The thread of Kuma, the Akita - Kuma and Nyx turned 3 today!!



  • edited November -1
    Kuma lost his first fang yesterday. The bottom right one. Don't have any pics with me (I'm at work) and the ones I have don't show anything much, but the poor son of a bitch (pun intended) was waking around with the tooth hanging until it came lose and he swallowed it. So far, it was the tooth that bled the most, all the others almost didn't bleed, with this one he managed to get a blood stain on a front leg when he nibbled it.
  • edited November -1
    Ouch! I'll never forget when I saw a Jake tooth dangling, always knowing dogs had baby teeth, but never putting it together and thinking he's losing his teeth, what's wrong with him. Not sure if he swallowed it, but it was still too connected for me to pull it. His big teeth came in beautifully.
  • edited November -1
    Way to go Kuma! Just one more step on your path to adulthood. :-)

    He's a bit ahead of Joey tooth wise. Joey just finished getting his front teeth in. I think we've still got a few weeks before the fangs change.
  • edited November -1
    If he changes at the same speed than Kuma did, you have a good 3 weeks to the fangs. Last Friday, Kuma was spitting out molars :-)
    That I've noticed, he's changed 17 teeth so far.
  • edited November -1
    Congrats to Kuma - how old is he now?

    Does Kuma "WooooWooo!" at you guys? Hilo does, and its my favorite!

  • edited November -1
    He's going to be 5 months next the day after tomorrow.
    This morning he spit out another tooth while playing with Nyx.18 and counting!! The ones I manage to catch, I save in a aluminium foil "envelope" i made :-)

    Kuma hasn't "WooWoo"ed so far.Let's see if he grows into it. He's generally very quiet, unless he's chasing Nyx (or trying to,cause we stop him) or there's someone at the door or so. Then he barks. He also barks if he thinks I've been mixing the tuna in the kibble for too long, hehe.
  • edited November -1
    Come to think about it, I don't think Hilo started "WoooWooo"ing till he was a year old or so. :o\

    We will see! I hope he does, you will love it!

  • edited November -1
    Mika was Woo Wooing pretty early. I'd say 6 months.
  • edited November -1
    Kuma should be almost finished with his teething. A few days ago his last canine tooth came out, making it 21 or 22 teeth that I noticed the change, either by finding them on the floor or by noticing them missing in his mouth. Plus some I surely didn't notice, it should be pretty much over. I was worried for few days, because his upper canines were already out and the baby ones wouldn't fall and seemed rock solid in their place. We got to play a bit rougher with the rope toys to see if they would loosen up, and they finally popped out on Monday.
    So now comes the teens...(enter scary music :-P )

    I manage to get and save that last canine!!! So I have an incisor, a canine, a large pre-molar,a pre-molar, and 3 molars, I think.
  • edited November -1
    Hehe, the only two teeth I have from Joey are those that feel out during his neuter surgery on Wednesday and the tech was nice enough to save for me. I have no clue what happened to the rest. :-/
  • edited November -1
    what are you going to do with the teeth?!
  • edited November -1
    Don't know.
    My mom had the first tooth I lost with a gold thingy to hang of a necklace. I wonder if I should do the same... (joke)
  • edited November -1
    See, I was going to say "are you going to make them into a necklace for miss phoenix" but thought you'd get mad..
    I can't really make fun, my mom kept my baby button. and baby hair. ew.
    maybe you can adorn Kuma's collar with them... :P
  • edited November -1
    If you have a scrapbook of Kuma, you could put them in it.
  • edited June 2008
    Haven't spammed you guys in a while, so here's Kuma playing with his new dog pyramid.



    These were taken an hour ago or so, it was just the time to edit and upload :-)
  • edited November -1
    He's looking so grown up! He's really handsome!

    His feet are humongous!

    It seems he really likes that toy, let me know how it goes, if it works out and lasts a while we may need to get one of those.

  • edited November -1
    He's so big! It doesn't seem like it's been that long since he was (relatively) teeny!
  • edited November -1
    Holy crap dude, he's gigantic. And really handsome too! He seems to be enjoying that toy a lot. :-)
  • edited November -1
    JEEBUS! Kuma is huge! He is such a cutie too! A huge ball of fluff! Too cute!
  • edited November -1
    Thanks guys! He's liking it, and he finally learned that biting it isn't the solution. He got it that he has to kick the living daylights out of it!
    About the ball of fluff, the pile of fur we took out of him today was bigger than Nyx :-)

    And I somehow missed LJ's suggestion. I don't have a scrapbook for him, this thread kind of is his scrapbook.
  • edited November -1
    I scrapbook everything - really. Jazz has her own book, but the events make it into my personal scrapbbok as well. I've got books from Vegas, Chile, Grand Canyon, Disneyworld. I even did one about my mom's death - I put all the cards that we received while she was sick and then after she died, memory cards that people filled out at her memorial service - stuff like that. My nieces and nephews want to know who gets all the scrapbooks after I die - I'm kind of the family photog - if I was there, I've got photos.
  • edited November -1
    when did he grow so much?!?!? I love him!
  • edited November -1
    About the size, it's that old funny thing. We don't even realize he's bigger until we start comparing photos or thinking about his weight.
    Last time I weighed him, he was 21,4 Kg (about 47lbs) and that was the Friday 19th. Next week I'll probably go to the vet to buy him a Scalibor collar to prevent the Leishmaniosis mosquito, and we'll weigh him again. Since he hasn't been eating much lately I don't know if he'll gain much weight, but the lack of appetite might be a growth spurt or something.
  • edited November -1
    Dude, 47 pounds? Holy crap. You aren't going to be able to carry him down the stairs too much longer. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    He is getting big and looking good.

    I need to pick up one of those toys.
  • edited November -1
    It's a good thing it's only 4 steps! That means it's not as much stress on his joints (because he goes on his own twice a day) and less times I have to lift him up (which I still do). He does go up the stairs on his own, he's done it for a while now. And I even let him do the way form the front door of the building to the lift and home on his own, no leash holding. I bet he feels important, LOL.
    But he is getting heavier and it's not easy as it was, and he's really strong.It's a good thing he's calm and relaxed.
  • edited November -1
    He is so big and Beautiful!!! I love love love Japanese Akitas.

    I promised myself only rescue dogs though.

    So Brad...I know you and Jen will be the most selective breeder ever, but if ever one of your Akitas needs to be rehomed in say...New England, let me know ;)
  • edited November -1
    lol... ok Jessica, I have you on the rescue list. :o)
  • edited November -1
    careful what you wish for right? Now I am trying to place an Akita puppy...
  • edited November -1
    Today we tried taking Nyx along for a short walk...


    She was both curious and insecure and it was cute to see Kuma trying to reassure her, it seemed (we're probably humanizing it too much).
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