Ryu and Roxy Adventures (New Spam 8/18)



  • edited November -1
    That's cute! :-)

    Kuma is sleeping on the sofa, even after the howling, hehehe
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    I've been kinda obsessed with the puppies this week :) Last weekend, I took a 2-day trip up to Kansas City (I was only gone for one night!) and when I came back, I felt like I missed a week of my puppies! So, they've had to endure lots of snuggles and kisses from mom this week. Poor guys :)


    Ryu is becoming such a big brother. I always thought he was so crazy but he is really mellow! All he wants to do is cuddle and maybe partake in a game of fetch once in awhile. Other than that, he is content just to sleep on the couch with you.

    Roxy is..... CRAZY. Wow. She's a firecracker. She wakes up every morning at 7 with all the energy in the world! As soon as her crate door opens, she's out like a rocket, doing Shiba 500s every morning and attacking Ryu. Poor guy. He just wants to lick me and Roxy is pouncing all over him. She is in a major chewing phase now - just this morning, I found a pair of shoes that bit the dust thanks to the little devil. She is *starting* to smell a little better. I can kiss her muzzle without gagging now :) She is becoming more and more comfortable with our roommates now! We went from her running to my office or bedroom whenever they came home to now laying on Joanna's lap. As long as they don't make any sudden movements or try to grab her, she will comfortably sleep in their presence. I'm so proud!

    I haven't taken much spam lately but here are a few:

    My handsome boy:

    I put this chair in front of the window so the puppies can look out but then Tim build a desk for the corner and stole the chair. Roxy still claims it.

    Ryu and our roommate Greg

    A gift from Roxy:

    Teamwork! Roxy likes to chew on the seams and Ryu likes to pull the stuffing out. Roxy opened the seam and then moved on to another corner while Ryu pulled the stuffing out. They rotated sides twice. LOL

    Today is a beautiful sunny day at 58F so I think we're going for a hike!
  • edited November -1
    That pillow got a good laugh out of me. Roxy sitting behind Tim on the chair is cute.

    Is there anyone that Ryu doesn't like?
  • edited November -1
    Love the teamwork they have going on. Reminds me a bit of Bella and Nola. Nola chews the hole, while Bella de-fluffs. :)

    Hope you have a great hike! It was 12 degrees when I woke up this morning, so I am a bit jealous. :-P
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Nope. He's a lover. Always has been. I think a lot of it came from where we lived in Hawaii. Every day from the day we brought him home, he met at least 2-3 new people. We lived on a golf course (in a resort so the main clientele were tourists) and our walking route went right by a hole that was always backed up with lines of golf carts. Throw in a cute Shiba puppy and everybody always came to pet him. He has never had a fear of strangers since :)
  • edited November -1
    they look wonderful, Pam! And I do NOT miss that phase with Tsuki! phew! I'm so glad she's out of the 'puppy demons' now, lol!
    Love the pillow, btw :)
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Agh. Remember when I said that we wouldn't get another puppy after Ryu? That is exactly why :D But we love her so we're done for.

    And I thought Ryu was out of the chewing phase until I found his jaws wrapped around my (now useless) Coach bag. (AUGH!!!)
  • edited November -1
    He took out a Coach bag? Yikes. I'll always be happy that my wife loves knock off purses. That is awesome that he likes people so much though, that will help Roxy. I wish Nemo loved people like that. Last night we had some folks over, and Whizzer was there too (we have had him for 10 days). Nemo was braver when he saw Whizzer going up to everyone for loving. It helped that Nemo really likes 3 of the people that were there.

    Every now and then Nemo will still decide to chew something up, and he's almost six. I don't think he will ever be able to resist pens.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    haha. ahh. pens. a delicacy in our house. And my underwear. :/

    I think it's so cute that Nemo and Whizzer are best buds. Are we going to get some spam?! :) That's awesome that he brings out some bravery in Nemo. I will have to say that the fear is the hardest part of having Roxy. My heart just breaks when I see how stressed out she gets.

