Latest Toby Update ( new pictures 9/13 )

edited April 2008 in Shiba Inu (柴犬)
Toby visited the vet today and got his final puppy shots, including his rabies, distemper, ect. :) He turned 4 months old this past monday! Hes really getting big now.

He weighed in at 16 lbs on the scale at the vet's office. I was kinda shocked. xD I think hes going to be a big shiba! Since its ironic; his mother was very, very small.

And I wanted to say, hes been doing a lot better lately as far as attitude/biting is concerned. He hasn't thrown a fit in a good week or so, and hes really started to obey more now. I take him for longer walks, and he really enjoys it a lot. We're supposed to have a nice weekend here, I was thinking of taking him to the local park just to get a feel for it. :)



  • edited November -1




    Sorry, the images didn't show up, here they are! :) 

  • edited November -1

    I love the first picture.  It looks like he is thinking,"I know something that you don't know and I ain't telling".

  • edited November -1
    I love that first shot too
  • edited November -1
    That's great to hear that all went well at the vet. Lucy loves walks in the park, I'm counting down the days until Joey is ready to come with us! Thanks for the pictures, he does look like a big boy.
  • edited November -1

    his facial features are adorable! and interesting!

    bravo on toby - he seems like a little love!

  • edited November -1

    I really like Toby, he is so handsome. He is a very unique Shiba, almost has a more Shikoku look. I love him!

    Thanx for the update, the other day I was wondering how the two of you were doing. :c)

  • edited November -1
    Toby is so cute!  I think Toby is on the right track regarding weight.  Ninja was the same weight at that age.  He was gaining 2 lbs. per week!  At 6 1/2 months he was at 20 lbs.  I haven't weighed him since, but he doesn't seem to be much bigger, I think he's maybe 22 lbs now at 8 months.  Thanks for the update and pics.  He really is a handsome little guy!
  • edited November -1
    Well, great news, I guess. :) Toby graduated from his puppy class at Petco today. <3 He did almost all the commands correctly, just need to work on the leave it. And he did his trick, too. I got him to roll over. :D
  • edited November -1
    Congrats! You should be very proud of him. :-)
  • edited November -1
    Leave it for a shiba....about 30% accuracy may be perfection....hehehe
  • edited November -1





    Heres a few more pictures I took today. :O He just keeps getting darker and darker.  

  • edited November -1
    Darker and darker yes, but also bigger and bigger! That looks like an intact plush toy? Are my eyes deceiving me? He must not be a real Shiba. ;-)
  • edited November -1
    I adore Toby's mask.
  • edited November -1
    thats what i was thinking, Dave!! We have none of those left at my
    house!! In fact, we have a 'fluff' bag were we are going to recycle it
    and reform it into a sock or something. yay.
  • edited November -1
    he truly has 'puppy dog eyes'
  • edited November -1
    haha. xD Yeah, a brand new toy. Broke the squeaker in 30 minutes. ;) his other dino got torn apart and the stuffing removed.
  • edited November -1
    I <3 Toby
  • edited November -1
    Super cute. Lots of personality.
  • edited November -1
    Today Toby went to the dog park for his first time! He was really nice to all the other dogs, and he had really great call back. I think he got distracted a few times and chased the other dogs instead, but besides that, he was pretty good. Aside from the little girl that was pretty much teasing Toby and bothering him while he was laying down, I think it was a great new thing for him. There was 20 or so dogs there, and theres two sections, so he was in with the little dogs. I'll probably take him again later this week. :)
  • edited November -1
    That's great! Joey will be getting his first dog park experience in a few days. I hope he does as well as Toby!
  • edited November -1
    Sadly its raining today, so I can't take him to the doggy park to play. D: But, I will upload some new photos later today, possibly. I have some from our camping trip over the weekend. I forgot to mention it! We went camping and Toby came along. :) He was pretty good there, but he didn't like the leaves and didn't go potty or poo for more a day, so my sister and I had to leave earlier than we planned. He had an upset tummy when we got home.
  • edited November -1
    Heres pictures of him over the weekend riding in the car in his seatbelt. Except he really doesn't sit up in it like hes supposed to; he lays down and messes up the whole system. A few minutes later, the seatbelt was tangled in his hindlegs and around his butt and he was trying to look out the rear window.

  • edited November -1
    Awww. Poor little guy. I give lucy and Joey a bunch more slack in their seatbelts and they seem to manage to avoid getting tangled. Lucy likes to stand with her front paws on the center console so if anything, Joey will get tangled in her seatbelt leash when he goes from side to side in the back.
  • edited November -1
    Well, when I sat with him, he was totally fine. xD He just somewhat freaked out when no one was sitting in the back with him. Besides that, when he sits in the front with me while I drive, he just sits and is very good. :)
  • edited November -1

    i think he is going to be a gorgeous sesame shiba! his coloring reminds me a lot of my Kitsune prior to his first stress induced coat blowing, then he had more red than black, but then got some black back over a few weeks.

    Toby is so cute in those pics!! Tangled or not - still cute!

  • edited November -1
    I've been taking Toby to the dog park a lot this week. :) He loves it soo much. I let him take on the big guys today, since there wasn't any little dogs in the small dog section, so he got to meet all the large breeds. They were all very nice to him, and they didn't scare him at all. I'm incredibly thrilled that he is well socialized from his puppy class that he is so willing to greet other dogs. It makes me soo very happy! :D He was playing fetch with some goldens and some other huge, huge dogs. They were Mastiff-sized, Longhaired dogs. Beautiful, though.

    Tomorrow Toby will visit the dog park again, twice. Today I took him when I got home, and after dinner. It really tires him out, and it makes him less nippy/antsy at night. Seems to be working out great.
  • edited November -1
    A tired dog is a good dog.  I'm sure Toby is loving all of that park time.
  • edited November -1
    Heres some photos from the dog park, today. :)

  • edited November -1
    I love the coloring on his forehead!  That is a beautiful dog park- all that great lawn.
  • edited November -1
    Very nice! That does look like a great dog park. Looks like he had loads of fun too!
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