird part, Ryu will then run to her and drop the toy right in front of her. The exact same way he drops his ball in front of our feet wanting us to play catch. Does he want her to play tug with him or something?
  • edited November -1
    He is looking for some sister play time! Miso does that too, but now Sake has learned to chase him after he takes it and that is what he really wants, to be chased into a Shiba 500 around the house!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    ahh... I bet that's what Ryu wants too! He LOVES to be chased!
  • edited November -1
    Yup, Miso loves a good chase too and now that he has Sake to chase him and not just me he tortures her into Shiba 500's ALL the time.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I just feel bad because she always gets things taken away from her! She's not brave enough to take it back from him but c'mon... he steals everything! I'm reading that book "MINE!" right now but any advice?
  • edited November -1
    Ours only lasted about 5 seconds before Sake gave chase and then she figured out what Miso wanted so I can't really help. :( We didn't teach or train any of it.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    haha LUCKY! :D
  • edited January 2009
    He just wants to play and be chased!!!

    Niko and Guinness do that all day long!!!!

    Niko takes stuff from Guinness and hides behind the couch with it, because he knows Guinness hasn't figured out that he can get be hind the couch too!!!

    But its funny because either one can be laying down relaxing on the floor or on me, and who ever isn't relaxing starts making these ridiculious noises to get the other to come play, and it starts all over again, when the shiba 500 starts at our house there are two different tracks because Guinness doesn't know he can get behind the couch and run too haha!!!
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