    What can I say? Ryu has expensive taste. First, the Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses, now the Coach bag, pretty soon he'll move up to the camera stuff if we're not careful. :D
  • edited November -1
    Awww, Pam they look great. It always makes me laugh when I read updates about your kids because it's always exactly what I would say in an update about Miso and Sake! LOL. Glad they are doing well.
  • edited November -1
    Moto was known as the great destroyer...
    3 pairs of designer prescription glasses (Kate Spade, Vera Wang, and Norma Kamali)
    An antique mahogany leather top coffee table with matching side tables
    A cashmere wrap
    Two cashmere sweaters
    Some Agent Provocateur lingerie (ladies will know how expensive that stuff is)
    Pair of Frye boots,
    Pair of Manolo Blahnik pumps
    this is just off the top of my head, I could go on
    this is also just my stuff,
    Jay has his own list which includes music and recording equipment
  • edited November -1
    Those two as snow bunnies in the videos were great!
  • edited November -1
    Jess wins.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Wow. Yes, you win Jess :)

    Just those Manolo Blahniks are worth more than all Ryu has destroyed! :)
  • edited November -1
    That list makes me glad I don't own expensive things, or have an interest in getting a puppy.

    There should be a couple of pictures of Whiz and Nemo that I can post. I haven't taken a lot of them though, I've been busy and was gone for a few days.
  • edited November -1
    I'll refrain from commenting for fear of jinxing myself. :-P

    I will say GREAT SPAM! I love Roxy hanging out on the chair with Tim. Quintessential Shiba if you ask me. :-)
  • edited November -1
    I love how Roxy has the majority of the chair.
  • edited November -1
    LOL. LJ - I noticed that too. Makes me glad Nola does not jump on the furniture. And the only chair in our house that meets Princess Bella's standards is the chair in my office. And there are two chairs in there... One for me, one for her!
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    Yea, they pretty much run all over us. We set boundaries but we're very lenient. They're allowed on all the furniture, including our bed. :)

    We just got back from our trail walk. It got up to 73 degrees!! It was a gorgeous day and the pups loved the trail. It's only 2.2 miles but boy, are we tired!!! We are very, very out of shape :D
  • edited November -1
    love the pic of roxy staring out, my shibas do that a good 20mins a day at least.

    my shibas love destroying toys too, they like to pull out the stuffing and if theres a squeaky thing in there, it will be out within a few mins.
    but koda my lab will prob be the ultimate destroyer in the hse.
    heres a idea of wat hes gone thr..

    10pairs of mamas shoes (he gets in the shoe cabinet if its not shut tight)
    1 couch
    1 vacuum cleaner
    all my kitchen drawer knobs
    1 gardening hose
    many dry walls
    and the list goes on
  • edited November -1
    Okay, I had to...

    On the 12th day of Christmas my Shiba destroyed for me....

    12 pairs of shoes
    11 table runners
    10 kitchen knobs
    9 hair brushes
    8 pillow cases
    7 vacuum cleaners
    6 pairs of undies
    5 curtain pulls.....
    4 couch cushions
    3 leather belts
    2 pairs of gloves
    And One Kiss Made it ALL up to MEEEEEEEE!!!!
  • edited November -1
    LOL Very nice Kristin!!
  • edited November -1
    Oh God I forgot about my couch cushions (4)
    5 Curtains
    Mason Pearson Hairbrush
    My Mother In Laws Eye Glasses
    An impressive hole in my homes original hardwoods
    Rug Steamer
    Endless tupperware
    My fathers (RIP)college chairs
    A bowl my mother (RIP) made for me, and he ATE the inscription on the bottom

    And I am with Kristin, I would trade it all twice to get Moto back...
  • edited November -1
    Kuma hasn't totally destroyed anything yet. But he took out part of my front door and seriously mangled the remote of the cable box.

    Roxy "sharing" the chair with Tim is hilarious.
  • edited November -1
    Piglet destroyed her first thing ever Friday. She demolished our remote control. To the point that the cable guy said he was kind of impressed.
  • RyuRyu
    edited November -1
    HAHA you guys are hilarious. You'd think we'd learn not to buy any expensive things :)

    Guarding toys is exhausting!

    And finally, some trail spam. I had horrible lighting and couldn't get very nice pics. Having two adventure-hungry Shibas attached to your waist makes for some very blurry pics!!

  • edited November -1
    Roxy is so precious (Ruy too, but you know I have a soft spot for B&T's)
  • edited November -1
    Cool hiking spam!
    And Roxy is so cute wrapped up in her toys!

    (Jess - yes, I'm precious too...LOL)
  • edited November -1
    Roxy looks so sweet wrapped up in her rope bones. :)

    Looks like they had tons of leaves to play in!
  • edited November -1
    Rui, I am not going to edit that either, you ARE precious. Although I would much rather snuggle with Roxy or Ryu. No offense.
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